Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Unless you home school your kids, yes you will. That is the purpose of our daycare, er, compulsory education. You guys are just triggered into an emotional and irrational state of hatred by the terms CRT and or Masking mandates.....
Lol, you go to school to learn history, math, science, and English. Not social programming.
If you dont want to know what they are teaching your children in school, you should not have kids.

It is every bit as important, and maybe even more important than what your kids eat.

You know what your child eats in order to live…why shouldnt you know what the government is putting into their minds?

Lefties….wouldnt you want to know if yiur child’s teacher was telling them that girls are stupid and fags are evil?
So even when the building is closed, people can just walk around in the building whenever and wherever they want just because taxpayers paid for the building. Let's do an experiment. I want you to go down to your county court house and enter the judges chambers without permission and refuse to leave. Let's see what happens.
if they were invited in, sure. When asked to leave, they leave. Meeting over.
the ending phrase "whatever their political persuasion" kinda covers "any". But whatever, you decided to be stupid again. You are on perma ignore.
well fk an A, I'm fking wrong. Sir, my apologies, I fked that reading up. No excuse, on me. all, I fked up!!!
CALL IN THE MARINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holy fk, store owners were getting beat with two by fours and no call for FBI, shit no national guard, but by god fk with a school board with an argument only, and the marines are needed. Holy fk!!! Hey Kyle, here's your effort.
He saw what you guys did on 1/6. He doesn't want similar attacks across the nation.
"You guys"?

Parents that attend school board meetings were at 1/6 and broke into the Capital where they were gunned down unarmed?

Do tell.
Opposing the radical teachers agenda comes naturally to most normal Americans
For starters, most of you guys seem to have no idea what you’re actually opposing and just are lashing out from the fury you’ve been whipped into.

Second, violent threats are not okay. Don’t forget what this is about. The right is trying to mainstream violence and you won’t talk about it.
How can people not see what's going on? The FBI is coming for parents and soon the IRS will be notified by your bank if you buy a fucking TV from Best Buy for $600 bucks! What the hell is happening to my country?

That you need things to go hysterical about.

I don't worry that the government knows I bought a TV. I'm more worried that my Facebook feed gets filled with ads because I merely LOOKED SOMETHING UP on line. Corporate America has a much bigger wedge in your life than the government does.

Yes, if you are a white supremecist crazy who threatens a school board member because you think they might be teaching CRT (they probably aren't, but you are too dumb to know what CRT actually is) then the FBI would like to have a word.
You are not believed. Just like Garland was pushed as a Moderate for the Supreme Court. He is pure Marxist. You are to stupid to realize that those who really tame the land and build, are the ones you want to destroy. Education means nothing if common sense is eliminated.
Everyone is a Marxist to you...

Fuck it, Bozo the Clown is probably a Marxist too...

Ever learn what Marxist is? You might find you are over using it...

Hey Kermit the frog is on TV...Bloody Marxist...
So they need armbands to identify themselves as Pink Floyd fans?
No they need armbands to identify themselves as DemNazis.

Joe and Hunter Biden need their own armbands to identify them as crack heads and Chinese child sex slave rapists.

Joe and Hunter always had eyes for children.
That you need things to go hysterical about.

I don't worry that the government knows I bought a TV. I'm more worried that my Facebook feed gets filled with ads because I merely LOOKED SOMETHING UP on line. Corporate America has a much bigger wedge in your life than the government does.

Yes, if you are a white supremecist crazy who threatens a school board member because you think they might be teaching CRT (they probably aren't, but you are too dumb to know what CRT actually is) then the FBI would like to have a word.
Heard Joe Biden's Facebook page is filled with Chinese sexcation ads for him and Hunter to visit Chinese Child Sex Slaves and Smoke Crack.
For starters, most of you guys seem to have no idea what you’re actually opposing and just are lashing out from the fury you’ve been whipped into.
I know exactly what I am opposing

Its the nazi/communist method of population control

You have goals that are against the values that America was founded on

And you want to silence the popular opposition to your radical leftwing agenda
Yes, if you are a white supremecist crazy who threatens a school board member because you think they might be teaching CRT (they probably aren't, but you are too dumb to know what CRT actually is) then the FBI would like to have a word.
I know very well what CRT is and it's origins. I also know that getting the FBI involved in PTA meetings is insane and an obvious abuse of Federal power as is the IRS snooping on every citizen's bank transactions. You accuse me of being dumb and while you just swallow the Democrat Kool-Aid without thinking. You better wake up, the incremental creep of a Totalitarian State is underway.
I know very well what CRT is and it's origins. I also know that getting the FBI involved in PTA meetings is insane and an obvious abuse of Federal power as is the IRS snooping on every citizen's bank transactions. You accuse me of being dumb and while you just swallow the Democrat Kool-Aid without thinking. You better wake up, the incremental creep of a Totalitarian State is underway.

When crazy racist parents are threatening school board members, this kind of is a case for the FBI.

The problem is, the whole statement about "Snooping in bank transactions" just isn't true, either.

The new rule applies for business transactions, which can often be paid through cash apps like Venmo and PayPal. In the past, sellers on Etsy and eBay were able to go largely undetected in terms of how much income they were truly bringing in because identifying income through cash apps was difficult to do.

Now you will likely receive a 1099-K form if you receive more than $600 on any cash app — but this does not mean that you need to fill it out or report any income.

For most users, you will not need to do anything at all. This new reporting rule applies to business transactions and sellers of services, meaning that if you are using Venmo between friends for reimbursement for let’s say, dinner or shopping this does not count as countable taxable income.

The IRS is looking for those who use cash apps as a way to circumvent banks and traditional forms of income reporting. Current tax law, regardless of the new rule, requires anyone to pay taxes on income more than $600 regardless of where it comes from

This really isn't anything new. For those playing along at home, I have a resume business. Every year, the cash apps I use are ALREADY sending me a 1099 to record how much money I got through customers using cash apps.
weaponizing the Executive to attack political speech is a key element of tyrants…Obama and Xiden did it, not surprised to see Xiden continue those practices.

as the dembot cult cheers
weaponizing the Executive to attack political speech is a key element of tyrants…Obama and Xiden did it, not surprised to see Xiden continue those practices.

as the dembot cult cheers

Right, we should just ignore the crazies... Look how well that worked out in Oklahoma City.

For starters, most of you guys seem to have no idea what you’re actually opposing and just are lashing out from the fury you’ve been whipped into.

Second, violent threats are not okay. Don’t forget what this is about. The right is trying to mainstream violence and you won’t talk about it.
When the time comes, his relatives overseas will be removed from existence. Violence with massive poverty happens.

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