Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Comparing a parent speaking up in a school board meeting to the OK city boomer? wow you fascist will look for just about anything to impose your tyranny…

We aren't talking about people speaking up, we are talking about people specifically threatening school board members.

And, yes, CRT opponents are angry racists like the OKC Bomber, so we should probably keep an eye on them.

For starters, most of you guys seem to have no idea what you’re actually opposing and just are lashing out from the fury you’ve been whipped into.

Second, violent threats are not okay. Don’t forget what this is about. The right is trying to mainstream violence and you won’t talk about it.
So far I have seen you clowns bring 1 instance that would be considered a threat. No violence.

Once again, local matter. The FBI has no role.
Terroristic threats are part of the FBIs mission.

Especially if the local police are incompetent or corrupt.
Telling a school board you disagree with their policies isn’t a threat…even if they school board is. controlled by dems and their dem donors in the teachers union
We aren't talking about people speaking up, we are talking about people specifically threatening school board members.

And, yes, CRT opponents are angry racists like the OKC Bomber, so we should probably keep an eye on them.

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i’m being against CRT being taught to grade school children doesn’t make you racist

it’s a law school theory not designed for grade school kids

and yes we are talking about people speaking up against that, as you yourself highlighted
This is utter Stalinism.

No wonder the human excrement of this forum supports it.
"Terrorism" means, to Garland Merrick, telling some sycophantic educrat to his/her face that you will not allow your child to be brainwashed.
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

I think you will find the correct word is "siccing" unless they are ill.
no we can read your post. You literally just said if u oppose CRT being taught to your grade school child you are a racist domestic terrorist
You’re delusional. Let’s see the post where I “literally” said any such thing.
Biden’s SS intimidating soccer moms.

Just incredible….lefties hate the first ammendment so much.
Critical Racism Theory is shit.

It is communist indoctrination. That is why the left are pushing it.
I know very well what CRT is and it's origins. I also know that getting the FBI involved in PTA meetings is insane and an obvious abuse of Federal power as is the IRS snooping on every citizen's bank transactions. You accuse me of being dumb and while you just swallow the Democrat Kool-Aid without thinking. You better wake up, the incremental creep of a Totalitarian State is underway.

They really are going all out to usher in their authoritarianism.

….and the brain washed cultists clap and bark like the trained seals they are.


Lefties dancing for their puppet masters

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