Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'
Spoken like a true authoritarian anti Bill of Rights butt kisser.
I'm sure democrats are all in love with Comrade McAuliffe.
huh? explain that logic to us.
I have to explain it? One of the FBI's responsibility is to investigate domestic terrorism. When you have right wing animals calling up their school board members and threatening to kill them, THAT is terrorism. Why do you need that explained to you? Are you that stupid?
I have to explain it? One of the FBI's responsibility is to investigate domestic terrorism. When you have right wing animals calling up their school board members and threatening to kill them, THAT is terrorism. Why do you need that explained to you? Are you that stupid?
Where was the FBI when Portland was under siege for more than a year?

The FBI has become a politicized tool of the left. This is just one more example.
Thread summary:

Right-wing anitvaxxer terrorists are upset that they're no longer considered to be above the law, and that there will be consequences for their ongoing violence campaign.

Meanwhile, normal people think that seeing antivaxxer terrorists punished is a _good_ thing.

Keep on sucking it hard, terrorists. And understand that if you push it too far, you'll be the ones the FBI is investigating.
He saw what you guys did on 1/6. He doesn't want similar attacks across the nation.
What a crock of shit. Link us up to all this violence at school board meetings.

Any violence that may take place is a local law enforcement matter, not an FBI matter.
What a crock of shit. Link us up to all this violence at school board meetings.

Any violence that may take place is a local law enforcement matter, not an FBI matter.
Trypical right wing nut job "hey I didnt hear about it, so it never happened". It's an FBI matter because people are getting death threats you dumb piece of shit. That is FBI territory. And we're going to lock MORE of your kind up, be sure of that.
The FBI investigates potential terrorism. It's their job, dipshit. Also, The National School Board asked for Federal Assistance to help them with these right wing terrorists.
This if from their letter....

The letter cites more than twenty instances of threats, harassment, disruption, and acts of intimidation that have transpired during school board meetings and that are targeted at school officials.

20 whole instances? How many were threats vs disruptions? They didn't cite a single threat. And as already stated, it is a local law enforcement issue. The FBI has no reason to harass parents.
Trypical right wing nut job "hey I didnt hear about it, so it never happened". It's an FBI matter because people are getting death threats you dumb piece of shit. That is FBI territory. And we're going to lock MORE of your kind up, be sure of that.
Link us up to these "death threats". Death threats are covered by local/state statutes.
Making threats against someones life is, dumbass. The National School Board has documented cases. This is where we are at in America. Right wing terrorists dont get their way, they threaten peoples lives. To them, that's democracy lol. Now they have to suffer the consequences, hopefully with maximum sentences.
I never mentioned threats did I DIPSHIT....

You have to move the goalposts to even be remotely accurate and even then it is NOT a federal crime.

Since when does the FBI get tangled up in local crimes?

The only way they can do that is by labeling parents terrorists.

Garbage gestapo bullshit
Follow the money.

Conflict of interest much?​

So the fascist Neo-GOP don't care if school board members are threatened and harassed....

"In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation's public schools. While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views."

Nobody has been threatened, if there was proof the media would be reporting on it 24/7. But you loons harassed a senator all the way in the bathroom. Of course nothing happened to them.

Garlands memorandum says nothing of the sort.

He's speaking about harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence, which are against the law already.

he's not talking about protesting or curbing free speech.

your right wing media, sucks to high heaven!!!
Name the threats, there are none. Keep this crap up and you will never win an election again.

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