Gas Prices to spike after trump runs from Iran deal

Well they do not have nukes yet. The agreement opened up inspection. .
The agreement CLAIMED to have opened up inspections. But the Iranians fixed it so that nothing that needed to be inspected would/could be.

Actual result ? No inspections and a lot of worthless, wasted time by inspectors traveling there, on wasted jet fuel.
Well they do not have nukes yet. The agreement opened up inspection. .
The agreement CLAIMED to have opened up inspections. But the Iranians fixed it so that nothing that needed to be inspected would/could be.

Actual result ? No inspections and a lot of worthless, wasted time by inspectors traveling there, on wasted jet fuel.

Lots of fun for UN inspectors ...

Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
You mean getting us out of the deal that bath house barry got us into that allows the worlds foremost terrorist nation the build nukes? And he paid them. That deal. Thank God he did, someone needs to have some sense. You pathetic little cry babies must have no idea how stupid you look with your petty childish behavior day after day! You must be one sick perverse freak to behave this way every day. the climate change deal. The whole world is wrong and trump...the bankruptcy right.

This is the first step in war with Iran. That is why he has nutcase Bolton in his ear now. He can blame the war on him.
This is the first step in a war with Mexico ... North Korea ... Iran ...
I thought bed wetters liked the idea of high fuel prices so people would car pool more and use less....

No, bed wetters just like to whine a lot no matter what.


Wait....Obama was the one that was supposed to spike energy costs. Now that trump is doing it... Well...GOOD FOR US!
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
You mean getting us out of the deal that bath house barry got us into that allows the worlds foremost terrorist nation the build nukes? And he paid them. That deal. Thank God he did, someone needs to have some sense. You pathetic little cry babies must have no idea how stupid you look with your petty childish behavior day after day! You must be one sick perverse freak to behave this way every day. the climate change deal. The whole world is wrong and trump...the bankruptcy right.

This is the first step in war with Iran. That is why he has nutcase Bolton in his ear now. He can blame the war on him.

Yup just like the Paris accord, Obama tried to play dictator and go around congress.... ..
Well they do not have nukes yet. The agreement opened up inspection. .
The agreement CLAIMED to have opened up inspections. But the Iranians fixed it so that nothing that needed to be inspected would/could be.

Actual result ? No inspections and a lot of worthless, wasted time by inspectors traveling there, on wasted jet fuel.

trump's advisors said to stay with the he fired the adults and hired regime changers.
Since we export more oil than we import, we should stop exporting and cap regular unleaded and diesel to 40 cents above tax.

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