Gas prices are now below $4 per gallon. Biden policy is at least one of the reasons why

I hate to bring this up but Biden stopped leasing lands for oil. He was forced to backtrack on that due to court orders. So Biden had nothing to do with that.
Refineries have ramped up production post Covid so Biden had nothing to do with that.
Biden has taken a lot of oil out of the oil reserves part of which was sold did drop prices by a few cents. And even helped drop them by Pennie’s worldwide.
We have rampant inflation, a possible recession, and other problems that are being ignored by the Biden administration.
While there are IRS agents being added to the payroll so that the middle and lower class can be properly scrutinized for any possible tax problems. We have a major spending bill being sent through congress. Both will add more on to the government credit card.

I really do not see the democrats gaining anything. I see them losing lots
Wrong. When Biden took office, it was at 2.39/gal.

The national average retail price for a regular gallon of gas the week Biden was inaugurated, which ended Jan. 25, was $2.39, according to the Energy Information Administration.

That meme that has been passed around of Facebook and other places which is taken as gospel by those who hate Biden is actually a photoshop job.

The background and layout of the gas station sign seen in the photo reveals it was created using an online template in which people can insert their own gas prices and text into an Exxon gas station sign. Fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked altered photos of signs created using such online generators.

Hmm, you say wrong then proceed to prove him right.

Biden was handed gas at 2.39 a gallon. It went up above 5 dollars on his watch and is now at 4 dollars. And liberals are actually so stupid to THANK creepy Joe for this 4 dollar a gallon gas as if it's some kind of an accomplishment.

Meanwhile Trump is laughing all the way to the bank.
They are still north of $5 in my Dem run blue state. Why don't you fossil fuel haters call us when you get them back down to Trump prices. :talk2hand:
I tell you what… let’s go back to millions of unemployed millions of deaths and a wrecked economy under Trump and see what our gas prices will be.
If St Trumpy had been re-elected, gas prices would be 20 cents a gallon with a free set of steak knives with every fill up.
I love how you copy and paste this article but try to pass it off as hard won research you did. Why would anyone want to read this wall of text? Why should I if all you did was copy and paste it? It took you less than a minute to compose this shit. Of course right off the bat, I can tell you it’s rightwing bullshit. Even if Biden had not canceled Keystone, it would still take YEARS for that project to be realized. It’s rightwing fallacious bullshit.

Ask and you shall receive. You believing it matters not to me, but that don't mean it isn't true.

Can you name one oil and gas friendly policy *biden has? You know, one that promotes oil production in THIS country. I'll wait. :popcorn:
I tell you what… let’s go back to millions of unemployed millions of deaths and a wrecked economy under Trump and see what our gas prices will be.
And the Dem DEFLECTS, shocker. Stick to the topic fool, Dems hate fossil fuels. Their leader Joe Biden on video vowing to "end fossil fuels". Gas prices still sky high. And food HOLY SHIT inflation on food prices, heavily slammed by high fuel prices shot up to a whopping 13.1% in July goddamn! It hasn't been that bad since 1979 :oops: :oops: :oops: So much for your victory lap I bitch slapped this thread.
Let's see. Biden's term started with gas prices at less than $2.00 per gallon. His horrible policies caused the price to increase to almost $5.00 per gallon so now people are supposed to be happy that they're just now paying under $4.00 per gallon? How ignorant do you have to be to fall for this?
I believe what the wackos said was that the president has nothing to do with gas prices or inflation or open borders....
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Hey, doofus, the profit margin does not need to widen for there to be more profits lol. You do get that right?
Dooofus, don't like the message, don't shoot the messenger.

Today there is a profit and tomorrow there isn't one. You have to take the year over year with this industry because
it's so volitile. Bone up dude, I just gave you a quick education with the oil industry....and didn't charge you.
Yep, even in spite of all that is going on, the oil companies are posting record profits.

While gas prices have begun to fall, the letters come as drivers continue to bear the burden of higher-than-average fuel costs at the same time as the four major oil companies announced quarterly earnings of nearly $50 billion combined. Exxon alone reported a profit of $17.9 billion – the highest quarterly profit reported by any oil company in history – while Chevron reported $11.6 billion, Shell reported $11.47 billion, and BP reported $8.45 billion. These are record-shattering figures for the companies and the result of them reaping enormous profits on the backs of hardworking families.

Here in Newberry SC, gas is 3.49/gal at Murphy's, and at an independent station, they are at 3.39. In Columbia SC, I've seen them at 3.25/gal in the past week. Gas prices are starting to drop significantly (as compared to 4.50/gal about a month and a half ago), and that's a good thing. I'm hoping that people will be able to see that it's the oil companies who are doing this to the people, not Biden as some on here have said.

