Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Critical Racism Theory is shit.

It is communist indoctrination. That is why the left are pushing it.
Y’all are intent on covering up the past and will react aggressively if someone provides an alternative point of view, one from those who were oppressed.
“Treat other people the way you want to be treated.”

There…teach kids that and shove CRT up your dickholes.
Y’all are intent on covering up the past and will react aggressively if someone provides an alternative point of view, one from those who were oppressed.
i dont think anyone is suggesting it shouldn’t be taught…in law schools, where it was designed and what it’s for
They’re using anger at CRT to attempt to cover up embarrassing US history.
huh? i don’t see that at all. American history can be taught, as is. We all know slavery existed, it was horrible, we know the dems faight to keep it, we know the dems lost, we know the dems faught civil rights and created jim crow, we know they lost that too….we know CRT is some 50 year old law school theory that belongs in law school….nothing to rewrite…teach it.
huh? i don’t see that at all. American history can be taught, as is. We all know slavery existed, it was horrible, we know the dems faight to keep it, we know the dems lost, we know the dems faught civil rights and created jim crow, we know they lost that too….we know CRT is some 50 year old law school theory that belongs in law school….nothing to rewrite…teach it.
Nope. We aren’t supposed to talk about white oppression of black people. It might portray white people as racist and must be outlawed.
Nope. We aren’t supposed to talk about white oppression of black people. It might portray white people as racist and must be outlawed.
not sure who told you that. We can certainly discuss what white dems did. We should also discuss folks like Lincoln, and members of his party that fought to end slavery. We should also discuss how slavery existed centuries before the USA, and still exist

We should also discuss how our founding principals, religious leaders, like Dr King, etc fought against the dem party to being civil rights, how while prejudice, racist etc still exist there is much more in our history that brings us together then separates us…and division of races, classes etc while a cheap political tool used by some to gain power, and always has been that there is more that brings us together and folks that use racist rhetoric and fearmongering and suggest we aren’t “black” if we don’t support them are in fact the bigots
not sure who told you that. We can certainly discuss what white dems did. We should also discuss folks like Lincoln, and members of his party that fought to end slavery. We should also discuss how slavery existed centuries before the USA, and still exist

We should also discuss how our founding principals, religious leaders, like Dr King, etc fought against the dem party to being civil rights, how while prejudice, racist etc still exist there is much more in our history that brings us together then separates us…and division of races, classes etc while a cheap political tool used by some to gain power, and always has been that there is more that brings us together and folks that use racist rhetoric and fearmongering and suggest we aren’t “black” if we don’t support them are in fact the bigots
Republicans told me that. We aren't allowed to speak of racism of whites against blacks, as this may lead people to believe white people did bad things. We aren't allowed to speak of our founding fathers owning slaves, as we are supposed to worship them. We aren't supposed to talk about structural racism because that might hurt the feelings of white people.

People are trying to whitewash history because they're afraid to confront it. The backlash can sometimes be extreme.
i’m being against CRT being taught to grade school children doesn’t make you racist

it’s a law school theory not designed for grade school kids

and yes we are talking about people speaking up against that, as you yourself highlighted

Uh, yeah, guy, your made up hysteria about CRT being taught in grade schools (It isn't) is racist. The real problem is that you have racist parents who toss around the N-word at home suddenly finding out their kids are being taught that the N-word is actually a bad thing to say.

Who knew.

Telling a school board you disagree with their policies isn’t a threat…even if they school board is. controlled by dems and their dem donors in the teachers union

There's disagreeing, and then there are actual threats of violence... and that's what we are talking about here.

Remember, people on your side think you should be armed like the Zombies are coming because you needs your guns to fight the gummit, so yeah, I can see why people would be legitimately concerned about you.
not sure who told you that. We can certainly discuss what white dems did. We should also discuss folks like Lincoln, and members of his party that fought to end slavery. We should also discuss how slavery existed centuries before the USA, and still exist

It seems like you want to change the subject a lot, don't you?

You guys want to have it both ways on Lincoln, but the real problem is the Party of Lincoln has become the party of John Wilkes Booth.

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