Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Wait who are the ones being investigated? Oh thats right, it's the right wing nut jobs that are being investigated for terroristic threats. THAT is unhinged.
WHY are the PARENTS of children (not 'right wing' being considered as potential terrorists? because criminal / corrupt Biden officials are falsely claiming these parents are potential terrorists based on the opposition to Un-Constitutional , anti-Science mask and vaccine mandates and forced Marxist CRT training that teaches kids to hate each other and their country.

Again, this is not the 1st attempt by Democrats to label anyone who opposes their agenda, ideology, and tyranny as 'terrorists'. They are actively labeling those who do not embrace, who oppose THEIR political agenda and ideology as 'terrorists'.

Just because Garland, by order of Biden's Marxist handlers, declares parents are 'terrorists' because they do not allow the Un-Constitutional, illegal tyranny of the left to go un-challenged does NOT make them 'terrorists'.
How can people not see what's going on? The FBI is coming for parents and soon the IRS will be notified by your bank if you buy a fucking TV from Best Buy for $600 bucks! What the hell is happening to my country?

This has been happening for years. You are just noticing it now? The island of American individual freedom has been shrinking rapidly; there's hardly any dry land remaining to stand on. And yet, Americans just keep taking it on their knees.
I think we are witnessing the mainstreaming of political violence among the right.
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

There is no public school board in the nation which is teaching Critical Race Theory. Not one. Parents who are fighting against their children being taught CRT, are either lying or very badly misinformed. Furthermore, they are threatening and physically attacked those who oppose them.

The right of free speech is not license to lie, or physically threaten or attack others.
So now you're saying the FBI is in on it and framing the parents.

I did NOT say that, or reading-challenged snowflake. I said i would not be surprised to find out they do so, though.

Thanks to evidence by such sources as the FISA Court we have learned the FBI is and has been a criminal / criminally run organization that has illegally spied on Americans for DECADES, who have engaged in entrapping citizens, in violating rules and laws to charge them with crimes, who have infiltrated organizations and incited / encouraged criminal activity they may not have otherwise engaged in without the FBI's influence.

Former FBI Director Mueller is on official record as knowingly hiding evidence of an individual's innocence and sending that person to prison for years before the truth came out and he was freed.

Former FBI Director Comey intentionally broke protocols by sending FBI agents to the WH without notifying the WH CoS, in order to 'take advantage of the chaos going on in the early Trump transition period, to catch Flynn off guard and entrap hm.
- Save the BS argument of how the FBI did not entrap Flynn - they lied to him by telling him their meeting was NOT official and that he did NOT need a lawyer, both of which were lies.

Current FBI Director Wray has been exposed as allowing FISA court abuses and illegal spying, hiding the evidence, refusing to turn over evidence, of hiding the Hunter laptop crime / scandal, of hiding the FBI's doing nothing as Nasser was molesting little girls on the US Olympic gymnastic team, etc....

The FBI has been proven to be an ENEMY of the American people for decades...and still is.
As it is, school board's ONLY GIVE parents 1 minute to talk publicly at meetings!
I have witnessed personally Democrats hold meeting at very small venues, bus people in hours early, fill up the venue, and have police and Fire Marshalls on-hand to deny parents and anyone with opposing views / opinions in the building.

Fox news just reported several School Unions asking Biden to consider some protests / meetings involving parents as 'domestic terrorism'.

WTF?! This is blatant intimidation, silencing parents, and attempting to make people opposed to their agenda / tyranny 'terrorists'.

A federal lawyer just explained a parent can punch a school board member in the nose - that would be illegal but it would not meet the federal requirements to be 'terrorism' and the federal govt would not have the authority to intervene because these local / state incidents do not rise to the level of 'Federal Govt Interest', according to law.

Andrew McCarthy just explained THIS means both Biden and his US AG know that they have no authority to intervene or send in the FBI but they are publicly threatening to do so ot INTIMIDATE, FRIGHTEN, AND SILENCE AMERICANS / PARENTS.
Actually what we are witnessing is removing right wing terrorists from American society.

The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

The extreme vast majority of parents are not violent terrorists, but Terry McCauliffe said the leftists agenda out loud when he said 'WE are not going to allow parents come in here and make the decision what their children will be taught.'

To silence Americans / parents and prevent them from stopping the indoctrination of their children with leftist agendas and material that teaches children to hate each other and hate their country.

Biden, his administration, and Garland are trying to impose the idea that anyone, any parent, who opposes whatever they want to do to their children, who wants to oppose their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda, ideology, and indoctrination are 'violent criminals and terrorists'.
- Pelosi and other Democrats did this with 1/6, attempting to claim a protest against what THEY were, have been, and still are doing was an 'insurrection' and that anyone who participated is a 'violent terrorist'.

We are witnessing the 1st steps in the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats attempt to criminalize any and all opposition to their ideology, agenda, indoctrination, and tyranny.

As far as Garland goes, I am sure as hell glad now that this Marxist Tyranny-supporting asshole was not appointed to the USSC. We dodged a bullet there.

Garland is another Dimwinger megalomaniac who shits on the Constitution. We dodged a bullet by keeping him off the SC.
LMAO. word games is all you have because you know im RIGHT. Piss off.
Word games? LOL. You said ENTIRE cities (plural) were burned to the ground. I just asked you to name ONE. You cant. Because you are a liar. Maybe you should just stop with the lies instead of lol blaming me for what you say, dumbass.
It is all right there. The AG has no business in politics and or decisions that parents should make. They are bullies and assholes. So is anyone who supports this kind of intimidation. That means you. :ahole-1:
You think anything you say matters? Every day, it's the same thing with you nut job. LOL "it's all right there". Biden is President and I predict that every day until 2024, you will claim to not understand why there isnt another investigation or why something wasnt taken to court. Have you ever stopped to consider YOU are the one with the problem and not everybody else?
I actually HEARD a high ranking member of a school board somewhere (This was audio from a podcast)




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