Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Right wing terrorist traitors are being dealt with via prison sentences. If these right wing nut jobs want to make threats and/or use violence at school board meetings, lock them up as well. They have no place in a civilized society.
The FBI is going after local crimes now?
Why weren't they arresting all the violent rioters over the last few years?
It's plain to see that their focus is solely ideological
I am always happy to ask for clarification, if I think the person is capable. You do not fit that description.
Your confusion about last Summer's demonstrations remains intact. You should have your intellectual superior== any fourth grader explain it to you....
Yet, the FBI doesn't self-admittedly track violence by Antifa and BLM.
Dimm authoritarianism stinks!
They do for ANTIFA activists...

BLM far less so as they have not threatened anyone with violence... For starters BLM is a movement rather organisation... So individuals who are involved in violence can of course be investigated...

Lets look at the difference, Proud Boys have a membership and structure of organising and co-ordinating... This is very evident in the NYT documentary, it is very clear that they are communicating by radio and organising not only themselves but also others to attack various entrances of the capital.. Proud Boys are looking like a criminal operation or even a terrorist one...

Have you got a membership for BLM? Have you got them co-ordinating violence? You find that BLM actually approach the Police about having protests, this is common sense on both side... There is agitators in crowds who try and hijack there agenda...
The FBI is going after local crimes now?
Why weren't they arresting all the violent rioters over the last few years?
It's plain to see that their focus is solely ideological
They were... There has been investigations of both ANTIFA and Proud Boys...

As soon as the violence was attributed to Terrorism then it is Federal...

Rioters and looters is a big stretch to make into Terrorism...

This by definition is terrorising elected people doing their duty.. Thus terrorism..
They were... There has been investigations of both ANTIFA and Proud Boys...

As soon as the violence was attributed to Terrorism then it is Federal...

Rioters and looters is a big stretch to make into Terrorism...

This by definition is terrorising elected people doing their duty.. Thus terrorism..
So harassing school boards is a crime for the fbi to solve but harassing politicians is just "part of the business" according to Biden.

Do you not see the disconnect here?
The FBI is going after local crimes now?
Why weren't they arresting all the violent rioters over the last few years?
It's plain to see that their focus is solely ideological
The FBI investigates potential terrorism. It's their job, dipshit. Also, The National School Board asked for Federal Assistance to help them with these right wing terrorists.
Harassing a schoolboard is not terrorism DIPSHIT
Making threats against someones life is, dumbass. The National School Board has documented cases. This is where we are at in America. Right wing terrorists dont get their way, they threaten peoples lives. To them, that's democracy lol. Now they have to suffer the consequences, hopefully with maximum sentences.
Whew! I couldn't wade through all 8 pages of this thread.
Easyt's contribution was enough to set the tone....and the caliber.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children...... are 'violent criminal terrorists'.
We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.
Oh boy! Histrionics much? Take a dramaqueen pill and you'll feel better.
Easyt...what you wrote above is utter and complete nonsense.
If you could do a little vetting, a little fact checking, perhaps, you'd find references to the fact that teachers, principals, superintendents, school board members ---and their families ----are being threatened with injury and death by out of control members of the fringie Right.

It's out there partner, read it. Learn more than what you think you know now.
Just sayin'.

"Garland has turned the FBI into his very own NKVD."
Wild Bill....see above. It applies to you too. Take your dramaqueen pill.

"There is an American citizen who ATTENDED the 1/6 event, who did not enter the Capitol, who was arrested and thrown into solitary confinement"
Name names, and charges, and your sources.
Or it never happened.
The onus is on you Easyt to back up what you say.
Batter up.

While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views."
A hat-tip to the poster BB for an admirable effort to salvage this thread and bring it back out of the Fringie RWNJ universe of being angry at everybody all the time. Some here just don't seem to understand that serving on the School Board doesn't mean you and your family should be threatened with arson or worse because you voted for wearing a mask in the classroom.

