Gary Cohn, Trump's chief economic advisor quits

Tillerson will be next. Carson may have to resign for abusing taxpayer dollars, McMaster is desperate to get out, Sessions is going to be fired, Javanka's going to leave because Daddy didn't buy them top secret clearance... and then there's John Kelly. How much longer is he willing to disgrace his name and service?

Probably right but I think Tillerson is going to hang in there longer than expected. If Duh Donald fires Sessions he will replace him with douchebag Giulliani.
No one can characterize these mass defections as a positive... but I bet his DEPLORABLES on this forum will try.
That’s why I come here. For the endorphin rush I get via the laughter they provide.
Let's face it the ship of state is being run by Krusty the Clown.

The few adults in that Romper Room formerly known as the Oval Office have fled the mad boy king.

Soon the only person who will remain with Trump will be the wormtongue Stephen Miller.

God help us all when that happens.

Excuse Orange Crusty Clown!

It seems like everyone with a brain is leaving....while the one person who REALLY needs to leave is staying..

Come on Mueller....Pick it up. This clown is ruinng the country!
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Tillerson will be next. Carson may have to resign for abusing taxpayer dollars, McMaster is desperate to get out, Sessions is going to be fired, Javanka's going to leave because Daddy didn't buy them top secret clearance... and then there's John Kelly. How much longer is he willing to disgrace his name and service?

Probably right but I think Tillerson is going to hang in there longer than expected. If Duh Donald fires Sessions he will replace him with douchebag Giulliani.
They do have a history

Let's face it the ship of state is being run by Krusty the Clown.

The few adults in that Romper Room formerly known as the Oval Office have fled the mad boy king.

Soon the only person who will remain with Trump will be the wormtongue Stephen Miller.

God help us all when that happens.

Excuse Orange Crusty Clown!

It seems like everyone with a brain is leaving....while the one person who REALLY needs to leave is staying..

Come on Mueller....Pick it up. This clown is runnng the country!
Trump needs to be flushed out and down the toilet. I agree Mueller needs to take out the trash.
As the news of Cohn resigning, Roger Stone was being interviewed on MTP and sounding like he has something to hide.
Let's face it the ship of state is being run by Krusty the Clown.

The few adults in that Romper Room formerly known as the Oval Office have fled the mad boy king.

Soon the only person who will remain with Trump will be the wormtongue Stephen Miller.

God help us all when that happens.

Excuse Orange Crusty Clown!

It seems like everyone with a brain is leaving....while the one person who REALLY needs to leave is staying..

Come on Mueller....Pick it up. This clown is runnng the country!
Trump needs to be flushed out and down the toilet. I agree Mueller needs to take out the trash.
He must be close. People are resigning and lawyering up left and right.
View attachment 180809

Let’s cross out another one.
What a dysfunction mess this White House is.
It’s not like we didn’t warn you.

Is Melania still there? His aides and supporters talked about his being alone in the evenings and early in the morning. I know Melania shows up for his public appearances so where is she nights and mornings when he’s “alone”.

Loved the white #timesup pantsuit at the State of the Union. A nice follow up to the pink “pussy bow” blouse she wore to the debate right after the Access Hollywood tape came out.

Melania is a subversive. She’s not even subtle about it.
I’d surmise that Melania signed an agreement that she wouldn’t leave the lech until he’s out of the White House. The way it looks now she’ll be getting her freedom sooner rather than later.

Let’s face it, she married him for his money. Her modelling career was winding down. She was 34 and had no permanent status in the US.

I’ll bet she can’t wait for her contract to be up.
Tillerson will be next. Carson may have to resign for abusing taxpayer dollars, McMaster is desperate to get out, Sessions is going to be fired, Javanka's going to leave because Daddy didn't buy them top secret clearance... and then there's John Kelly. How much longer is he willing to disgrace his name and service?

Probably right but I think Tillerson is going to hang in there longer than expected. If Duh Donald fires Sessions he will replace him with douchebag Giulliani.

Sessions is not going....and the last person in the world to replace him if he does go would be Gullag Guilliani....
I wonder if KellyAnne is next?

Kellyanne Conway broke the rules. She's not going to pay for it. - CNNPolitics

Yeah, she's not gonna pay for it. Nobody in this administration is held responsible. Hell, most of 'em are gone before they can be held responsible!
I doubt it. She’s a “ true believer.”
But many who are currently still at the White House are worried about bankruptcy because they can’t afford the lawyer fees.
I hope they’re thanking Trump for all of this.
Just in: Cohn resigned as more witnesses who have been interviewed by Mueller are saying this shit is going down.
No one wants to go down with Trump. I don’t blame them.
Tillerson will be next. Carson may have to resign for abusing taxpayer dollars, McMaster is desperate to get out, Sessions is going to be fired, Javanka's going to leave because Daddy didn't buy them top secret clearance... and then there's John Kelly. How much longer is he willing to disgrace his name and service?

Probably right but I think Tillerson is going to hang in there longer than expected. If Duh Donald fires Sessions he will replace him with douchebag Giulliani.
They do have a history



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You can expect another huge drop in the market tomorrow because of Trump’s comments today and his top economic adviser quitting.

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