Johnson Gary Johnson need to take this opening and run with it!

No less ridiculous that any other politician I've seen lately. A bit immature, maybe, but at least he's not lying, stretching the truth, or dodging the question. More than I can say for Trump and Clinton...
Are you saying that is what you want? Fascism?

I'm saying that at this point in human history, I believe Authoritarianism is the only feasible way to ensure a Proper Society.
I disagree. I believe that if people are allowed to make their own decisions, and are expected to deal with the consequences thereof, people will, for the most part, make good decisions. Thus making Authoritarianism destructive, at best. I say destructive because it takes away a person's ability to make decisions, both good and bad, and learn from them. This, invariably, leads to tyranny.
Let me give you an example:
We'll look at two teenagers that begin High School as friends and have similar interests, and moral compass. We'll even say that they are both the same gender.
Now, Teen (a) has parents that continually allow them to make more and more decisions for themselves, and expect them to deal with the consequences. They go on to get reasonably good grades (although this teen does struggle a few times due to poor decision-making), graduate and go on to higher education. Eventually earning a degree or diploma, and starting a successful career in a field they enjoy.

Teen (b), however, has parents that do not allow them to make many decisions, and protect them from as many consequences as they can. This teen begins to believe they are different from their friend, and the friendship fades and is lost. These parents are well intentioned and thus require school work to be a priority. The teen goes on to have exceptional grades and attends a prestigious university on an academic scholarship. Unfortunately, they have little to no decision-making skills, and a lot of pent-up teenage rebelliousness. Therefore they ultimately squander the opportunity, and loose their scholarship. Sense they are unaccustomed to dealing with the consequences of their decisions, they blame the school, their parents or who-ever, but not themselves. They begin to feel as though they have been wronged, and are owned something. They never finish their education and are forever looking for someone to give them what they believe they are owed.

Now replace "teen" with "average citizen", and "parents" with "government", and you have the difference between our beliefs. You say that authoritarianism is the only way to save our society. I say authoritarianism, though it may work for a while, cannot ultimately sustain our society as founded. It will only lead to tyranny, simply because, eventually the pent-up desire to be the master of one's own life will eventually rear it's head in the form of rebellion. This rebellion will bring on calls for more control, and thus begins the spiral into tyranny and total government control.

If you see another way for this to play out, by all means explain it.
Give up...he is a psychopathic nut dreaming of a society that is equal parts North Korea and the Third Reich.
Low taxes, less regulation, smaller government and fiscal responsibility are not supported by center and far right voters?

What the hell do you guys stand for?

Law & Order. A proper society where Morals and Values are enforced RUTHLESSLY. Especially drug and other Moral offenses. Nationalist. Misogyny. An American first, America-Only mentality.
If Morals and Values are enforced Ruthlessly, then Trump can't be president.

P.S. Hillary also fails.
You have to be stoned out of your mind to think Johnson has any chance at all.

That's irrelevant. He's the best candidate. I'm voting for him.
If people would vote for who they believe is the best candidate rather than voting for who they think can win, perhaps the best candidate would win more often.
People don't want the old pothead. Sorry.
Probably not. However, DJT and HRC both suck.
You have to be stoned out of your mind to think Johnson has any chance at all.

That's irrelevant. He's the best candidate. I'm voting for him.
If people would vote for who they believe is the best candidate rather than voting for who they think can win, perhaps the best candidate would win more often.
People don't want the old pothead. Sorry.
Probably not. However, DJT and HRC both suck.
I like Trump, he's the only politician I've ever heard take it to the Clintons the way they deserve. Lately he's gone all out.
You have to be stoned out of your mind to think Johnson has any chance at all.

That's irrelevant. He's the best candidate. I'm voting for him.
If people would vote for who they believe is the best candidate rather than voting for who they think can win, perhaps the best candidate would win more often.
People don't want the old pothead. Sorry.
Probably not. However, DJT and HRC both suck.
I like Trump, he's the only politician I've ever heard take it to the Clintons the way they deserve. Lately he's gone all out.

Is 'taking it to the Clintons' an important qualification for president?
That's irrelevant. He's the best candidate. I'm voting for him.
If people would vote for who they believe is the best candidate rather than voting for who they think can win, perhaps the best candidate would win more often.
People don't want the old pothead. Sorry.
Probably not. However, DJT and HRC both suck.
I like Trump, he's the only politician I've ever heard take it to the Clintons the way they deserve. Lately he's gone all out.

Is 'taking it to the Clintons' an important qualification for president?
Many hate the Clintons' so much that Trump could murder someone in the street and they would still support Trump as long as he continues to "take it to the Clintons". I can understand that mentality because I can not stand HRC myself.
If people would vote for who they believe is the best candidate rather than voting for who they think can win, perhaps the best candidate would win more often.
People don't want the old pothead. Sorry.
Probably not. However, DJT and HRC both suck.
I like Trump, he's the only politician I've ever heard take it to the Clintons the way they deserve. Lately he's gone all out.

Is 'taking it to the Clintons' an important qualification for president?
Many hate the Clintons' so much that Trump could murder someone in the street and they would still support Trump as long as he continues to "take it to the Clintons". I can understand that mentality because I can not stand HRC myself.

They are both pretty horrible candidates.

I don't like the idea that doing something bad toward one candidate is an important consideration when voting for president. I'd much rather people looked at proposed policies and a candidate's history and used that to decide if they will be good for the country. :)
If Morals and Values are enforced Ruthlessly, then Trump can't be president.

P.S. Hillary also fails.

If Morals and Values were ruthlessly enforced, they'd both be dead; as would a huge percentage of Americans.
No, if your morals and values were ruthlessly enforced.

They're nor mine. They're Universal. They existed long before I did and they'll be around long after I'm gone.

There are universal morals and principals that would see Trump and Clinton dead.....yet there they are, the two major presidential candidates. I think the evidence would indicate those morals and principles are not so universal as you think. ;)
There are universal morals and principals that would see Trump and Clinton dead.....yet there they are, the two major presidential candidates. I think the evidence would indicate those morals and principles are not so universal as you think.

Gravity is a Universal concept as well. That doesn't mean people don't find ways to avoid or get around it on such an everyday basis as to almost make us forget it exists. Think on thst.
There are universal morals and principals that would see Trump and Clinton dead.....yet there they are, the two major presidential candidates. I think the evidence would indicate those morals and principles are not so universal as you think.

Gravity is a Universal concept as well. That doesn't mean people don't find ways to avoid or get around it on such an everyday basis as to almost make us forget it exists. Think on thst.

Who avoids gravity? :lol:

Gravity is a force. Morals are a human construction.
Who avoids gravity? :lol:

Gravity is a force. Morals are a human construction.

Everyone who flies, for one group.

Morality is as much a Universal Force as Gravity. If you don't understand that, then there's no point discussing this or anything else with you.

Welcome to the Ignore List.
Who avoids gravity? :lol:

Gravity is a force. Morals are a human construction.

Everyone who flies, for one group.

Morality is as much a Universal Force as Gravity. If you don't understand that, then there's no point discussing this or anything else with you.

Welcome to the Ignore List.

People who fly don't ignore gravity. Have you ever been in a plane? You are still affected by gravity. The plane is also affected by gravity. So is a helicopter. Flight is not avoiding gravity.

Going to put me on ignore because I won't agree with you? Childish to go with authoritarian and a very poor understanding of gravity. ;)

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