Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

Nothing unconstitutional about it. The fact that they’re parents means nothing. You are not exempt from the law the day you became a parent. Plenty of them n prison now.

The children shouldn’t have to suffer because they have shit for brains parents
This if from their letter....

The letter cites more than twenty instances of threats, harassment, disruption, and acts of intimidation that have transpired during school board meetings and that are targeted at school officials.

20 whole instances? How many were threats vs disruptions? They didn't cite a single threat. And as already stated, it is a local law enforcement issue. The FBI has no reason to harass parents.
In your mind, how many death threats should be made until the FBI gets involved? You must have a number in mind because evidently this wasnt enough.

School boards association reaches out to FBI for help as threats, violence hit meetings. This one local news site gives an example of death threats locally. They also point out how these animals are getting all upset over CRT in a school system that doesnt even teach CRT. I GUARANTEE you if you ask one of these slack jawed animals what CRT is, all you're gonna get is a bunch of drool coming from their mouths.
Ummm no, you don't 'got it'.

It ain't a question....never was.....of parents 'speaking up at schoolboard meetings'.

The question is how does our society protect teachers, administration, schoolboard members, from violent they partisans of politics, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-curriculum.

Now, I would not suggest that any of the above posters who deplore Garland's bully-pulpit messaging are FOR violence towards educators. Nonetheless, a clear signal by our society must be sent that while you have every right to stand up at a board meeting and express your opinion. You do not have the right to threaten...or worse.....violence against anyone who is lawfully doing their duty in furtherance of educating our children.
Where is all this violence? Gotta link?
In your mind, how many death threats should be made until the FBI gets involved? You must have a number in mind because evidently this wasnt enough.

School boards association reaches out to FBI for help as threats, violence hit meetings. This one local news site gives an example of death threats locally. They also point out how these animals are getting all upset over CRT in a school system that doesnt even teach CRT. I GUARANTEE you if you ask one of these slack jawed animals what CRT is, all you're gonna get is a bunch of drool coming from their mouths.
I see one school board member in your link claiming threats, but no actual evidence. Any relation to Jessie Smollett?

And again, covered by local/state statutes. The FBI has no role here.

Wanna try again?
Nothing unconstitutional about it. The fact that they’re parents means nothing. You are not exempt from the law the day you became a parent. Plenty of them n prison now.

The children shouldn’t have to suffer because they have shit for brains parents
Parents have a right to voice their objections and to 'police' school boards', teachers, and what is being taught in schools. Neither the DOJ nor FBI have authority or jurisdiction in cases of violence at school board meetings. They are the responsibility of local and state police.

What laws are you suggesting parents believe they are exempt from?

Yes, thousands of people who happen to be parents are in jail today - Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
- What's your point?
Nothing unconstitutional about it. The fact that they’re parents means nothing. You are not exempt from the law the day you became a parent. Plenty of them n prison now.
WTF does this mean exactly?
**Translation** Im all for the fbi coming after conservatives.
Actually I'm all for arresting right wing terrorists AND people that burn down buildings, whatever their political persuasion. Are you saying the FBI should NOT be going after right wing nut jobs who make death threats to publicly elected officials? But lets face facts.....I'll keep counting the right wing terrorist guilty rulings and pleas. Meanwhile, you'll be sitting here still wondering why people from some imaginary right wing group you've made up are not being arrested. That's the price you pay for being delusional.
Actually I'm all for arresting right wing terrorists AND people that burn down buildings, whatever their political persuasion. Are you saying the FBI should NOT be going after right wing nut jobs who make death threats to publicly elected officials? But lets face facts.....I'll keep counting the right wing terrorist guilty rulings and pleas. Meanwhile, you'll be sitting here still wondering why people from some imaginary right wing group you've made up are not being arrested. That's the price you pay for being delusional.

Of course you are but "right wing terrorists" aren't running around destroying private property, killing, raping, burning, looting such as the leftist antifa or blm did for over a year. You won't address that though.
Nobody has been threatened, if there was proof the media would be reporting on it 24/7. But you loons harassed a senator all the way in the bathroom. Of course nothing happened to them.
Then nobody should be threatened by his letter announcing that they were going after those who use intimidation, threats and violence as a means to coerce School Board members.
I'm all for arresting right wing terrorists AND people that burn down buildings,
so you're ok with demofks burning down police departments and cities. gotcha. And those are protestors. got to love the blatant hypocrisy
Of course you are but "right wing terrorists" aren't running around destroying private property, killing, raping, burning, looting such as the leftist antifa or blm did for over a year. You won't address that though.
There is no group called Antifa. That's your first problem. Your delusions. Show me ANY proof a group called Antifa exists. A website? A phone number? A breakdown of their leadership? Anything? You've got nothing. Second of all BLM is not advocating violence. Back in reality we are arresting the right wing cop killers (Boogaloo Boys), the right wing terrorists (Proud Boys on Federal conspiracy charges related to Jan 6th) and a whole host of right wing terrorists. Have a great day!
There is no group called Antifa. That's your first problem. Your delusions. Show me ANY proof a group called Antifa exists. A website? A phone number? A breakdown of their leadership? Anything? You've got nothing. Second of all BLM is not advocating violence. Back in reality we are arresting the right wing cop killers (Boogaloo Boys), the right wing terrorists (Proud Boys on Federal conspiracy charges related to Jan 6th) and a whole host of right wing terrorists. Have a great day!

We're done here. You're delusional.
so you're ok with demofks burning down police departments and cities. gotcha. And those are protestors. got to love the blatant hypocrisy
I literally said I was for arresting people that burned down buildings. Seriously, what is wrong with you?
We're done here. You're delusional.
Name me ONE leader of Antifa. ONE. Somehow we know the entire breakdown of Proud Boys leadership or hell even Taliban living in caves in Afghanistan, yet we just cant find any leaders of Antifa. ITS BECAUSE A GROUP NAMED ANTIFA DOESNT EXIST.
I see one school board member in your link claiming threats, but no actual evidence. Any relation to Jessie Smollett?

And again, covered by local/state statutes. The FBI has no role here.

Wanna try again?
I'm confused by the links. Trespassing? It was on school property and a meeting of the parents. I need a demofk to explain how it's trespassing?
I literally said I was for arresting people that burned down buildings. Seriously, what is wrong with you?
nope, that isn't literally what you said. You're blind to your own writing. amazing. Now that's hate.
I'm confused by the links. Trespassing? It was on school property and a meeting of the parents. I need a demofk to explain how it's trespassing?
It's because they were acting like animals and the board had to stop the meeting. Once the meeting was declared over, they were then trespassing. Why is that so hard to understand?

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