Garland vows to hold all those involved in January 6th accountable

Amazing. Conspire with the CCP to launch a bioweapon on the world, steal the Presidental and GA Senate elections...and this is how fucking desperate American Marxists are to deflect from their failures

You know you are lying....go away.
When is Garland going to hold the Negroes and Communists accountable that spent six months looting, burning, rioting, murdering and destroying government and civilian buildings in over 200 American cities?

The only politicians that mattered were in the cities and states that allowed it. What did you expect?
I agree. All blue states. However you would think Biden or Harris would open their fat mouths,
When is Garland going to hold the Negroes and Communists accountable that spent six months looting, burning, rioting, murdering and destroying government and civilian buildings in over 200 American cities?

I asked the same question and some ASSHOLE responded that what THEY did was NOT Federal !
NFBW wrote: In September last year the darling of gunnism who was on standby for DJT himself, Elmer of the Oath Keepers, was a rat working with Pelosi and the FBI according to what Oddball posted right here.

“Revolver” Front page / Exclusive
Decision By January 6th Commission to Ignore Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Just Unmasked Their Entire Investigation​

Elmer Stuart Rhodes, a well armed white traditional American of good standing who dug escape tunnels in his backyard, has been indicted for Seditious Conspiracy. His militia style objective was to achieve the same exact outcome as Donald Trump attempted on Jan6. Trump’s insurrection included using lawyers, lies, Congressmen and Mike Pence. So can we get an updated version of the conspiracy theory that Nancy, Elmer, FBI, Pentagon, ANTIFA, BLM, NFL NBA and SCOTUS working with the baby eating pedophiles Clinton and Obama all in the deep state with one purpose to keep DJT from serving the second term that he unquestionably won.

A coup without guns? So many unanswered questions, but wait! it fits the fabricated putsch narrative, after all the objective is seizing absolute power.
Staidhup wrote 22JAN05-POST#0013

While we are waiting Staidhup , consevative poster and cultural Christian, the esteemed traditional American and patriot Correll told me it makes logical sense that the unarmed mob (without firearms) that had strength in numbers over Capitol Police on Jan6 can be considered to be a weapon., The angry riled up mob that DJT supplied for backup to Steward Rhodes’ seditious plot to seize the Capitol by force negated the need for firearms. Strength in mob numbers was part of the plan to continue DJT’s hold onto power and hold onto his white cultural Christian base. Do you agree Staidhup ????
22JAN27- POST#0065
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NFBW wrote: In September last year the darling of gunnism who was on standby for DJT himself, Elmer of the Oath Keepers, was a rat working with Pelosi and the FBI according to what Oddball posted right here.

“Revolver” Front page / Exclusive
Decision By January 6th Commission to Ignore Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Just Unmasked Their Entire Investigation​

Elmer Stuart Rhodes, a well armed white traditional American of good standing who dug escape tunnels in his backyard, has been indicted for Seditious Conspiracy. His militia style objective was to achieve the same exact outcome as Donald Trump attempted on Jan6. Trump’s insurrection included using lawyers, lies, Congressmen and Mike Pence. So can we get an updated version of the conspiracy theory that Nancy, Elmer, FBI, Pentagon, ANTIFA, BLM, NFL NBA and SCOTUS working with the baby eating pedophiles Clinton and Obama all in the deep state with one purpose to keep DJT from serving the second term that he unquestionably won.

Staidhup wrote 22JAN05-POST#0013

While we are waiting Staidhup , consevative poster and cultural Christian, the esteemed traditional American and patriot Correll told me it makes logical sense that the unarmed mob (without firearms) that had strength in numbers over Capitol Police on Jan6 can be considered to be a weapon., The angry riled up mob that DJT supplied for backup to Steward Rhodes’ seditious plot to seize the Capitol by force negated the need for firearms. Strength in mob numbers was part of the plan to continue DJT’s hold onto power and hold onto his white cultural Christian base. Do you agree Staidhup ????
22JAN27- POST#0065

Big difference in the context, of a single police officer facing a number of rioters in a narrow hallway

and a supposedly serious attempt to over throw the government.

This is again, an example of you taking points from vastly different discussions and pretending that they are connected.

If your brain is really this badly wired, you need to discuss it with a medical professional and consider just not talking to people like this.

If you are just being a dishonest asshole, you need to stop doing that.
and a supposedly serious attempt to over throw the government.
Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0066

NFBW wrote:
Do you think DJT was not serious when he expressed his objective to the strength in numbers mob he invited to DC to save America from being destroyed

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05

Incitement to Riot? What Trump Told Supporters Before Mob Stormed Capitol (Published 2021)

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.”​

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Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0066

NFBW wrote:
Do you think DJT was not serious when he expressed his objective to the strength in numbers mob he invited to DC to save America from being destroyed

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05

Incitement to Riot? What Trump Told Supporters Before Mob Stormed Capitol (Published 2021)

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.”​


I think he was serious in his attempt to put political pressure on Congress and Pence.

THere was not a serious attempt at a coup, or an insurrection, as you libtard trolls are claiming.

It is pathetic that you are pretending to be so retarded that you don't get that distinction, even after I have made it dozens of times.
I think he was serious in his attempt to put political pressure on Congress and Pence.
Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0068

NFBW wrote:
Political pressure to do what? I heard him say several times that the result he was going after was to win the election after lying that six states wanted their slates of electors back and not to be counted. Pence was being pressured to gavel Trump and himself the winner. DJT laid out the plan to overturn the election results albeit through fraudulent means. That is a coup loud and clear.

