Gas prices nudge EIGHT DOLLARS a gallon in LA as drivers form huge lines outside Costco gas stations nationwide and average prices hit all-time high o

You were that left wing douche that everyone hated though. Im a veteran too and there were a few of you left wingers in the military (not many), but we hated you losers.
I wasn't even political when I served, and neither were people I served with. No one gives a fuck what you think, then or now. You probably peeled potatoes anyway. Loser.
Trump never reduced oil production. Biden did.

Boy, it sure would have been nice if the left didnt go nuts with the "ban fracking" shit for the past several years.

Merely announcing to the world that the US is going to greatly ramp up oil production will lower the price of fuel in anticipation of an oil boom on the horizon.
Hey wingnut....

Remember those earthquakes caused by fracking?
That's just one bad environmental impact of this idiocy.
How about pumping millions of gallons of wastewater into the water table?
The damage this stupidity

What next? Detonate a nuke a couple of miles deep to REALLY frack it up?

Think it's just coincidence that Battlestar Gallactica used the word as gutter language?
Dimocrats on this board are doing everything they can to deflect blame away from what we all know.
The bottom line is, there is one party that is doing everything it can to end the use of fossil fuels. Naturally the producers of such, are going to profit as much as they can before their party ends.

So go ahead and try to deflect Dims, try to blame all of this on Putin, we all know that gas prices were already steadily rising from the start of Biden's hideous administration.
The Biden administration stopped oil leases on federal lands you imbecile.
Reallllllly my minimal minded moron?

The oil companies hold leases on millions of acres that they are just not drilling.
AND my infantile brained genetic error
Let us not forget...
If they'd started drilling the day Biden came into office that oil wouldn't' reach the market for another 2 years.

Hey wingnut....

Remember those earthquakes caused by fracking?
That's just one bad environmental impact of this idiocy.
How about pumping millions of gallons of wastewater into the water table?
The damage this stupidity

What next? Detonate a nuke a couple of miles deep to REALLY frack it up?

Think it's just coincidence that Battlestar Gallactica used the word as gutter language?
Those earthquakes stop happening or was it the liberal talking point of the month?
Reallllllly my minimal minded moron?

The oil companies hold leases on millions of acres that they are just not drilling.
AND my infantile brained genetic error
Let us not forget...
If they'd started drilling the day Biden came into office that oil wouldn't' reach the market for another 2 years.

View attachment 613803
Biden has been in office for over 40 years
When you tell and industry that they are limited to getting materials to make their product while every other nation is not subject to the same cap, you can’t get more regulatory than that. Biden is begging less than friendly nations to produce more (Saudi, Venezuela).
Your post makes zero sense.
It feels like shit when a President says “fuck you” to the core industry that drives our economy. Tell your shit to the working class that used to spend $30 to fill their tank and now they are spending $50 plus. They will tell you and Biden to go fuck yourselves.
Only those stupid enough to believe the crap you believe.

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