Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

There are a ton of public schools listed.

Dragonlady claimed not a single school in American is teaching it, so I just need 1, right?

She is a KKKanadian lying sack of shit. Nothing you whine about will change that.
Ok show us one. And show proof they are teaching CRT. Not just some lol list.
I see you are still having issues trying to figure out how to hover your curser over a state on the map and "click" it. You can do it!

There are a ton of public schools listed.

In reality there are very few private schools too. 1 in Texas and a few in NY and a few more in Ca.

What a lying shit. But that's what the world expects from a piece of shit party led by the worlds biggest liar.
The right wing terrorist traitors that participated on Jan 6th.
As predicted, you brought up 1/6, a partly violent protest in which not 1 single 'terrorist' participated, unless you count the BLM Activist Sullivanthat videos show I cited the violence.

Lawyers, judges - the judicial system - rejected the manufactured false claim by Democrats (and snowflakes) that this was a terrorist attack or an 'insurrection'. None of those arrested have been or will be charged for anything other than destruction of govt property, trespassing, etc...

Every time you try to make a case for bullshit you and Democrats make up you LIE, like you did again this time.
In reality there are very few private schools too. 1 in Texas and a few in NY and a few more in Ca.

What a lying shit. But that's what the world expects from a piece of shit party led by the worlds biggest liar.
In reality there are very few private schools too. 1 in Texas and a few in NY and a few more in Ca.

If you say so. But it's good for you to confirm that Dragonlady is a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
In reality there are very few private schools too. 1 in Texas and a few in NY and a few more in Ca.

If you say so. But it's good for you to confirm that Dragonlady is a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.

You know you're the lying piece of shit. You claimed there were tons of public K-12 schools listed.

But lies are the norm for the Neo-GOP. They really are all you Trumpyfucks have isn't it.
We all know what this is.

The FBI is the brownshirts for the Marxist left.

The fascist FBI will intimidate parents into not speaking their minds at school board meetings.

You lefties are mentally ill.
There are a ton of public schools listed.

Dragonlady claimed not a single school in American is teaching it, so I just need 1, right?

She is a KKKanadian lying sack of shit. Nothing you whine about will change that.

A list of schools on is a useless piece of shit, having no validity in fact or in law. That website is the epi-centre of the lies and propaganda being promoted by the right.

There are a ton of public schools listed.

Dragonlady claimed not a single school in American is teaching it, so I just need 1, right?

She is a KKKanadian lying sack of shit. Nothing you whine about will change that.

An website dedicated to whipping parents into a frothing rage over critical race theory is hardly a credible source for schools teaching CRT.

But again, you prove just how dishonest you are, in addition to being gullible and stupid, by trying to put this past everyone.

Why don't you have a job FuckBoi? Why are you here night and day? Nobody will hire someone as stupid as you? Is that the problem?

At your age, shouldn't you be out trying to get laid at least?
I have witnessed personally Democrats hold meeting at very small venues, bus people in hours early, fill up the venue, and have police and Fire Marshalls on-hand to deny parents and anyone with opposing views / opinions in the building.

Fox news just reported several School Unions asking Biden to consider some protests / meetings involving parents as 'domestic terrorism'.

WTF?! This is blatant intimidation, silencing parents, and attempting to make people opposed to their agenda / tyranny 'terrorists'.

A federal lawyer just explained a parent can punch a school board member in the nose - that would be illegal but it would not meet the federal requirements to be 'terrorism' and the federal govt would not have the authority to intervene because these local / state incidents do not rise to the level of 'Federal Govt Interest', according to law.

Andrew McCarthy just explained THIS means both Biden and his US AG know that they have no authority to intervene or send in the FBI but they are publicly threatening to do so ot INTIMIDATE, FRIGHTEN, AND SILENCE AMERICANS / PARENTS.

Dimm fucker's are indeed, well organized SLIME!
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

I got a great idea....

If you don't want to be thought of as a terrorist
Stop threatening violence to achieve your political goals.

I got a great idea....

If you don't want to be thought of as a terrorist
Stop threatening violence to achieve your political goals.


BLM and ANTIFA and those who refuse to condemn those terrorists agree with you.
Given how quickly Garland has turned into the whipping boy for Xiden and the dembot cult and their quest to weaponize the Executive against polltical opposition it’s clear he would have made a horrible Justice.
The Radical Marxist / Socialist / TYRANNICAL left is attempting to make ANY opposition to their agenda, ideology, and tyranny categorized as 'TERRORISM'.

There is an American citizen who ATTENDED the 1/6 event, who did not enter the Capitol, who was arrested and thrown into solitary confinement and kept there beyond the length of time American citizens are supposed to be held without being charged with a crime.

Are Parents who oppose to the Biden administration's Mask and vaccine mandate, who opposes radical leftist CRT that teaches kids to hate each other and their country?

What Biden and his US AG are attempting to INTIMIDATE and SILENCE parents from speaking out and opposing these things for fear of being placed on some ;terrorist watch list', of being hauled in to some HQ and questioned / interrogated, of potentially being arrested, thrown into solitary confinement, left there, and facing prison time for exercising their constitutional rights and protecting their children.

Fear-Mongering, Harassment, Intimidation, branding Americans who do not embrace the Marxist / Tyrannical agenda and ideology as 'terrorists', threat of incarceration....

This is the Government we are now facing and having to deal with, thanks to Democrats and Biden. This can not be allowed to go unchallenged / exist.

I warned you people about this 20 years ago when you were wiretapping the phones of priests and antiwar activists that the unabashed use of "terrorism" to describe any political activity you don't like would have a price.
How's your own crap taste?
BLM and ANTIFA and those who refuse to condemn those terrorists agree with you.
Show me a single member of your personal phobic non-existent group "ANTIFA"

You can do it!
And by that I mean

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