GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

Suddenly, the left isn't down with farm subsidies.
Typical knee jerk response from a bootlicking asshole who doesn't read past the subject line, or is incapable of comprehending what he reads.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Honey, I priced baling machines two years ago for a senior farmer, who has now passed away. A modern baler for a farm family costs the $180,000 you thought was too much aid for a farming recipient. He was up in years, and the old baler he had needed repairs twice a day, which in the politest descriptive words, was a bitch to do that job of moving pins one by one while supporting 70 pounds of metal above and wrapping twine around the hard-to-move pins until enough twine was wrapped around one of those large round bales almost as tall as a man. He spent 4 hours a day doing backbreaking and nerve wrecking work to get four bales done. It took him a week to get 40 bales, then he had to on top of that go buy protein-rich pellets for 50 cattle so the girl cows could have healthy calves and the market steers and bulls could have healthy lean meat at market. And the buyers know which small ranchers take care of their animals that yield the best cuts of everything, and give them a decent price.

My friend was thrifty as they come, but keeping his fences mended, buying repair parts for machinery that was 60 years old in some cases caused him to be terminally poor. When his malignant cancer was upon him, he never failed to take care of all his herd up until the last few days of his life. Then his son, who was retired, came to his rescue and meanwhile his son's wife, a retired nurse, set up a home hospice and around-the-clock care, for the last 10 days of his life in which he was not able to eat anything, had lost his ability to speak, kept his pain under control until he passed away. I visited him every day. It was hard, because he had helped me with repairs of my water system, etc. after my husband died 4 years ago, and I had grown to love his ways of being good to his animals, wild birds, and even the squirrels who ate all the nuts off his pecan trees. I learned how country people are the best from him. He fought impossible jobs and got them done before the sun set. He got in his truck and took sacks of feed out to his animals when he was sick and in pain. He spent two hours a day feeding his dogs and bowls for the raccoons and assorted small beasts that frequent farmhouses at night, but never by day, filling the bird feeders and hummingbird sippers, and likely stuff for all animal visitors to his place most people would never know about. He took care of the natural beasts as well as the full time he spent working to make things good for his cattle, which requires water inspection, mineral licks, and walking or riding a tractor around the fence every day to make sure the bull didn't push through somewhere, and a couple of times a month, the bull got into a tussel with the neighbor's bull over the fence between his and the neighbor's farm, which meant a whole lot of fence repairs because the farmer next door let him do all the work while Mr. busy neighbor took care of a place 4 times the size of his.
How is a family that produces a large acreage of wheat and earns $30,000 a year on cows and a crop of straw, and after picking off the wheat going to be able to bale the rest of it up to feed the cows or sell what's left without an intelligent picker/baler that costs the amount of 6 years of income. Yet small farmers and ranchers feed the nation, and many of them don't use the chemicals the megabusiness farms use, so their products are somewhat organic.

I'm glad President Trump is on the side of the farmers. Most of them can't afford to send their kids to college, if they have kids. Their sons go off and join the army sometimes after graduating, and that's their way of giving America the best of their families to help keep us free and protected. Believe me, there are wild animals nobody can deal with because some wild animals will kill children so a man has to have a gun where he can go after troublesome wild beasts when they strike nearby, or someone sights an army of wild dogs, a lynx, panther, or wolverine.

Farming/ranching is not for cowards. And those who work the land are often like my dear friend who passed last spring. They take care of nature better than some of the organized nature groups, and they do it for hours a day when they could be loafing. They do not loaf, except after the sun goes down and the porch got painted when they burned midnight oil the week before.
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Suddenly, the left isn't down with farm subsidies.
You know what, you're right. The left has gotten to be changelings in the last few years. There's no sympathy for the breadbasket people, and they want us to become communists. In WWII the communists in Russia went after the farmers of Ukraine because they were a little mouthy to Stalin's asset grabs, and the KGB was ordered to pillage every farm in the ukraine and starve all the farm people to death. They did daily visits to the farm burning crops, emptying cellars and food catches, and even went indoors to take out all the food from the kitchen that would feed the family for a day or so. So millions of Ukrainian farmers were starved to death. I looked it up the methodology the bolsheviks used was simply to murder the Czar and his wife and 9 kids. Then they had to go after all the Czar's friends and extended family to make sure none of them would ever rise up as a Czar and take over their pathetic mess of a country they turned Russia into. They didn't tolerate anybody's disdain for their hate tactics, and anybody who sounded off was silenced, brutally and terminally. The KGB folks were more bloodthirsty than Ted Bundy, with their collateral kills that went unregistered and unknown. Historians had tabulated 20,000,000 (twenty million) Russians murdered, and almost all of them believed there were anywhere between twice that to five times as many.

