GAO rules Trump broke the law

Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

Nope, you're lying.

It is a procedural disagreement, and the Executive has Article II authority. The GAO can disagree all they want. To claim this has the force of criminal law is just another fucking lie by you Stalinists and your fascist press.
Why do libs want to give our hard earned tax dollars to corrupt people?....does it make them feel WOKE?....
Actually billions are given with the consent of the GOP and the DNC. I know u are dumb enough to vote and believe Trump...but take it easy on displaying your stupidity everywhere.
No one knew the money was sent until the video of the plane being loaded came this your stupidity being displayed?....
That stupid are you now? I'm not a sheep like you. I USE my brain, you just follow. what's Trump and the GOP is gospel and everything else is a lie. YOU are a joke.
That’s interesting in light of the fact that Trump is tearing the Pubs to shreds.
This is one argument that i don't get. The aid had to be delivered by a certain deadline. And, I believe it was delivered by that date. So, what is the illegality?

If the aid is approved on January 1 and the deadline to make the delivery in March 1, does the President have to make the delivery early to avoid breaking the law?

Also, when Biden said they would not get the billion dollars in aid unless the prosecutor was fired, would he not also be breaking the law? That aid was approved as well. How would he have the authority to hold the aid in that case?
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?
That's just like you and your Comrades. Single out a single snapshot from a three reel live action film and claim...

Disbursement of the $391M had been cleared and approved before the Orange Twit tried to halt the disbursement. The Orange Clown then got involved with his minions fucking with the funds in an unlawful manner with unlawful intent. That's one of the unlawful acts with more to follow after July, 2019, and that is made fully clear on reel #3 of the movie, but you don't care about TRUTH and FACTS and shit like that there kinda stuff owing to your kinship of character with the Narcissist-in-Chief! For the full story, a snapshot ain't gonna get 'er done Tex.

Hey welsher, I thought you died.

The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.


The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.
Hey shit for brains, DOD was given a list of anti-corruption reforms for Ukraine to put in place before the $391 M ($250 M & & $141 M) would be released. The funds were OKed by DOD, but the Orange One ordered OMB to hold them up for policy reasons which is NOT permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.

Just today, GAO came out with a bulletin directly related to this cockup by POTUS Bone Spurs. GAO stated, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

And finally, you obviously haven't educated yourself about the contents of the Articles of Impeachment presented to the Senate for the trial to begin next Tuesday at 1 P.M. Take a look at Article 1 and you'll see the Narcissist-in-Chief is getting his tit in a ringer for that unlawful conduct;
(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended;

You really should know what the fuck you're talking about before you start to spew that far right horseshit and make yourself look so fucking stupid, Tex.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?
That's just like you and your Comrades. Single out a single snapshot from a three reel live action film and claim...

Disbursement of the $391M had been cleared and approved before the Orange Twit tried to halt the disbursement. The Orange Clown then got involved with his minions fucking with the funds in an unlawful manner with unlawful intent. That's one of the unlawful acts with more to follow after July, 2019, and that is made fully clear on reel #3 of the movie, but you don't care about TRUTH and FACTS and shit like that there kinda stuff owing to your kinship of character with the Narcissist-in-Chief! For the full story, a snapshot ain't gonna get 'er done Tex.

Hey welsher, I thought you died.

The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.


The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.
Hey shit for brains, DOD was given a list of anti-corruption reforms for Ukraine to put in place before the $391 M ($250 M & & $141 M) would be released. The funds were OKed by DOD, but the Orange One ordered OMB to hold them up for policy reasons which is NOT permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.

Just today, GAO came out with a bulletin directly related to this cockup by POTUS Bone Spurs. GAO stated, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

And finally, you obviously haven't educated yourself about the contents of the Articles of Impeachment presented to the Senate for the trial to begin next Tuesday at 1 P.M. Take a look at Article 1 and you'll see the Narcissist-in-Chief is getting his tit in a ringer for that unlawful conduct;
(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended;

You really should know what the fuck you're talking about before you start to spew that far right horseshit and make yourself look so fucking stupid, Tex.