So the oil companies were generous under Trump? And decided to just give away gas? Really? Are you that stupid?

Why aren't oil companies allowed to make a profit?

I didn't hear you liberals whining about Wal Mart making record profits under Trump. So why are Wal Mart's profits ok but Exxon's are evil? Amazon's profits are a-ok but Chevron, bad?

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I hate to bring this up but Biden stopped leasing lands for oil. He was forced to backtrack on that due to court orders. So Biden had nothing to do with that.
Refineries have ramped up production post Covid so Biden had nothing to do with that.
Biden has taken a lot of oil out of the oil reserves part of which was sold did drop prices by a few cents. And even helped drop them by Pennie’s worldwide.
We have rampant inflation, a possible recession, and other problems that are being ignored by the Biden administration.
While there are IRS agents being added to the payroll so that the middle and lower class can be properly scrutinized for any possible tax problems. We have a major spending bill being sent through congress. Both will add more on to the government credit card.

I really do not see the democrats gaining anything. I see them losing lots
I believe manufacturing/production is down significantly throughout the US which would result in less transport of goods hence a lower gas price do to less need for gas.
Now I won’t pretend this is some impressive achievement. Obviously prices were high to begin with. And when I say that Biden is partially the reason, it’s not because I am giving him a pat on the back. However it at least disproves the narrative that he isn’t doing anything about the problem. His dip into the national reserve is credited as being ONE of the reasons prices have gone down.

My main point is about how this may affect the midterms. There is more of an ease on Americans’ wallets even if it isn’t yet enough. It should at least give some hope for democrats in the midterm when before it seemed rather bleak. Couple this with democrats other recent achievements and Trump’s consistent legal troubles, it may be something for democrats to get excited about. Too soon to be sure, but it is something.

Chew on this 000.
His dip into the national reserve is credited as being ONE of the reasons prices have gone down is what you said. Or think, or wish.
If that statement is even a little bit valid I propose that if Biden didn't shut down our own energy sector, all that oil produced would really, really lower the price of gas. He wouldn't be on bended knee's in front of Russia or the UAE.
Biden is a fool and has done nothing to reduce the price of gas, just riding on the coattails of the world wide reduction.
I love how you copy and paste this article but try to pass it off as hard won research you did. Why would anyone want to read this wall of text? Why should I if all you did was copy and paste it? It took you less than a minute to compose this shit. Of course right off the bat, I can tell you it’s rightwing bullshit. Even if Biden had not canceled Keystone, it would still take YEARS for that project to be realized. It’s rightwing fallacious bullshit.
So we are to believe YOU???? Who the hell are YOU that you with a few keystrokes make a few totally subjective, totally unsubstantiated comments? Frankly that's the problem with people like you. Just PLAIN LAZY and that makes you just plain ignorant!
Why would I believe ANYTHING you write as it is ALL your personal and truly subjective!
I love how you copy and paste this article but try to pass it off as hard won research you did. Why would anyone want to read this wall of text? Why should I if all you did was copy and paste it? It took you less than a minute to compose this shit. Of course right off the bat, I can tell you it’s rightwing bullshit. Even if Biden had not canceled Keystone, it would still take YEARS for that project to be realized. It’s rightwing fallacious bullshit.

When Biden stopped Keystone, it was only 8 percent complete. Even if he hadn't stopped it, it would still be several years FROM NOW before it became operational. Yep, screaming about Keystone being cancelled is one of the dumber things I hear conservatives say when bitching about current gas prices.
Not in middle Tennessee.

Maybe not in middle Tennessee, but that 2.39 price quote was for the average price of gas across the entire US. Some places were higher, some were lower, but the average was 2.39.
I believe manufacturing/production is down significantly throughout the US which would result in less transport of goods hence a lower gas price do to less need for gas.
It is down but we are more of an importer then a manufacturing economy. We have been for years. People were driving less because of the high gas prices. But if you look diesel is still up which is used to move goods
Lol destroy the fossil fuel industry? That’s so stupid. Their profits are at an all time like always.
Just how dumb can one guy be? The fuel industry is so happy with today's profits that they don't care that Biden will put them out of business tomorrow.
Let's see. Biden's term started with gas prices at less than $2.00 per gallon. His horrible policies caused the price to increase to almost $5.00 per gallon so now people are supposed to be happy that they're just now paying under $4.00 per gallon? How ignorant do you have to be to fall for this?
More lies from the reprehensible, dishonest right.

And of course, conservatives are upset that gas prices are coming down – they actually want the American people to suffer for some perceived partisan gain.

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