GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

Guys, you are living in a 1940 Frank Capra movie. There are virtually no more family farms in the Midwest. They are now cooperate farms owned by the wealthy. In my corner of Arizona, Warren Buffett has bought up huge chucks of land and is growing pecan trees on it. The farm subsides are going to these giant farm corporations, and we are paying for it.
No wonder such a push for more illegals to be given a free pass.

Sorry, guy, but farming for the most part is no longer a labor intensive business. For example, the pecan grove near me is almost as large as some AZ counties, and is worked by about 25 people, and a lot of very expensive machines, which would never be entrusted to a Mexican peasant.
Guys, you are living in a 1940 Frank Capra movie. There are virtually no more family farms in the Midwest. They are now cooperate farms owned by the wealthy. In my corner of Arizona, Warren Buffett has bought up huge chucks of land and is growing pecan trees on it. The farm subsides are going to these giant farm corporations, and we are paying for it.
No wonder such a push for more illegals to be given a free pass.

Sorry, guy, but farming for the most part is no longer a labor intensive business. For example, the pecan grove near me is almost as large as some AZ counties, and is worked by about 25 people, and a lot of very expensive machines, which would never be entrusted to a Mexican peasant.
Wrong, they work in farm operations, slaughter houses and processing plants too. Hell, even the bridge contractors who are unconscionable when it comes to making an extra buck in their own pockets hire illegals.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

Granted. In case you thought there is anything qualitatively new about it, I fear you'd be mistaken.

Recently,, a national transparency nonprofit organization, released its full oversight report on the federal farm subsidy program, detailing just where the $13.2 billion in fiscal year 2017 subsidy payments flowed.

“The farm subsidy program was never intended to be welfare for the wealthy,” OpenTheBooks Founder Adam Andrzejewski said. “These subsidies have become so lucrative that wealthy investors, large corporations, and farm-estate heirs use taxpayer money to maximize their own return on investment.”

Through the federal farm subsidy program, rich farmers are getting richer. Last year, nearly 400 entities including farmers, corporations, and agri-businesses received between $1 million and $9.9 million each in farm subsidies.

Since 2008, more than $11 billion in farm subsidies flowed to just 6,618 recipients who reaped at least $1 million each. Farm subsidies are intended to alleviate farmer poverty, but most of these subsidies go to commercial farms who don’t need taxpayer help to stay afloat.

Even billionaire businessman Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves NBA team and No. 350 on the Forbes 400 list, received $116,502 in farm subsidy payments last year. Does Taylor need taxpayer funding to run his egg-and-dairy farm in Iowa?

Top farm subsidy recipients are hoarding the payments. Since 2008, the top 10 recipients each received an average of $18.2 million. The median household income in America is $60,000. That means these rich farmers received more than 30 times the average yearly income of U.S. families.​

A comfy, well protected place for the haves, and the cold outside for the rest, has always - at least since Reagan - been the aim of American-style socialism, while suicide rates for small, struggling farmers go through the roof.

Our righty friends are completely fine with that kind of socialism, provided hardly a dime goes to those who might occasionally have dirt under their fingernails.

We have some neighbor's that never took a loan or a subsidy on the 400 acres they own. They wouldn't even buy adjacent land that had been in subsidy programs for fear of having the government having a say on any land they own. Best people and farmers I know of. They keep a small herd of cattle (each one of the heifers has its own name) and a few chickens, raise the garden every year, home schooled their children who are now adults. They quit raising crops years ago because of the subsidy racket and banking racket (which they didn't join in on) made it impossible to come out on a crop even if it was intended to feed their own animals. In the last ten years Cargill got hold of all of the processing and now my neighbor tells me the feed is crap. It is similar to Monsanto when they bought up all the seed sorters so they could get full control of the seed. He says its "like they just eliminated all the nutrition out of it and all we are buying is the hulls and in order to keep the herd healthy we have to now buy their supplements". Typical farm feed products have become pretty much like processed human food, worthless for actual sustenance unless one buys the pricey stuff which you cannot get from a grocery store. Even at that you may be getting something with salmonella, arsenic or who knows what else in it. Some friends out in Idaho got an off the wall salmonella that originated from the chickens who were eating commercial food. They put that genetically engineered designed crap in the feed to put extra weight on the birds. Both of those friends are older and they have never recovered fully from all that; perhaps good for big pharma and the medical industry but not the people.