So much for the Soviet Socialist Republic. Oh, and the idiots who took out all the farmers in the breadbasket that the Russian Ukraine was, they got to stand in line for groceries for the next ten years. I saw pictures of them in a Weekly Reader when I was in grade school. The ones I saw looked cold and miserable and were in a long line that in the picture looked about two blocks long, waiting there because they heard imported oranges were available. It wasn't the brightest thing in the world to kill off the farmers who furnished Russia with a bread basket.
Congress holds the purse not the president. It is up to congress to insure aid of any kind if any is directed to where it needs to be.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration.

You said: "Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration."
Don't you folks who claim Trump's bad go after him a lot only to find out you were wrong?

And instead of apologizing to President Trump when he is innocent of indecent lies your party invents, you come up with another Orange Made Bad assertion that is phony baloney.

*yawn* This time you don't get to beat up on him. The press is beginning to realize it no longer has a reputation, because all their former audience has their channel changed to Fox News.

Thanks for a nothing false charge just like the last few hundreds of false allegations against Orange Man Bad..
Pelosi and Schiff said they were going to investigate everything Trump did. That's why they need to be voted out of office.
Pelosi and Schiff said they were going to investigate everything Trump did. That's why they need to be voted out of office.
They like to irritate conservatives, and being sure to drag expensive inquiries around, they accomplish that end of irritating conservatives. Behind closed doors, they go apeshit bananas, and they do it right after they get caught lying to the public. I think we oughta take our chances by inflicting the communist control act upon these little jerks in big seats of Congress who are sticking the taxpayers with their idea of fun.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
A thread has already been started about this subject. and it's the areas hardest hit or effected the most that get the most assistance
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?
simply open your eyes to see, open your ears to hear, and open your mind to interpret it all... easy as 1,2,3.... even you, can do it! :)
Their desperation is palpable. It's starting to look like Barron will be shitting in their corn flakes in about 30 years.

It gives me goosebumps just to think about their hopeless plight....
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

Granted. In case you thought there is anything qualitatively new about it, I fear you'd be mistaken.

Recently,, a national transparency nonprofit organization, released its full oversight report on the federal farm subsidy program, detailing just where the $13.2 billion in fiscal year 2017 subsidy payments flowed.

“The farm subsidy program was never intended to be welfare for the wealthy,” OpenTheBooks Founder Adam Andrzejewski said. “These subsidies have become so lucrative that wealthy investors, large corporations, and farm-estate heirs use taxpayer money to maximize their own return on investment.”

Through the federal farm subsidy program, rich farmers are getting richer. Last year, nearly 400 entities including farmers, corporations, and agri-businesses received between $1 million and $9.9 million each in farm subsidies.

Since 2008, more than $11 billion in farm subsidies flowed to just 6,618 recipients who reaped at least $1 million each. Farm subsidies are intended to alleviate farmer poverty, but most of these subsidies go to commercial farms who don’t need taxpayer help to stay afloat.

Even billionaire businessman Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves NBA team and No. 350 on the Forbes 400 list, received $116,502 in farm subsidy payments last year. Does Taylor need taxpayer funding to run his egg-and-dairy farm in Iowa?

Top farm subsidy recipients are hoarding the payments. Since 2008, the top 10 recipients each received an average of $18.2 million. The median household income in America is $60,000. That means these rich farmers received more than 30 times the average yearly income of U.S. families.​

A comfy, well protected place for the haves, and the cold outside for the rest, has always - at least since Reagan - been the aim of American-style socialism, while suicide rates for small, struggling farmers go through the roof.