"The WOKE dumb fuck millenials are a lost cause. FUCK EM
NOT ONE PARENT SHOULD MEET WITH THE FBI. the FBI is a fascist organization….just like the SS for Hitler. WAKE THE FUCK UP!"
Well, good morning, good Colonel Angus. It is heartening to see that once again you have your anger issues nearly in control. Perhaps more de-caf less hi-test could calm those demons?

And, it is also heartening to see that you have your oft-used toolkit of F-bombs to fill in when your inarticulateness prevents you from expressing how your really feel.

Sincerely, maybe go back to decaf? ;)
Whew! I couldn't wade through all 8 pages of this thread.
Easyt's contribution was enough to set the tone....and the caliber.

Oh boy! Histrionics much? Take a dramaqueen pill and you'll feel better.
Easyt...what you wrote above is utter and complete nonsense.
If you could do a little vetting, a little fact checking, perhaps, you'd find references to the fact that teachers, principals, superintendents, school board members ---and their families ----are being threatened with injury and death by out of control members of the fringie Right.

It's out there partner, read it. Learn more than what you think you know now.
Just sayin'.

Wild Bill....see above. It applies to you too. Take your dramaqueen pill.

Name names, and charges, and your sources.
Or it never happened.
The onus is on you Easyt to back up what you say.
Batter up.

A hat-tip to the poster BB for an admirable effort to salvage this thread and bring it back out of the Fringie RWNJ universe of being angry at everybody all the time. Some here just don't seem to understand that serving on the School Board doesn't mean you and your family should be threatened with arson or worse because you voted for wearing a mask in the classroom.

Well, good morning, good Colonel Angus. It is heartening to see that once again you have your anger issues nearly in control. Perhaps more de-caf less hi-test could calm those demons?

And, it is also heartening to see that you have your oft-used toolkit of F-bombs to fill in when your inarticulateness prevents you from expressing how your really feel.

Sincerely, maybe go back to decaf? ;)

I stopped reading your dis-information when you said Biden and the DOJ are NOT attempting to intimidate and silence parents.

I watched the Deputy Director of the DOJ testify under oath yesterday, and during her testimony she declared when there is violence at a school board meeting it is the responsibility of the DOJ and FBI to intervene. In saying so, this ignorant bitch demonstrated she has no concept or idea what the US Constitution or US law states...and she is 2nd of command at the DOJ.

She is flat-out wrong and got hammered for it. If violence breaks out at a school board meeting the DOJ and FBI have no jurisdiction, no authority to step in, because it is a matter for LOCAL AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT TO HANDLE.
- Ignorant / crooked / tyrannical federal officials like this bitch either have no idea what thy are talking about or they are attempting to bluff their way through, hoping Americans are just stupid.

They aren't. The DOJ got bombarded with e-mails and calls calling this woman's BS out.

Tyrants can not sic the federal govt / FBI on Americans and reply as to why / how 'Because WE SAID WE CAN'.
- NO, no they can't.

I do not believe this woman is THAT stupid in regards to the law, not being 2nd in command of the DOJ. And Garland is justifying his being prevented from becoming a USSC Justice.

Both the DOJ and FBI know they do not have the jurisdiction or authority to intervene in this matter, if it involves violence at school board meetings....and their declaring otherwise is nothing more than intimidation, an attempt to intimidate and silence....or it is a deliberate, illegal overreach of power / authority.
So harassing school boards is a crime for the fbi to solve but harassing politicians is just "part of the business" according to Biden.

Do you not see the disconnect here?
Can chew gum and walk at the same time....

On premise FBI should just investigate one crime at a time...

FBI is investigating threats, they are against the law..
Can chew gum and walk at the same time....

On premise FBI should just investigate one crime at a time...

FBI is investigating threats, they are against the law..
They are not federal crimes. If actual threats are occurring that is a matter for local authorities.
Nationalizing our police is a terrible idea

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