Gas prices nudge EIGHT DOLLARS a gallon in LA as drivers form huge lines outside Costco gas stations nationwide and average prices hit all-time high o

Diaperbrain, the man RAN on going to war against the oil industry and his first act in office was to shut down our energy independence! What an ass!
Hey Russian fuckstick, quit saying 'our' when talking about the United States.

Thank you.
Because Biden and the Democrats are destroying the Oil and Gas industry so that they can spend trillions of dollars to make things better, to make their bank accounts better, that is.

Biden pauses new oil and gas leases amid legal battle over cost of climate change​

Yea, that's the reason gas prices are higher. Do you know how much we rely on Russian oil, which is not nearly as refined as ours, versus our own production and our Middle Eastern partners?

There is NO good reason for gas to be this high, other than speculators causing a panic and oil companies greed. Blaming Biden for oil companies price gouging is what dumb people say because they have no clue.

Do some research.
Yea, that's the reason gas prices are higher. Do you know how much we rely on Russian oil, which is not nearly as refined as ours, versus our own production and our Middle Eastern partners?

There is NO good reason for gas to be this high, other than speculators causing a panic and oil companies greed. Blaming Biden for oil companies price gouging is what dumb people say because they have no clue.

Do some research.
Greed and panic? Because Biden is fighting against the oil companies, as the article states.

Here we have the government taxing carbon from oil refining. You tell me to do research while ignoring the research presented, quoted, and commented on.

Taxing carbon results in oil leases being paused while the Democrats fight the oil industry in court.

This is HUGE!

You are so emotionally attached to your ideology you can not see facts when they slap you in the face.
Greed and panic? Because Biden is fighting against the oil companies, as the article states.

Here we have the government taxing carbon from oil refining. You tell me to do research while ignoring the research presented, quoted, and commented on.

Taxing carbon results in oil leases being paused while the Democrats fight the oil industry in court.

This is HUGE!

You are so emotionally attached to your ideology you can not see facts when they slap you in the face.
None of that has led to the recent price increase.

Fighting in court has led to a spike in prices? Really?

Do some research.
You dumbfucks blame Biden.

Maybe one of you inbreds can explain why Biden is the reason gas is so high?

C'mon, do tell.
I'm not inbred, but it's an obvious explanation. Gas is high and getting higher because Biden both stopped our gas and oil drilling and also stopped importing oil from Russia. So of course the price would rise!!

There is going to be SUCH a recession ------
I'm not inbred, but it's an obvious explanation. Gas is high and getting higher because Biden both stopped our gas and oil drilling and also stopped importing oil from Russia. So of course the price would rise!!

There is going to be SUCH a recession ------
Again, not true. That has NOT caused a spike in gas prices.

Do some research. Russian oil accounts for 2% of our supply, and 8% of our imported oil.
Do some research.
You sure say that a lot. Meaning you want us to come to some pro-Biden, pro-Dem conclusion other than the obvious, plain conclusion that is fair ---- the Dems caused the high prices in gas and everything, and wow, is there ever going to be a -----

Because he is the (D) POTUS, and they fucking hate that. Boo Hoo.

They claim that bidens policy to NOT open more drilling has an affect on the current number of barrels produced per day.
It's a good argument for the RWI FOX news viewer, but FOX news LIES to it viewers.

View attachment 613621
Data shows current production under biden is HIGHER than every year under trump except 2019.
Beyond taxes, the only factor that drives prices is demand.

So if gas gets to $20 are you going to stop driving?
Oil at $300 a bbl do you stop heating your home?

The oil companies have you over the proverbial barrel and they're lowering their pants.
While they're taking it up the poop chute they point the finger at Biden rather than at themselves.

Carter was right.
How's that feel?

Gas prices dropped when Obama made his failed Iran Nuke deal

The Saudis was pissed and flooded the market
Trump never reduced oil production. Biden did.

The oil is in the ground.
Drilling today won't produce for years.

HOW EXACTLY does the absence of something that wouldn't have been here anyway impact current prices?

May want to actually think about that.
Boy, it sure would have been nice if the left didnt go nuts with the "ban fracking" shit for the past several years.

Merely announcing to the world that the US is going to greatly ramp up oil production will lower the price of fuel in anticipation of an oil boom on the horizon.

Are you paying attention?
You may want to take noes.

No matter how much you drill today...
None of that oil will reach the market for years.


Since it won't reach the market for years, how does it impact today's prices?


The oil companies can pump more
The oil companies own leases that are not being drilled

Told you you should have taken notes.
The Biden administration stopped oil leases on federal lands you imbecile.
I'm a veteran. You're a parasite.
You were that left wing douche that everyone hated though. Im a veteran too and there were a few of you left wingers in the military (not many), but we hated you losers.
Show me the regulations imposed by Biden that increased oil production costs.


Take your whine to the oil companies.
When you tell and industry that they are limited to getting materials to make their product while every other nation is not subject to the same cap, you can’t get more regulatory than that. Biden is begging less than friendly nations to produce more (Saudi, Venezuela).
Beyond taxes, the only factor that drives prices is demand.

So if gas gets to $20 are you going to stop driving?
Oil at $300 a bbl do you stop heating your home?

The oil companies have you over the proverbial barrel and they're lowering their pants.
While they're taking it up the poop chute they point the finger at Biden rather than at themselves.

Carter was right.
How's that feel?
It feels like shit when a President says “fuck you” to the core industry that drives our economy. Tell your shit to the working class that used to spend $30 to fill their tank and now they are spending $50 plus. They will tell you and Biden to go fuck yourselves.

Gas prices dropped when Obama made his failed Iran Nuke deal

The Saudis was pissed and flooded the market
Geez. Basic economics.
Increase supply. Demand flat. Prices fall.
Decrease supply, demand flat. Prices rise.
Increase demand above supply prices rise
Decrease demand below supply, prices fall.

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