Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Right wing terrorist traitors are being dealt with via prison sentences. I

Who would those be?

According to the US Judicial system, Judges, the courts, and lawyers involved - assuming you are misrepresenting 1/6 - those Americans participated in a criminal protest during which they committed crimes of breaking and entering, destruction of govt property, etc.... Not one of them have supported your f*ed up, indoctrinated fantasy about some 'insurrection' having happened by charging any of them with Sedition, Treason, etc...

The only terrorist traitors who have been identified are those who participated in Barry's failed coup attempt and Pelosi's failed Impeachment attempts.
Because it could possibly involve terrorism, dumbass. That is something the FBI is responsible for investigating.
Based on WHAT? Besides the f*ed up minds of snowflakes and Democrats who want to brand anyone who opposes their tyrannical agenda and / or ideology as 'terrorists'.

There has been no threats of terrorism, There have been no acts of terrorism. There is the left's call, however, for the FBI to engage in intimidation and silencing of children's parents.
The Biden administration has decided to go after a group of people based on their political beliefs, appointing themselves to make the national decision of what political agendas, ideologies, and speech is acceptable and which is to be criminalized.

That stuff has been going on since before we were a nation, why does it surprise yous?
Are you saying there has always been fascists? Probably so, they are certainly working for this illegitimate administration right now.
Who would those be?
The right wing terrorist traitors that participated on Jan 6th. 500 arrests, probably about 500 more to go. Not done yet. Maybe your picture is on the FBI website. They have an entire page dedicated to finding these terrorists.

The only terrorist traitors who have been identified are those who participated in Barry's failed coup attempt and Pelosi's failed Impeachment attempts.
Boogaloo Boys killing cops, right wing terrorists arrested for kidnapping plots, Oath Keeper gang, right wing traitors from Jan 6th......all arrested. Meanwhile you live in a fantasy world.
Then why the hell would we need the FBI, proven to have already committed crimes against the American people, to interfere?

If it's already a crime, the FBI is not needed. Local and state police can handle it.

Again, the FBI is a weapon of intimidation and silencing.
Duh, because they are criminal offenses, and they are getting them to assist or help with the LOCAL police, is what the memorandum says....

Why don't you read it.....? Your right wing propaganda site have a link to the memorandum.....I

Are all 45,000 Fbi agents across the USA being blamed for what a few bad apples may have done?


The first steps to FASCISM/Authoritarianism taking place is falsely making citizens believe that all the govt they have now is corrupt.... And falsely claiming that elections are bogus....FAKE, STOLEN, RIGGED.

Your side is setting this country up, for Authoritarianism in lieu of DEMOCRACY....!!! And you are just thoughtlessly following their lead in to destroying this once great, democratic nation.....
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I predict such heavy- handed tactics will turn even more regular Americans against the anarchist educators and the biden adminstration
Based on WHAT? Besides the f*ed up minds of snowflakes and Democrats who want to brand anyone who opposes their tyrannical agenda and / or ideology as 'terrorists'.

There has been no threats of terrorism, There have been no acts of terrorism. There is the left's call, however, for the FBI to engage in intimidation and silencing of children's parents.
LOL wrong. A request was made by the National School Board Association asking for Federal Assistance. The group documented 20 threats. FBI, US Attorneys to target school board threats

You are a pathetic liar. A complete disgrace.
Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence'

Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence'


No, Ma'am, but you are a threat to Marxist / Socialist Democrat tyranny, their agenda, ideology, intent to indoctrinate young, Impressionable children, to their intent to strip more and more Constitutional and legal rights away from American citizens.

Garland is involving the FBI because terrorism might be involved......based on WHAT?

DOJ issued memo after NSBA suggested school boards might be facing domestic terrorism​

Based on GARLAND, who authored the memo and suggested it, not on actual facts or any evidence of existing threats of terrorism or actual terrorist acts. The Biden administration is CREATING the impression that terrorism may be involved in order to - 1)paint these parents opposing their radical ideology / agenda as 'terrorists' and 2) to get the American citizen-victimizing FBI involved.
Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence''silence'

Parents outraged over alleged DOJ effort to ’intimidate’ school board critics into 'silence'


No, Ma'am, but you are a threat to Marxist / Socialist Democrat tyranny, their agenda, ideology, intent to indoctrinate young, Impressionable children, to their intent to strip more and more Constitutional and legal rights away from American citizens.

Garland is involving the FBI because terrorism might be involved......based on WHAT?

DOJ issued memo after NSBA suggested school boards might be facing domestic terrorism​

Based on GARLAND, who authored the memo and suggested it, not on actual facts or any evidence of existing threats of terrorism or actual terrorist acts. The Biden administration is CREATING the impression that terrorism may be involved in order to - 1)paint these parents opposing their radical ideology / agenda as 'terrorists' and 2) to get the American citizen-victimizing FBI involved.
You are a liar. Nothing you say matters.
Duh, because they are criminal offenses, and they are getting them to assist or help with the LOCAL police, is what the memorandum says....
The FBI is NOT a local crime agency, so cut the BS, unless you are really that stupid. Local police would also not need any help if snowflake-supported Democrats would stop defunding the police, painting police as the enemy, and aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and criminals.

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