I live in "Foodland Ontario" - the Niagara Escarpment. We have a local farmer's market and local farm fruit and vegetable stands are everywhere. I know who the organic farmers, and who grows "clean". I grew up eating from my parent's kitchen garden, which was fertilized with the guano from my parents' chicken coop.

One of my local farmer friends bought some eggs for hatching from the local feed store. The chickens she hatched were "meat birds". Chickens with altered genetics to make them grow and gain weight faster. When the birds hatched, they grew too fast, and couldn't walk. They were all unhealthy, and half of them died before they were big enough to go to market. She lost a lot of money and went back to buying from organic breeders.

Her chickens are organically fed and free range. The flavour is incredible. My mouth waters every time I think of them. She only raises 200 per year and a couple local restaurants have become customers meaning I can't often get one. I have a friend who refuses to even try grass fed beef because he's heard that it's religious experience and he can't afford the prices. After he said that, I happened to find see a small chuck roast thawing on my daughter's counter - 1 1/2 lbs. for $48. I dropped it in horror. That said, it was delicious, but my St. Lawrence Market meat was just as good at 1/4 the price. Supermarket meat is tasteless.

When our farm animals eat, live and are raised as God intended to be, the food they provide is flavourful, nourishing and healthful. Locking up in barns and forcefeeding them with Monsanto grain, laced with antibiotics, gives us tasteless, grey meat that has to be pumped full of dyes to make it look palatable.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

Granted. In case you thought there is anything qualitatively new about it, I fear you'd be mistaken.

Recently,, a national transparency nonprofit organization, released its full oversight report on the federal farm subsidy program, detailing just where the $13.2 billion in fiscal year 2017 subsidy payments flowed.

“The farm subsidy program was never intended to be welfare for the wealthy,” OpenTheBooks Founder Adam Andrzejewski said. “These subsidies have become so lucrative that wealthy investors, large corporations, and farm-estate heirs use taxpayer money to maximize their own return on investment.”

Through the federal farm subsidy program, rich farmers are getting richer. Last year, nearly 400 entities including farmers, corporations, and agri-businesses received between $1 million and $9.9 million each in farm subsidies.

Since 2008, more than $11 billion in farm subsidies flowed to just 6,618 recipients who reaped at least $1 million each. Farm subsidies are intended to alleviate farmer poverty, but most of these subsidies go to commercial farms who don’t need taxpayer help to stay afloat.

Even billionaire businessman Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves NBA team and No. 350 on the Forbes 400 list, received $116,502 in farm subsidy payments last year. Does Taylor need taxpayer funding to run his egg-and-dairy farm in Iowa?

Top farm subsidy recipients are hoarding the payments. Since 2008, the top 10 recipients each received an average of $18.2 million. The median household income in America is $60,000. That means these rich farmers received more than 30 times the average yearly income of U.S. families.​

A comfy, well protected place for the haves, and the cold outside for the rest, has always - at least since Reagan - been the aim of American-style socialism, while suicide rates for small, struggling farmers go through the roof.

Our righty friends are completely fine with that kind of socialism, provided hardly a dime goes to those who might occasionally have dirt under their fingernails.

