Gas prices coming down fast.

Would it be nice & magical if any president could just lower the cost of any product for sale to the public, When does the reality enter that those who own the product set the price. and usually until they get a little carried away, Only then does the government get involved. Sometimes in a good way sometimes not so much.
Nonsense, high gas prices were all Biden's fault, just ask anyone on this thread.
When it becomes a reality. If oil companies could set the price, we would have been paying $10.00 a gallon for the last 20 years.
Gas is $3.08 by me and 6 miles away it’s $2.85. Thanks Biden!!


Strategic reserve levels have leveled off and are steady.

Thanks Biden!!
I believe the reason gas prices are coming down is because of overproduction. Refineries have an overstock of gas; storage capacity is at a max and refineries need to sell what they have to make room for incoming oil.
I don't think it had much to do with it. Biden announcing college loan forgiveness is what did us in. It's hard to fight free money. Out of all the people between the ages of 18 and 29, 63% voted for Democrats and 35% for Republicans.

If I vote Republican, they will make sure I pay all of my loans off. If I vote Democrat, they'll give me 10 to 15K off my loan. What's the choice here?
How did you feel about all the folks who got PPP Loans and didn't have to pay them back?
How did you feel about all the folks who got PPP Loans and didn't have to pay them back?

Not great but at least it kept the economy from collapsing which benefited all Americans. It kept people at their jobs. But this college crap is pure vote buying at the cost to taxpayers of nearly a half-trillion more in debt. That's besides the fact companies took the PPP loans with the expectation they may not have to pay them back. Not so for college loans.
Not great but at least it kept the economy from collapsing which benefited all Americans. It kept people at their jobs. But this college crap is pure vote buying at the cost to taxpayers of nearly a half-trillion more in debt. That's besides the fact companies took the PPP loans with the expectation they may not have to pay them back. Not so for college loans.
If it keep people at their jobs, then why was the unemployment rate so high? Hmmm, so when rich folks and corporations get free money from the Gov't it is ok, but when folks who are struggling with money get free money from the gov't that is a bad thing. I don't understand the mindset of Trump Humpers.
Purchasing power is pretty much shot across the board.

I had to go to Wally World last night (a Saturday, no less) and it was pretty much empty.

In December.

I rarely go to Wally World, but whenever I have it's always been packed.

Not so much now.
If it keep people at their jobs, then why was the unemployment rate so high? Hmmm, so when rich folks and corporations get free money from the Gov't it is ok, but when folks who are struggling with money get free money from the gov't that is a bad thing. I don't understand the mindset of Trump Humpers.

Then try to understand this: People making up to 125K a year can get those handouts and couples making up to 250K a year. How is anybody making that kind of money "struggling?" If you graduated college and are struggling making ends meet, you Fd up. The idea of going to college is to secure a career and make better money than those that didn't attend college.

Yes, companies that applied for PPP loans got them. The government didn't pass them out to every corporation in America. And I'm sure some that applied didn't get them as well. But a friend of mine worked at a company that did get them. There wasn't much work, so they did stupid shit like painting and maintenance. He said they sat around and played cards for an hour here and there. But......he wasn't in any unemployment line. He worked 40 hours a week, and that allowed him to keep his health benefits.

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