Gas prices nudge EIGHT DOLLARS a gallon in LA as drivers form huge lines outside Costco gas stations nationwide and average prices hit all-time high o

There IS a certain satisfaction in the very people who voted most for the Bidenstain to be the same people now standing in line waiting to pay $8.00 a gallon because of it!
At least they exposed themselves in 14 mos. Such losers we've had in goobmint
Let's Go Brandon!

Wait until these goats realize this global take over isn’t a conspiracy. That reality will come if these elite screwballs win this id passport ID. This will control and dictate every aspect of their lives.
What they can eat, what they can do , where they can or can not go. Their cars will be able to be shut down if those bad little freedom lovers want any freedom lord forbid that.

I just wonder what will they do when the school turns their son into a daughter. Because you know children do not need conset any longer for a legal sex change.

China’s social credit score is almost going active and these uninformed humans lol are going to hate it. They lived in commie China but they are about to.

A food shortage like never before is on the way. Six months out or so LOL these deaf dumb and blind goats will wish they had a tin foil hat on.
Somebody cut production,
2017, 9,357
2018, 10,941
2019, 12,289
2020, 11,283..........see, this is less production, why, probably many reasons, but don't lie and say production wasn't cut. Less OIL was produced......blame it on the pandemic.
2021, 11,185......basically the same as 2020.

So where did biden cut production?

All you ever can say is Biden making it MUCH harder to get oil.

I never said he wasn't. But he's not cutting production.
Tell me what exactly he shut down to cut production.
And don't mention NEW oil drilling again, you have tried that already.
"Somebody cut production". Was it Trump?

Sorry I think I am having tech. Difficulties.
Companies across all industries raise prices all the time. Is it Greed, Increased costs, or Market conditions causing it? Increased costs include when Governments slap regulations.
Beyond taxes, the only factor that drives prices is demand.

So if gas gets to $20 are you going to stop driving?
Oil at $300 a bbl do you stop heating your home?

The oil companies have you over the proverbial barrel and they're lowering their pants.
While they're taking it up the poop chute they point the finger at Biden rather than at themselves.

Carter was right.
How's that feel?

Never in my lifetime have I seen gas cost this much money holy cow!!!!

Californians deserve everything they get. I have no sympathy for those who continue to vote blue

Gas prices nudge $8 in LA as drivers form lines to fill up
You dumbfucks blame Biden.

Maybe one of you inbreds can explain why Biden is the reason gas is so high?

C'mon, do tell.
Because Biden and the Democrats are destroying the Oil and Gas industry so that they can spend trillions of dollars to make things better, to make their bank accounts better, that is.

Biden pauses new oil and gas leases amid legal battle over cost of climate change​

How do you figure?

Are you paying attention?
You may want to take noes.

No matter how much you drill today...
None of that oil will reach the market for years.


Since it won't reach the market for years, how does it impact today's prices?


The oil companies can pump more
The oil companies own leases that are not being drilled

Told you you should have taken notes.
I know its very complicated to you, but its actually quite simple. If we drill and frack for oil in the US, we pay less for gas. You see, its cheaper to get oil in your back yard than it is to transport it from the other side of the planet. :laugh:

The oil is in the ground.
Drilling today won't produce for years.

HOW EXACTLY does the absence of something that wouldn't have been here anyway impact current prices?

May want to actually think about that.
Who's Bolton?
Trump's Sec of Defense or State and UN. A
Californians deserve everything they get. I have no sympathy for those who continue to vote blue

Gas prices nudge $8 in LA as drivers form lines to fill up
The Dems there have EVs lol....Nobody whines like cons. Selfish ignorant isolationist brainwashed twits...Hitler was cool too lol. Great economy and safety!! Jesse Waters etc are chickenshite lol. Putin and Trump scumbags are RW heroes. A disgrace...
That's easy.

The Democrats propose it so the Republicans can say "what? Are you crazy?" and then the Democrats can claim the Pugs are trying to hurt working people. This stupid partisanship thing is all like that, it's bizarro Kabuki theater on acid.
So the GQP won't support legislation
they claim the would support
Democrats propose it?

That's a level of stupid that easily describes all of the Republican party today.
Trump's Sec of Defense or State and UN. A

The Dems there have EVs lol....Nobody whines like cons. Selfish ignorant isolationist brainwashed twits...Hitler was cool too lol. Great economy and safety!! Jesse Waters etc are chickenshite lol. Putin and Trump scumbags are RW heroes. A disgrace...
12% are electric/coal powered 😄

The rest of the Democrat voting idiots are paying $8 😄

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