We have some neighbor's that never took a loan or a subsidy on the 400 acres they own. They wouldn't even buy adjacent land that had been in subsidy programs for fear of having the government having a say on any land they own. Best people and farmers I know of. They keep a small herd of cattle (each one of the heifers has its own name) and a few chickens, raise the garden every year, home schooled their children who are now adults. They quit raising crops years ago because of the subsidy racket and banking racket (which they didn't join in on) made it impossible to come out on a crop even if it was intended to feed their own animals. In the last ten years Cargill got hold of all of the processing and now my neighbor tells me the feed is crap. It is similar to Monsanto when they bought up all the seed sorters so they could get full control of the seed. He says its "like they just eliminated all the nutrition out of it and all we are buying is the hulls and in order to keep the herd healthy we have to now buy their supplements". Typical farm feed products have become pretty much like processed human food, worthless for actual sustenance unless one buys the pricey stuff which you cannot get from a grocery store. Even at that you may be getting something with salmonella, arsenic or who knows what else in it. Some friends out in Idaho got an off the wall salmonella that originated from the chickens who were eating commercial food. They put that genetically engineered designed crap in the feed to put extra weight on the birds. Both of those friends are older and they have never recovered fully from all that; perhaps good for big pharma and the medical industry but not the people.

I live in "Foodland Ontario" - the Niagara Escarpment. We have a local farmer's market and local farm fruit and vegetable stands are everywhere. I know who the organic farmers, and who grows "clean". I grew up eating from my parent's kitchen garden, which was fertilized with the guano from my parents' chicken coop.

One of my local farmer friends bought some eggs for hatching from the local feed store. The chickens she hatched were "meat birds". Chickens with altered genetics to make them grow and gain weight faster. When the birds hatched, they grew too fast, and couldn't walk. They were all unhealthy, and half of them died before they were big enough to go to market. She lost a lot of money and went back to buying from organic breeders.

Her chickens are organically fed and free range. The flavour is incredible. My mouth waters every time I think of them. She only raises 200 per year and a couple local restaurants have become customers meaning I can't often get one. I have a friend who refuses to even try grass fed beef because he's heard that it's religious experience and he can't afford the prices. After he said that, I happened to find see a small chuck roast thawing on my daughter's counter - 1 1/2 lbs. for $48. I dropped it in horror. That said, it was delicious, but my St. Lawrence Market meat was just as good at 1/4 the price. Supermarket meat is tasteless.

When our farm animals eat, live and are raised as God intended to be, the food they provide is flavourful, nourishing and healthful. Locking up in barns and forcefeeding them with Monsanto grain, laced with antibiotics, gives us tasteless, grey meat that has to be pumped full of dyes to make it look palatable.
Depending on the state people live in and the regulations determines if neighbors can legally sell their farm products. I agree with you food taste better when it is grown as God intended it to be. An old time farmer came by the other day and he wanted to buy a few of my chickens. He claimed his were gotten by a racoon but we figured his wife gave them away while he was in the hospital for a week. I gave him a couple dozen eggs. He came back the other day and ask how I got the hens to lay yolks were so yellow they were almost orange in those eggs. His didn't lay those nice colored yolks but he didn't free range them and feed them produce scraps either. During this last cold snap and with all the snow I'd been feeding more corn (its all Monsanto now) and both the ducks and chickens quit laying regularly. The glysophate grows right into the product it is put on and EPA just gives them more exemptions when the glyphosate is at higher levels than it should be in food products. Farm Bureau and others lobbies for those exemptions and they get them no matter how many protest it all.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Could we have an investigation into the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS
in USAID money given to foreign countries during '08-'17
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Well, SHIT!!!

I heard COUNTLESS Democrats tell me that it was IMPOSSIBLE for the IRS to act in a partisan fashion toward conservative groups.

Which is it? I am confused.

More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.

There have been many threads about this already and it is pretty much bullshit.

The payments were based upon specific crops that China targeted in response to Trump's stupid trade war.
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sure, I'm pretty much the same way.

To me, if you post a link to an article, all you are doing is bringing someone else's opinion into the discussion. I don't need or want someone's opinion. I have my own.
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More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.

There have been many threads about this already and it is pretty much bullshit.

The payments were based upon specific crops that China targeted in response to Trump's stupid trade war.

What crops in TN were targeted? Why did TN get a huge pay out?
Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sure, I'm pretty much the same way.

To me, if you post a link to an article, all you are doing is bringing someone else's opinion into the discussion. I don't need or want someone's opinion. I have my own.

It's not just "someone else's opinion". There's data and facts. I realize conservative don't believe in facts. That's why you refused to believe the media, and go with bloggers who validate your "feelings". Conservatives have taken to ignoring facts because they prove so many of the notions they hold dear, are complete bullshit.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.