The OMB calls bullshit on the GAO's claim that the Impoundment Act was broken. See y'all in court.
p.s. the president has full authority for foreign affairs, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to, except declare war.
Here before the "what about Hillary....what about Obama" deflections....View attachment 300699

When you ignore your guys and gals breaking similar laws or laws on the same level, expose your own lack of credibility. Mock the sitings of Obama and Hillary as “deflections” all you want but you are standing in sand.

Gee I didn't hear the op screaming for Barry's impeachment. From what I've read he broke the law 7 times in reference to the GAO.

What a fucking hypocrite.
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Only if the law said he could.

Congress determines where the money is spent. If Congress said to sent Ukraine money, then he sends the money or goes back to congress.

We don't vote for the FBI, CIA either so we should ignore them too?
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

I find it awfully convenient that the GAO (We know who controls that) makes a blanket statement, with no citations to back their opinion up...But, in the end, that is what it is, their opinion....An off of the Congress, dominated by Democrats that come out with a damning opinion....Shocking....Might as well have said that CNN thinks Trump broke the law....Means nothing.
Prior presidents have ignored GAO. Another nothing burger from Berg. At least he is a consistent troll.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.
/——-/ What did those political hacks say about Obozo withholding Ukrainian funds for 8 years? Nothing. I bet.
This is weak. And who is governing and watching over the GAO?
Let the Trumper rationalizations begin!
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.
/—-/ President Trump followed the law: Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?
That's just like you and your Comrades. Single out a single snapshot from a three reel live action film and claim...

Disbursement of the $391M had been cleared and approved before the Orange Twit tried to halt the disbursement. The Orange Clown then got involved with his minions fucking with the funds in an unlawful manner with unlawful intent. That's one of the unlawful acts with more to follow after July, 2019, and that is made fully clear on reel #3 of the movie, but you don't care about TRUTH and FACTS and shit like that there kinda stuff owing to your kinship of character with the Narcissist-in-Chief! For the full story, a snapshot ain't gonna get 'er done Tex.

Hey welsher, I thought you died.

The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.


Is that true? What law did they pass?

There were a couple, the big one was members of parliament are no longer exempt form corruption statutes.


Do you have a source for this? The only thing I find is that a law resembling the one you reference to was working it’s way in December.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?
That's just like you and your Comrades. Single out a single snapshot from a three reel live action film and claim...

Disbursement of the $391M had been cleared and approved before the Orange Twit tried to halt the disbursement. The Orange Clown then got involved with his minions fucking with the funds in an unlawful manner with unlawful intent. That's one of the unlawful acts with more to follow after July, 2019, and that is made fully clear on reel #3 of the movie, but you don't care about TRUTH and FACTS and shit like that there kinda stuff owing to your kinship of character with the Narcissist-in-Chief! For the full story, a snapshot ain't gonna get 'er done Tex.

Hey welsher, I thought you died.

The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.


The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.
Hey shit for brains, DOD was given a list of anti-corruption reforms for Ukraine to put in place before the $391 M ($250 M & & $141 M) would be released. The funds were OKed by DOD, but the Orange One ordered OMB to hold them up for policy reasons which is NOT permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.

Just today, GAO came out with a bulletin directly related to this cockup by POTUS Bone Spurs. GAO stated, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

And finally, you obviously haven't educated yourself about the contents of the Articles of Impeachment presented to the Senate for the trial to begin next Tuesday at 1 P.M. Take a look at Article 1 and you'll see the Narcissist-in-Chief is getting his tit in a ringer for that unlawful conduct;
(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended;

You really should know what the fuck you're talking about before you start to spew that far right horseshit and make yourself look so fucking stupid, Tex.

The OMB calls bullshit on the GAO's claim that the Impoundment Act was broken. See y'all in court.
p.s. the president has full authority for foreign affairs, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to, except declare war.

This wasn’t foreign affairs. This was appropriations. He has zero power over appropriations.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

Nope, you're lying.

It is a procedural disagreement, and the Executive has Article II authority. The GAO can disagree all they want. To claim this has the force of criminal law is just another fucking lie by you Stalinists and your fascist press.
It would be a lie if I had ever once suggested the GAO ruling is a binding, enforceable legal decision. But I didn't, dope.

However, it is an opinion based on a thorough examination of applicable law that refutes the claim by Trump's cult following that no law was broken.
The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?

