Gas prices nudge EIGHT DOLLARS a gallon in LA as drivers form huge lines outside Costco gas stations nationwide and average prices hit all-time high o

Never in my lifetime have I seen gas cost this much money holy cow!!!!
Because I trapped you into saying that. :yes_text12:
trump CUT production in 2020.
You just confirmed that.
Wiggle out of that one.

Just admit, "I got you to say that trump CUT production from 2019 to 2020.
Trump cut production? Got a link for that?
Yea, and I said that ^^^^^^^^
Biden didn't CUT production, he just didn't want new production.

Listen up dude, any boss not giving an employee more hours is NOT cutting the hours. My gawd you are slow.
Why wouldnt he welcome new production, seeing how we use more oil every year? You lefties fight us on fracking and drilling, then when oil prices soar, you take no responsibility. Your policies and political beliefs hurt us, but you never acknowledge it when it happens. You just make excuses. Where is your integrity?
You care to discuss some more, or do you admit your failure?
Youre delusional if you think youre winning this argument. What world do you live in? Certainly not the real world. If you think left wing policies combined with shithead Biden as president didnt dramatically effect oil price in the US, you are a fucking retard.
Texans are weird. lol

You do realize, that half the people who move out of California go to Texas, right?
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah I know, they are coming here in droves.
2. Trying to find security amongst the betters.
3. Maybe some betters will rub off on them.
4. But we all know Libtarddness is a sickness.
5. And goes all the way to the bone.
6. No cure known.
7. Maybe making Libtards pay more for gas will learn em!

Thank the democrat party of anti American trash. Sniffy declared war on American energy the day his cheated in boney ass sat in the oval office. They're doing it on purpose by orders of AOC and her squad to usher in her GREEN NEW DEAL. Doesn't matter if millions of Americans will suffer and lose their jobs because they can't afford gas. It won't impact those elite demtrash in Washington DC. They can afford to get by just fine.
Please say EXACTLY what the democrats have done.

No one is interested in your fantasies.
Because he is the (D) POTUS, and they fucking hate that. Boo Hoo.

They claim that bidens policy to NOT open more drilling has an affect on the current number of barrels produced per day.
It's a good argument for the RWI FOX news viewer, but FOX news LIES to it viewers.

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Data shows current production under biden is HIGHER than every year under trump except 2019.
I believe the correct response is
Trump was president in 2020 as well. Your chart says we produced less gas in 2021 than we did in 2020. Why exactly did you post a chart that helped our argument, but hurt yours? :laugh:

How does the president impact oil production today?
He doesn't
Pump the oil
Refine the oil
Transport the gas
Sell the gas

Pray tell...

How, in your fantasies, does the President control the price of gas?

We'll be waiting for your unintelligible response.
Oh, but what about the roads? Lol. How much of the $0.18 per gallon collected actually goes to the roads?

Liberals and Democrats keep pointing to the Energy companies with their “windfall profits” which is maybe $0.06 per gallon. It is the energy companies that are bearing all of the risk, capital, delivery, and regulatory overhead to make $.05 per gallon against $4.00 price. The Federal Government assumes Zero risk and cost and nets almost 3X what the oil companies’ profits are on a gallon of gas. If all of the oil companies went out of business and the Federal Government lost that $0.18 per gallon, what would they do? Simply find another tax to make up or replace it.

You're admitting these price increases are totally the doing of the energy companies.

Welcome to reality.

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