There have been many threads about this already and it is pretty much bullshit.

The payments were based upon specific crops that China targeted in response to Trump's stupid trade war.

What crops in TN were targeted? Why did TN get a huge pay out?

Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sure, I'm pretty much the same way.

To me, if you post a link to an article, all you are doing is bringing someone else's opinion into the discussion. I don't need or want someone's opinion. I have my own.

It's not just "someone else's opinion". There's data and facts. I realize conservative don't believe in facts. That's why you refused to believe the media, and go with bloggers who validate your "feelings". Conservatives have taken to ignoring facts because they prove so many of the notions they hold dear, are complete bullshit.
Your links are baseless. Nothing to back them up except another link. He said she said nonsense, and for some reason you are willing to swallow that blindly. I lost all faith in the media after I saw this:

Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sure, I'm pretty much the same way.

To me, if you post a link to an article, all you are doing is bringing someone else's opinion into the discussion. I don't need or want someone's opinion. I have my own.

It's not just "someone else's opinion". There's data and facts. I realize conservative don't believe in facts. That's why you refused to believe the media, and go with bloggers who validate your "feelings". Conservatives have taken to ignoring facts because they prove so many of the notions they hold dear, are complete bullshit.
Wow, you are really full of shit.

There is data, that has been interpreted for the gullible to mean what they want you to think it means.

Ask them for the study. The raw data, without the filters and then impress me by actually analyzing it.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration.

You said: "Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration."
Don't you folks who claim Trump's bad go after him a lot only to find out you were wrong?

And instead of apologizing to President Trump when he is innocent of indecent lies your party invents, you come up with another Orange Made Bad assertion that is phony baloney.

*yawn* This time you don't get to beat up on him. The press is beginning to realize it no longer has a reputation, because all their former audience has their channel changed to Fox News.

Thanks for a nothing false charge just like the last few hundreds of false allegations against Orange Man Bad..

I’m sorry my dear but GAO is a non partisan part of government. That has nothing to do with democrats. We are just bring it up a work of a corrupted disgusting dishonest president.

I know truth hurts. Why should we switch to Fox News? A news media controlled by Trump like a dictator.

Why should we apologize? Trump should apologize for being a hypocrite pathological liar and corrupted to this country.

Trade wars caused a lot of farmers to go bankrupt in 2019 about 20%. Farmers they owned for generations they loss it because of this VERY STUPID very stupid trade wars that they will never get it back.

Companies like Caterpillar or John Deere had to laid off employees because of low or no sales of farming equipments.,

So what happened to the $28 billions ($12b + $18b) bail out?

Do not be surprised if they need another bail out for 2019.

Farm Bankruptcies Rise Again
Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
This didn't raise a red flag for you? Well, silly question, I know. If the search had returned tons of results on Obama, you'd just ignore it.

But this does shine a light on how you didn't understand the entire debate about how biased tech giants like Google influence the world.

Information is the penultimate power. Control what people can get access to and you can control their beliefs.
Except people like me, I don't believe much of anything from the media anymore. So many people "prove" something by posting a link. I just smh.
Sure, I'm pretty much the same way.

To me, if you post a link to an article, all you are doing is bringing someone else's opinion into the discussion. I don't need or want someone's opinion. I have my own.

It's not just "someone else's opinion". There's data and facts. I realize conservative don't believe in facts. That's why you refused to believe the media, and go with bloggers who validate your "feelings". Conservatives have taken to ignoring facts because they prove so many of the notions they hold dear, are complete bullshit.
Your links are baseless. Nothing to back them up except another link. He said she said nonsense, and for some reason you are willing to swallow that blindly. I lost all faith in the media after I saw this:

I've searched for any information on "Vision Liberty" and can find nothing about this group. You're willing to believe them. I don't believe anyone until I check our bias, and fact check record. You're prepared to accept the report they posted on no evidence. Confirmation bias.

I don't accept anything someone tries to tell me, without other credible sources, and a good fact check record.

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