The law said the aid had to be released by Sep. 30th, it was done before that. So how did they violate the law?
That's just like you and your Comrades. Single out a single snapshot from a three reel live action film and claim...

Disbursement of the $391M had been cleared and approved before the Orange Twit tried to halt the disbursement. The Orange Clown then got involved with his minions fucking with the funds in an unlawful manner with unlawful intent. That's one of the unlawful acts with more to follow after July, 2019, and that is made fully clear on reel #3 of the movie, but you don't care about TRUTH and FACTS and shit like that there kinda stuff owing to your kinship of character with the Narcissist-in-Chief! For the full story, a snapshot ain't gonna get 'er done Tex.

Hey welsher, I thought you died.

The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.


The new Ukraine admin hadn't been certified for shit. Zelensky didn't take office till May and the new parliament didn't take office until Aug. Once the new parliament passed new anti-corruption laws and Zelensky signed them, the aid was released, well before the deadline. That's the facts, whether they fit your commie narrative or not.
Hey shit for brains, DOD was given a list of anti-corruption reforms for Ukraine to put in place before the $391 M ($250 M & & $141 M) would be released. The funds were OKed by DOD, but the Orange One ordered OMB to hold them up for policy reasons which is NOT permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.

Just today, GAO came out with a bulletin directly related to this cockup by POTUS Bone Spurs. GAO stated, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

And finally, you obviously haven't educated yourself about the contents of the Articles of Impeachment presented to the Senate for the trial to begin next Tuesday at 1 P.M. Take a look at Article 1 and you'll see the Narcissist-in-Chief is getting his tit in a ringer for that unlawful conduct;
(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government—conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requested—

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended;

You really should know what the fuck you're talking about before you start to spew that far right horseshit and make yourself look so fucking stupid, Tex.

The OMB calls bullshit on the GAO's claim that the Impoundment Act was broken. See y'all in court.
p.s. the president has full authority for foreign affairs, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to, except declare war.

This wasn’t foreign affairs. This was appropriations. He has zero power over appropriations.

I agree that Trump has no power to appropriate funds. However, he does have power to disburse or not to a foreign country. This dispute between the House's GAO and Trump's OMB will most likely be fought "hammer and tong" thru the courts. It is NOT a "gotcha", or the House would have added another Article.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

Nope, you're lying.

It is a procedural disagreement, and the Executive has Article II authority. The GAO can disagree all they want. To claim this has the force of criminal law is just another fucking lie by you Stalinists and your fascist press.
It would be a lie if I had ever once suggested the GAO ruling is a binding, enforceable legal decision. But I didn't, dope.

However, it is an opinion based on a thorough examination of applicable law that refutes the claim by Trump's cult following that no law was broken.

No, it refutes nothing...It is an opinion, period...And one that is concocted by a Democrat led arm of Congress...Therefore, nothing more than the same shit being said by the likes of Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi....Just because it has "GAO" in its stationary header is meaningless....
The filthy government spends too much money, especially when it is given away to foreign countries.

A President not spending the money allocated by Congress is actually a good thing.
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

Nope, you're lying.

It is a procedural disagreement, and the Executive has Article II authority. The GAO can disagree all they want. To claim this has the force of criminal law is just another fucking lie by you Stalinists and your fascist press.
It would be a lie if I had ever once suggested the GAO ruling is a binding, enforceable legal decision. But I didn't, dope.

However, it is an opinion based on a thorough examination of applicable law that refutes the claim by Trump's cult following that no law was broken.
So who could make a binding, enforceable legal decision on this? LOCK HIM UP!:SMILEW~130:
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.

Nope, you're lying.

It is a procedural disagreement, and the Executive has Article II authority. The GAO can disagree all they want. To claim this has the force of criminal law is just another fucking lie by you Stalinists and your fascist press.
It would be a lie if I had ever once suggested the GAO ruling is a binding, enforceable legal decision. But I didn't, dope.

However, it is an opinion based on a thorough examination of applicable law that refutes the claim by Trump's cult following that no law was broken.
Now that the media has dropped it, it’s an “opinion”.
But didn’t you post yesterday, about 20 times, that it wasn’t an opinion?

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