Our righty friends are completely fine with that kind of socialism, provided hardly a dime goes to those who might occasionally have dirt under their fingernails.
Trump has created a welfare state to cover for his ridiculous trade war
And who's in this welfare state but the disgraced members of Congress who poisoned the well on Donald Trump for three stinking, lying years. And those three would be the worst speaker the House has ever had, and a couple of lawyering, lying DNC committee chairmen under strict orders from Hillary Clinton to "get Trump." because her purchase of foreigner Steele who got named for Hillary's punk dossier that lied and dissed Trump for things he would never even remotely consider. Pardon me while I puke thinking about it.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
I can speak for some of that personally. I have a dairy Farmer and a cattle rancher in my immediate family. Neither one of them received any aid, nor were they supposed to, however friends and neighbors farming everything from cotton to maize applied for aid with varying degrees of success. Some received small payouts (a few thousand), some got nothing, some have been approved for aid but never received any.

The big ones like whit-crop and Rome farms received millions.

God bless your family members...
That is extremely hard...round the in a disappearing way
of life. I salute them both.

That was not my point.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
I can speak for some of that personally. I have a dairy Farmer and a cattle rancher in my immediate family. Neither one of them received any aid, nor were they supposed to, however friends and neighbors farming everything from cotton to maize applied for aid with varying degrees of success. Some received small payouts (a few thousand), some got nothing, some have been approved for aid but never received any.

The big ones like whit-crop and Rome farms received millions.
Fake news from a real liar.
Wonk wonk wonk you moron.
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration.
C.C.Jones sez: "Trump’s is truly a corrupt, dishonest, and failed administration."
Lair. You demmies just hate it because President Trump thought of helping the jobless Americans get good-paying jobs first and reduced the give-a-mint welfare roles by millions of helpless, do nothing people. We hear the former welfare recipients are quite proud to be employed like other Americans and are proud givers, not losing takers from the public purse. They'll live longer, too, being off the streets ruled by thugs and their drive-by shootings.

Go ahead, be a carbuncle on the nation's butt about Trump's winning ways. Your days of voting several to hundreds of times on each Democrat candidate who is in lockstep with Nancy are limited. Poor Demmies are back to getting only one vote apiece just like in Colonial Times and before the Civil War. Pity, pity, pity. <giggle> Oh, yes, and tissue to dry your fake tears?
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Their desperation is palpable. It's starting to look like Barron will be shitting in their corn flakes in about 30 years.

It gives me goosebumps just to think about their hopeless plight....
Great post, 2-irons, but cornflakes? They eat caviar for breakfast because it makes them feel alive to think the taxpayer paid the fifty bucks they spent on it, while all they had to do was pass a law filled with loopholes to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense. You're way kind, however, and that's better than me, I think so.
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More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

GAO launches investigation into Trump aid for farmers

The Agriculture Department (USDA) pledged $12 billion in aid in 2018 and an additional $14.5 billion in 2019.

One study found that between disaster aid, trade aid, insurance indemnities and the trade assistance, almost 40 percent of farm income was coming from some sort of aid.

Stabenow raised concerns that the aid distribution was being decided by political considerations, with larger payouts going to Trump-voting red states in the South. She also had questions over whether USDA's methods for dispersing aid were preventing waste, fraud and abuse.

USDA has also taken heat for trade-related aid payments to the subsidiary of a Brazilian corporation under criminal investigation.

Add to that....the bulk of the aid is going to large corporate farms:

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group

More than half of the Trump administration’s $8.4 billion in trade aid payments to U.S. farmers through April was received by the top 10% of recipients, the country’s biggest and most successful farmers, a study by an advocacy group showed on Tuesday.

Highlighting an uneven distribution of the bailout, which was designed to help offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war, the Environmental Working Group said the top 1% of aid recipients received an average of more than $180,000 while the bottom 80% were paid less than $5,000 in aid.

Trump Hails New Farm Aid Billions As Report Reveals Money Helps Wealthy, Southerners | HuffPost

Figures show that 95% of top payment rates are going to farmers in the South, even though they have been less affected by the trade war with China, and that significant payments have been made to wealthy farmers and foreign corporations, the report noted.

Five Southern states receive the highest payments per acre under the program — Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Arkansas. All voted for Trump, all but Georgia voted overwhelmingly for him. The analysis determined that farmers in the Midwest and Northern Plains have been hurt the most by the trade war.

