Garland Refuses To Answer Ethics Questions, Attempts To Dodge Responsibility Of DOJ Members' Intimidation Of Parents

Go away you annoying, pre-pubescent snowflake troll...let the grown-ups talk.
Oooh, she busted out the multi-syllable words!

Hey dumbass, I'm not a 'she'.

People are literally dumber for reading your childish shit. Again, go back to the kids' table so the grown-ups can get back to discussing the thread topic...
Really? I thought we'd discussed this one before. Anywho, that wasn't meant as an insult, it was an honest mistake.

I meant the rest of it, though.
D-Cory Booker reads off a list of violence against teachers and school boards, doing his best to call these parents 'domestic terrorists' - Garland cut in for a minutes and declared, 'None of these things qualify as 'domestic terrorism'.


That, of course, does not stop Booker from ranting about being stopped in his car by a white cop, talked about Parkland....

It was hilarious....
Booker practices the lowest form of politics.
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Just to show you how corrupt this Garland piece of shit is.

He wants to investigate protests against the School Board as "domestic terrorism" under the Patriot Act.

Most of the protests have been against this Critical Race Theory bullshit.

His son in law is getting filthy rich putting out teaching material on CRT.

He wants to stop the protest because his family is getting rich doing what the parents want to stop.

Thank god he wasn't given a life time appointment to the Supreme Court.

Liberals are the scum of America.
R-Josh Hawley reads a memo from the Department of Justice in Montana that lists 13 Federal crimes parents could be charged with, to include posting something oin Facebook that caused Board Members 'distress' then asks Garland is he authorized this memo.

Garland declared he has never seen that Memo. Hawley asked him why not, 'Was it not a high enough priority for you, that a member of the DOJ is sending out a list of 13 Federal crimes a parent can be charged with?'

Garland fired back, "There are 15,000 members of the DOJ.:"
- 'ALL of them who work for you - who you are responsible for," shot back Hawley.

Hawley declared members of the DOJ sending out memos DOJ-wide listing 13 Federal Charges parents could be charged with without the US AG's permission proved Garland does not have control of his DOJ or that such a memo was exactly what he wanted to happen when he sent out his own memo 'sicking' the FBI on parents.

All Garland could do is repeat that his memo is aimed at violence and threats of violence.

Cruz asked if CRT is taught in more schools his con would make more money?
- Garland refused to answer the question.

Cruz asked Garland if he sought an ethics review before he made his decision
- Garland refused to answer the question.
*Cruz declared Garland's refusal to answer obviously means ethics is not that important in the Biden DOJ.

Garland was asked if FBI / DOJ employees who commit Felony Perjury will have their crimes expunged from their record and their pension secured as was done with McCabe.
- Garland responded the DOJ is reviewing that and has not made a decision yet.

HOLY SHIT! Thank GOD Garland never got on the USSC!

D-Hirono attempts to save Garland's ass by attacking the GOP for not focusing on 'American voters' right to vote being stolen....

(Funny how Democrats who stole an election is accusing GOP of not caring about people's right to vote)

Did any republic pol show any concern for the growing violence by people on their side?
R-Lee hammers Garland for not doing any personal research after receiving the Teacher's Union letter calling parents 'domestic terrorists' - which the Teacher's union has since retracted and apologized for - and being unable to cite 1 case of violence that enters the Jurisdiction of the DOJ / FBI.
- Garland still can not answer.

DOJ Montana wrote the e-mail and sent it out to DOJ listing 13 crimes parents can be charged with although none of those crimes have been committed, despite NO crime that is in DOJ's / FBI's jurisdiction has been committed - Garland continues to repeat he did not see that e-mail and that HE DOES NOT CARE what one of his DOJ employees sends out because it does not reflect HIS intent / thoughts.

Herr Garland is an impressive fascist. When fascism comes to America Joe Biden will be there to embrace it.
Garland has proven to be a liberal extremist corrupt POS....thank God that Orville 'popcorn' Reddenbacher asshole never made it onto the USSC!
Herr Garland is an impressive fascist. When fascism comes to America Joe Biden will be there to embrace it.
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R-Josh Hawley reads a memo from the Department of Justice in Montana that lists 13 Federal crimes parents could be charged with, to include posting something oin Facebook that caused Board Members 'distress' then asks Garland is he authorized this memo.

Garland declared he has never seen that Memo. Hawley asked him why not, 'Was it not a high enough priority for you, that a member of the DOJ is sending out a list of 13 Federal crimes a parent can be charged with?'

Garland fired back, "There are 15,000 members of the DOJ.:"
- 'ALL of them who work for you - who you are responsible for," shot back Hawley.

Hawley declared members of the DOJ sending out memos DOJ-wide listing 13 Federal Charges parents could be charged with without the US AG's permission proved Garland does not have control of his DOJ or that such a memo was exactly what he wanted to happen when he sent out his own memo 'sicking' the FBI on parents.

All Garland could do is repeat that his memo is aimed at violence and threats of violence.

Cruz asked if CRT is taught in more schools his con would make more money?
- Garland refused to answer the question.

Cruz asked Garland if he sought an ethics review before he made his decision
- Garland refused to answer the question.
*Cruz declared Garland's refusal to answer obviously means ethics is not that important in the Biden DOJ.

Garland was asked if FBI / DOJ employees who commit Felony Perjury will have their crimes expunged from their record and their pension secured as was done with McCabe.
- Garland responded the DOJ is reviewing that and has not made a decision yet.

HOLY SHIT! Thank GOD Garland never got on the USSC!

D-Hirono attempts to save Garland's ass by attacking the GOP for not focusing on 'American voters' right to vote being stolen....

(Funny how Democrats who stole an election is accusing GOP of not caring about people's right to vote)

There is no attempt to intimidate parents. Threatening and attacking public employees is against the law. When you scream "we know where you live", that is a threat and they should be arrested. People who send threatening e-mails should be arrested. The memo does not threatening anyone who does not break the law.

Cruz is a thug and nothing he says should interest normal people who are not crazy right wing loons. This is about Republicans who are trying to threaten our free speech rights through intimidation.

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