Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

GOP leader blasts Biden admin after critics push DOJ to label parents as 'domestic terrorists'

GOP leader blasts Biden admin after critics push DOJ to label parents as 'domestic terrorists'

In one city Antifa and BLM held city blocks, businesses, and citizens hostage, looted, extorted, assaulted, and murdered......They rioted, looted, defaced, destroyed, burned, assaulted, murdered, attempted to burn local and federal police officers, and caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage in democrat-run cities all over the US....and yet Democrats refuse to label them as 'Domestic Terrorists' (probably because Democrats were aiding, abetting, supplying, defending, protecting, and even bailing these terrorists out of jail...cough, cough VPHARRIS).....

Yet Biden and the Marxist Left are willing to brand parents as 'terrorists' for opposing Biden's & Democrats' Un-Constitutional mandates and Marxist indoctrination of their children.

This is one more FORCED step Biden and Democrats are driving Americans closer to a civil war.

Your confusion about last Summer's demonstrations remains intact. You should have your intellectual superior== any fourth grader explain it to you....
you are mistaken. there is no confusion whatsoever on my part, retard!!!
Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence''silence'

Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence'


No, Ma'am, but you are a threat to Marxist / Socialist Democrat tyranny, their agenda, ideology, intent to indoctrinate young, Impressionable children, to their intent to strip more and more Constitutional and legal rights away from American citizens.

Garland is involving the FBI because terrorism might be involved......based on WHAT?

DOJ issued memo after NSBA suggested school boards might be facing domestic terrorism​

Based on GARLAND, who authored the memo and suggested it, not on actual facts or any evidence of existing threats of terrorism or actual terrorist acts. The Biden administration is CREATING the impression that terrorism may be involved in order to - 1)paint these parents opposing their radical ideology / agenda as 'terrorists' and 2) to get the American citizen-victimizing FBI involved.
Garland has very good reasons for wanting to protect CRT in schools.

Family money you understand.
So it is ok to harass an elected official in a bathroom.

But not ok for parents to speak up at schoolboard meetings.

Got it.
The same people claiming the FBI should be allowed to intimidate parents at school board meetings are the ones that screamed to high heaven about the patriot act over reaching. You really can't make this shit up. The idiocy of supporting or denouncing things based on your political leanings rather than logic and reason is rampant.
Garland has very good reasons for wanting to protect CRT in schools.

Family money you understand.
leftist morons will completely ignore this, or say "but, but Trump"
They were... There has been investigations of both ANTIFA and Proud Boys...

As soon as the violence was attributed to Terrorism then it is Federal...

Rioters and looters is a big stretch to make into Terrorism...

This by definition is terrorising elected people doing their duty.. Thus terrorism..
You are not believed. Just like Garland was pushed as a Moderate for the Supreme Court. He is pure Marxist. You are to stupid to realize that those who really tame the land and build, are the ones you want to destroy. Education means nothing if common sense is eliminated.
The same people claiming the FBI should be allowed to intimidate parents at school board meetings are the ones that screamed to high heaven about the patriot act over reaching. You really can't make this shit up. The idiocy of supporting or denouncing things based on your political leanings rather than logic and reason is rampant.

It is like a mass hallucination.

They operate in a constant state of hypocrisy.

They contradict themselves all the time because they have no principles and morals....only power and money.

What are Joe Biden's principles? Does he even know?

Who are THE RICH and what is their FAIR SHARE? No one knows. It could change based on political goals.
"So it is ok to harass an elected official in a bathroom.
But not ok for parents to speak up at schoolboard meetings.

Got it."
Ummm no, you don't 'got it'.

It ain't a question....never was.....of parents 'speaking up at schoolboard meetings'.

The question is how does our society protect teachers, administration, schoolboard members, from violent they partisans of politics, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-curriculum.

Now, I would not suggest that any of the above posters who deplore Garland's bully-pulpit messaging are FOR violence towards educators. Nonetheless, a clear signal by our society must be sent that while you have every right to stand up at a board meeting and express your opinion. You do not have the right to threaten...or worse.....violence against anyone who is lawfully doing their duty in furtherance of educating our children.
Ummm no, you don't 'got it'.

It ain't a question....never was.....of parents 'speaking up at schoolboard meetings'.

The question is how does our society protect teachers, administration, schoolboard members, from violent they partisans of politics, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-curriculum.

Now, I would not suggest that any of the above posters who deplore Garland's bully-pulpit messaging are FOR violence towards educators. Nonetheless, a clear signal by our society must be sent that while you have every right to stand up at a board meeting and express your opinion. You do not have the right to threaten...or worse.....violence against anyone who is lawfully doing their duty in furtherance of educating our children.

They do not need protecting. They do not want parents to express themselves.
Whew! I couldn't wade through all 8 pages of this thread.
Easyt's contribution was enough to set the tone....and the caliber.

Oh boy! Histrionics much? Take a dramaqueen pill and you'll feel better.
Easyt...what you wrote above is utter and complete nonsense.
If you could do a little vetting, a little fact checking, perhaps, you'd find references to the fact that teachers, principals, superintendents, school board members ---and their families ----are being threatened with injury and death by out of control members of the fringie Right.

It's out there partner, read it. Learn more than what you think you know now.
Just sayin'.

Wild Bill....see above. It applies to you too. Take your dramaqueen pill.

Name names, and charges, and your sources.
Or it never happened.
The onus is on you Easyt to back up what you say.
Batter up.

A hat-tip to the poster BB for an admirable effort to salvage this thread and bring it back out of the Fringie RWNJ universe of being angry at everybody all the time. Some here just don't seem to understand that serving on the School Board doesn't mean you and your family should be threatened with arson or worse because you voted for wearing a mask in the classroom.

Well, good morning, good Colonel Angus. It is heartening to see that once again you have your anger issues nearly in control. Perhaps more de-caf less hi-test could calm those demons?

And, it is also heartening to see that you have your oft-used toolkit of F-bombs to fill in when your inarticulateness prevents you from expressing how your really feel.

Sincerely, maybe go back to decaf? ;)
Why are you defending tyranny?
Rioting and Stopping the peaceful transfer of power should concern us all. But then again; I'm much smarter than you so I would imagine the dumb among us don't recognize such a threat.

Billions of dollars in damage from the arson, violence and murder by Antifa/BLM across the nation and that's Social Justice not insurrection?

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Thanks for that...

Threatening school boards is just not acceptable behaviour... All right to object and be forceful in those objections... Threats are not acceptable..
anyone that would abuse children should not be threatened,, they should be dragged into the streets tied to a stump and fucked by every dog in the town and then drug to city limits and kicked out of town,,
Yeah cause, potheads wanting t get high is exactly like parents concerned about their children
My last child is in college with a scholarship which pays for everything due to his high grades in public school.. I have no idea what makes you so fucking ignorant you son of a bitch. I tutored my kids while they went to school because I have a high IQ and yes I love to smoke weed so what, and all my kids have jobs and earn a living, all four of them, even the one in college has a job. So, fuck off dickhead and never ever mention my kids again, you want to attack someone be a man and face me one on one.
Billions of dollars in damage from the arson, violence and murder by Antifa/BLM across the nation and that's Social Justice not insurrection?

It's is a way of the common folk telling those in power they have had it with the abuse, Jan 6 was a political putsch that failed due to lie coming from a cult leader.

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