The report accused the Agriculture Department of doing nothing to direct aid to struggling small and medium farms, and farmers just starting out. Instead, the agency doubled payment limits, directing even more money to large, wealthy farming partnerships. The report also lashed the aid program for making commodity purchases from foreign-owned agricultural conglomerates, including $90 million paid to a subsidiary of Brazilian-owned JBS SA.
A thread has already been started about this subject. and it's the areas hardest hit or effected the most that get the most assistance

The hardest hit are not the ones getting the most. That is the interesting part.
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Yes I can prove it. Easily.

Amid Trump self-dealing, America abandons global anti-corruption fight

Catering to Conflicts: Influence and Self-Dealing at Trump’s Businesses

The google search for trump self dealing produced over 7 million responses:

trump administration self dealing - Google Search
Sounds like they are getting nervous about Barr exposing their corruption so they launch this new attack.

Amusing that the only corruption they see is in this Administration, never in their own institutions.

Well past administrations haven't engaged in self-dealing to the extend this administration has.
Prove something. Cant, can ya?

Not only did I prove you wrong, but I went back and did another search on Obama administration self-dealing and all of the articles that came up were about Trump and his families members. This is the only one that came up specifically about the Obama Administration:

On ethics: Obama went high, Trump goes low
More corruption from the Trump Swamp...

Granted. In case you thought there is anything qualitatively new about it, I fear you'd be mistaken.

Recently,, a national transparency nonprofit organization, released its full oversight report on the federal farm subsidy program, detailing just where the $13.2 billion in fiscal year 2017 subsidy payments flowed.

“The farm subsidy program was never intended to be welfare for the wealthy,” OpenTheBooks Founder Adam Andrzejewski said. “These subsidies have become so lucrative that wealthy investors, large corporations, and farm-estate heirs use taxpayer money to maximize their own return on investment.”

Through the federal farm subsidy program, rich farmers are getting richer. Last year, nearly 400 entities including farmers, corporations, and agri-businesses received between $1 million and $9.9 million each in farm subsidies.

Since 2008, more than $11 billion in farm subsidies flowed to just 6,618 recipients who reaped at least $1 million each. Farm subsidies are intended to alleviate farmer poverty, but most of these subsidies go to commercial farms who don’t need taxpayer help to stay afloat.

Even billionaire businessman Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves NBA team and No. 350 on the Forbes 400 list, received $116,502 in farm subsidy payments last year. Does Taylor need taxpayer funding to run his egg-and-dairy farm in Iowa?

Top farm subsidy recipients are hoarding the payments. Since 2008, the top 10 recipients each received an average of $18.2 million. The median household income in America is $60,000. That means these rich farmers received more than 30 times the average yearly income of U.S. families.​

A comfy, well protected place for the haves, and the cold outside for the rest, has always - at least since Reagan - been the aim of American-style socialism, while suicide rates for small, struggling farmers go through the roof.

Our righty friends are completely fine with that kind of socialism, provided hardly a dime goes to those who might occasionally have dirt under their fingernails.
We have some neighbor's that never took a loan or a subsidy on the 400 acres they own. They wouldn't even buy adjacent land that had been in subsidy programs for fear of having the government having a say on any land they own. Best people and farmers I know of. They keep a small herd of cattle (each one of the heifers has its own name) and a few chickens, raise the garden every year, home schooled their children who are now adults. They quit raising crops years ago because of the subsidy racket and banking racket (which they didn't join in on) made it impossible to come out on a crop even if it was intended to feed their own animals. In the last ten years Cargill got hold of all of the processing and now my neighbor tells me the feed is crap. It is similar to Monsanto when they bought up all the seed sorters so they could get full control of the seed. He says its "like they just eliminated all the nutrition out of it and all we are buying is the hulls and in order to keep the herd healthy we have to now buy their supplements". Typical farm feed products have become pretty much like processed human food, worthless for actual sustenance unless one buys the pricey stuff which you cannot get from a grocery store. Even at that you may be getting something with salmonella, arsenic or who knows what else in it. Some friends out in Idaho got an off the wall salmonella that originated from the chickens who were eating commercial food. They put that genetically engineered designed crap in the feed to put extra weight on the birds. Both of those friends are older and they have never recovered fully from all that; perhaps good for big pharma and the medical industry but not the people.

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