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.”​
And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​

That is an attempted coup. Just because Trump says it’s the right thing for Pence to do does not make it legal, constitutional or morally or patriotically true. 22JAN27-POST#0069
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I think he was serious in his attempt to put political pressure on Congress and Pence.

THere was not a serious attempt at a coup, or an insurrection, as you libtard trolls are claiming.

It is pathetic that you are pretending to be so retarded that you don't get that distinction, even after I have made it dozens of times.
yea, if a democrat had done the same thing, youd be asking for the death penalty

Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0068

NFBW wrote:
Political pressure to do what? I heard him say several times that the result he was going after was to win the election after lying that six states wanted their slates of electors back and not to be counted. Pence was being pressured to gavel Trump and himself the winner. DJT laid out the plan to overturn the election results albeit through fraudulent meansoverturn the election results through fraudulent means. That is a coup loud and clear.

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.”​
And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​

That is an attempted coup. Just because Trump says it’s the right thing for Pence to do does not make it legal, constitutional or morally or patriotically true. 22JAN27-POST#0069

No, it wasn't. It was an attempt to use the established legal process to get votes that were, in their view, tainted, thrown out, so that the election would be based on actual votes.

YOur insistence of pretending that your biased spin on their motives, be accepted as "observable fact" is just you being a liar and an asshole.
yea, if a democrat had done the same thing, youd be asking for the death penalty


Gore did something very similar, and while I opposed it, I did not flip out or call for his arrest.

So, you are wrong.
It was an attempt to use the established legal process to get votes that were, in their view, tainted, thrown out, so that the election would be based on actual votes.

Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0071 above

NFBW wrote: FACT:
The Florida results were were not certified when the hanging chad questions were being sorted out. When Gore’s challenge failed to overturn the election Gore conceded. That is what Trump should have done immediately after December 14 and after his 60 challenges failed and all fifty states certified their results - concede. There was no legal established process available after December 14 because the founders were aware that a fascist like Trump would someday attempt to subvert democracy. 22JAN27-POST#0073
No, it wasn't. It was an attempt to use the established legal process to get votes that were, in their view, tainted, thrown out, so that the election would be based on actual votes.
Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0071 above

NFBW wrote:
The EASTMAN COUP PLAN called for every single vote in Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Arizona and Nevada to be thrown out because they had alternate Republican slates of electors based on forged certificates of results.

(1) Do you believe that DJT and EASTMAN believed every vote in those six states were tainted and necessarily needed to be thrown out?

(2) Do you maintain that an “established legal process” exists that allows the use of forged documents being sent to the Joint Session, The NATIONAL ARCHIVES. the government of each state?

(3) Do you believe Congress members on JAN 6 in one fucking day could review all DJT’s claims of election fraud from DOMINION manipulation to pulling a case of ballots out from under a fucking table so DJT could be convinced that he did not win based on counting ONLY actual votes?

Gore did something very similar, and while I opposed it, I did not flip out or call for his arrest.

So, you are wrong.
thats because Al Gore used legal means to contest the election results, but after the court ruled, he conceded shortly thereafter

Gore never sent a violent mob to attempt a coup.
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Correll wrote 22JAN27-POST#0071 above

NFBW wrote: FACT:
The Florida results were were not certified when the hanging chad questions were being sorted out. When Gore’s challenge failed to overturn the election Gore conceded. That is what Trump should have done immediately after December 14 and after his 60 challenges failed and all fifty states certified their results - concede. There was no legal established process available after December 14 because the founders were aware that a fascist like Trump would someday attempt to subvert democracy. 22JAN27-POST#0073

Gore asked for a selective recount, of only dem heavy counties. That was not an attempt at a fair recount, but an attempt to game the system to win the election.

I opposed that attempt, but I did not flip out like you people have done, nor wax hysterical calling it a "coup" and talking shit about executions.

That was my point. Would you like to address it, or would you like to just be an asshole some more?
So what, you moron? Does that mean they shouldn’t have been condemned? Not one Democratic politician condemned it . Is that the reason Police were actually ordered to stand down ASSHOLE?
Uh, dumbass, the DOJ concerns itself with federal crimes. Have your tantrum, you're still wrong.
Do you believe that DJT and EASTMAN believed every vote in those six states were tainted and necessarily needed to be thrown out?

If the final state tally was based on fraud, then tossing that state would have been a reasonable and practical response.

How about this, DON'T FUCKING CHEAT.

How hard is that?
THere was not a serious attempt at a coup, or an insurrection, as you libtard trolls are claiming.

It was exactly that. Trump tried to overturn the election. He used a brainwashed mob to help. The entire world knows.

You only resist because you supported it and buy the big lie. So transparent and predictable. You guys all share one brain cell.
thats because Al Gore used legal means to contest the election results, but after the court ruled, he conceded shortly thereafter

Gore never sent a violent mob to attempt a coup.

Nope. Gore used lawyers, even worse.

His attempt was a bald faced attempt to steal the election. And I did not get hysterical like you leftards have done.

So, your claim was wrong. That is my point. A response to your point. Do you have a comment to make that addresses that?

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