Gary Johnson gains in the polls!

Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

Abandoning your moral principles to get elected is how we ended up with the Democrats and the Republicans.

If they started talking about closed borders and war-mongering, they really would be just Republicans who like smoking weed.
If they're stupid enough to believe those things, then I hope they continue to lose.

And that's your prerogative. I am not a fan of the Libertarian Party and I left it under a cloud of hostility, but it's still a clearly superior alternative to the candidates that the two major parties are offering us. Most Pirates of my acquaintance are talking about voting for Jill Stein, but I simply cannot stand her anti-gun beliefs; I was only willing to vote for Sanders while he was relatively moderate on the issue.

As far as the "naive notion" that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists, what do you think our policy of bombing the shit out of innocent people in the Middle East does? Perhaps we would be better off if we made the effort to help countries with terrorist movements become more prosperous; it can't work out any worse than fifteen years of pointless war have.
First of all, the oil producing countries doing all the killing are some of the wealthiest in the world. Hell, bin Laden had $20 million. What do you suggest we do, pay them not to kill us? Wise up, man, these people like to kill and their religion gives them the perfect excuse to do it.
First of all, the oil producing countries doing all the killing are some of the wealthiest in the world. Hell, bin Laden had $20 million.

They're only wealthy in the same sense that America is wealthy, even moreso; a handful of assholes control all of the wealth and the vast majority are struggling for table scraps. Bin Laden may have been a millionaire, but I will guarantee you that the people actually blowing themselves up are not. Bin Laden would be nothing without his followers, and he recruits his followers so easily because we, the American people, have destroyed their homes and their livelihoods.

What do you suggest we do, pay them not to kill us? Wise up, man, these people like to kill and their religion gives them the perfect excuse to do it.

What's the moral difference between killing 20 innocent people with a suicide vest and killing 20 innocent people with a drone strike?

I am suggesting that we stop overreacting to every terrorist incident these people manage to organize, stop playing right into our enemies' hands, and stop killing innocent people. This is both in our national interests and the basic minimum that you can expect a so-called civilized nation to do.
First of all, the oil producing countries doing all the killing are some of the wealthiest in the world. Hell, bin Laden had $20 million.

They're only wealthy in the same sense that America is wealthy, even moreso; a handful of assholes control all of the wealth and the vast majority are struggling for table scraps. Bin Laden may have been a millionaire, but I will guarantee you that the people actually blowing themselves up are not. Bin Laden would be nothing without his followers, and he recruits his followers so easily because we, the American people, have destroyed their homes and their livelihoods.

What do you suggest we do, pay them not to kill us? Wise up, man, these people like to kill and their religion gives them the perfect excuse to do it.

What's the moral difference between killing 20 innocent people with a suicide vest and killing 20 innocent people with a drone strike?

I am suggesting that we stop overreacting to every terrorist incident these people manage to organize, stop playing right into our enemies' hands, and stop killing innocent people. This is both in our national interests and the basic minimum that you can expect a so-called civilized nation to do.
So you don't think we should have responded to the 9/11 attacks? This is why you guys don't win elections, you don't live in the real world.
What is he up to1/1000 of 1%? That is called shooting for the stars for the Losertarian Party. The party that has never won a single state rep seat. A party that could even get it's members elected to the local PTA! Lol they really earn that Losertarian nickname!

Stunning logic there. "Don't dare consider anything different because the whole world isn't already behind it". Thanks for continuing to enable the Same Old Thing --- coward.
Are we ready for a POTUS who owns a Pot Company?

That's something we need to be ready for?

It's still illegal in 90% of the country.

Millions of Americans have abused and/or died from pharmaceuticals the FDA has given the green light on. Do we need to be ready or a presidential candidate who owns a significant of stock in a pharmaceutical company?

Cannabis is an herb, not a 'pharmaceutical'. It's a natural substance. You can't patent a natural substance; that's why it's not a "drug".
Are we ready for a POTUS who owns a Pot Company?

That's something we need to be ready for?

It's still illegal in 90% of the country.

Millions of Americans have abused and/or died from pharmaceuticals the FDA has given the green light on. Do we need to be ready or a presidential candidate who owns a significant of stock in a pharmaceutical company?

Personally, I have no problem with marijuana or with Johnson owning a company that sells pot. But most people are not very open minded about it. Good luck. :thup:
It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.

It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?
It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?

Nope. All I'm saying is that when the two major parties give us shit candidates, I'm going to take my vote somewhere else.
It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?

Nope. All I'm saying is that when the two major parties give us shit candidates, I'm going to take my vote somewhere else.

Yea and Gary stoner Johnson is the best ever! Not to mention the porker (yep Fraud Paul took more pork then most of the they Rep he ran against - I bet you have a douche bag way to explain that hypocrisy) Ron Paul.

The Losertarian party try to give us a crap sandwich and call it surf and turf.

Again the Losertarian party started in 1970 to this date they have occupied and more than tiny insignificant mayor seats and have never even sniffed a state legislator or executor seat.

Unbelievable job, here is the slogan for the Losertarian party.

Producing Nothing But Futility Since 1971
It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?

Nope. All I'm saying is that when the two major parties give us shit candidates, I'm going to take my vote somewhere else.

Yea and Gary stoner Johnson is the best ever! Not to mention the porker (yep Fraud Paul took more pork then most of the they Rep he ran against - I bet you have a douche bag way to explain that hypocrisy) Ron Paul.

The Losertarian party try to give us a crap sandwich and call it surf and turf.

Again the Losertarian party started in 1970 to this date they have occupied and more than tiny insignificant mayor seats and have never even sniffed a state legislator or executor seat.

Unbelievable job, here is the slogan for the Losertarian party.

Producing Nothing But Futility Since 1971

Actually , no one who supports the gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state will vote for him.

So Gary will not take away your food stamps, Obama Hellcare, ad nauseam
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?

Nope. All I'm saying is that when the two major parties give us shit candidates, I'm going to take my vote somewhere else.

Yea and Gary stoner Johnson is the best ever! Not to mention the porker (yep Fraud Paul took more pork then most of the they Rep he ran against - I bet you have a douche bag way to explain that hypocrisy) Ron Paul.

The Losertarian party try to give us a crap sandwich and call it surf and turf.

Again the Losertarian party started in 1970 to this date they have occupied and more than tiny insignificant mayor seats and have never even sniffed a state legislator or executor seat.

Unbelievable job, here is the slogan for the Losertarian party.

Producing Nothing But Futility Since 1971

Actually , no one who supports the gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state will vote for him.

So Gary will not take away your food stamps, Obama Hellcare, ad nauseam

Actually, I'm quite fond of our fledgling welfare state and would like to see it grow. But Gary Johnson is the candidate who will do the least damage to our rights as human beings, free men and women, and American citizens.

He won't be able to take away my food stamps, but there's a good chance he can eliminate the abomination known as Obamacare.
It's been sixteen years since I've voted for a Libertarian, but I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump or Clinton.
I don't think "Party of the Protest Vote" is what they had in mind but that seems to be all they've ever been able to accomplish. Maybe if they abandoned the ridiculous position of open borders and the naive notion that prosperity will make peaceful people out of terrorists they could start winning elections.

If what you want is to elect an UNprincipled party you already have the Demopublicans.

There were OPEN borders before 1965 and there were NO problems.

The problem is the welfare state - it should be abolished.

The testimony before the 09/11 Commission was that the biased US Foreign Policy is what provoked the "terrorist" attacks.


I get it. We had it coming, is that what you're trying to say?

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

Cindy Sheehan

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