Gas Prices to spike after trump runs from Iran deal

Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
What war did Republicans start?
Grenada! Oh the horrors. Oh wait....
/----/ I thought the People's Revolutionary Gubmint started the war. We just finished it.
Operation Urgent Fury
Part of the Cold War

A Sikorsky CH-53D Sea Stallion helicopter of the U.S. Marine Corps hovers above the ground near an abandoned Soviet ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft weapon during the invasion of Grenada in 1983.
We are producing more oil here than ever before yet has priced rising.....we were told over and over again how the increased production would lower prices. Oh my you mean we were lied to? No way.
We are producing more oil here than ever before yet has priced rising.....we were told over and over again how the increased production would lower prices. Oh my you mean we were lied to? No way.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
The difference is the gaas tax pays for your roads and Trump will give the money to oil companies by pulliung out of the deal. By the wway the Road fund is dry in three years while ouir civil engineer report on infrastructure is a D-. Exactly who do you think the swamp is? The oil companies and the banks are the swamp. You all chant drain the swamp to a swamp creature of a pres. Drain the Swamp by killing Dodd Frank and spiking oil and gas prices. Who benefits oil and banks all we need is a big win for big pharma and the swamp will have been fed perfectrly.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.

He didn't run from the Iran deal. He got rid of it.

The only winner in that deal was Iran. An Iran who continues with its nuclear ambitions. Hell they got billions that we had frozen.

Anyone doubt what they did with those billions.

It sure wasn't a deal that benefited America.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
The difference is the gaas tax pays for your roads and Trump will give the money to oil companies by pulliung out of the deal. By the wway the Road fund is dry in three years while ouir civil engineer report on infrastructure is a D-. Exactly who do you think the swamp is? The oil companies and the banks are the swamp. You all chant drain the swamp to a swamp creature of a pres. Drain the Swamp by killing Dodd Frank and spiking oil and gas prices. Who benefits oil and banks all we need is a big win for big pharma and the swamp will have been fed perfectrly.
/----/ You're so cute when you reguritate the Liberla Lies: Is Jerry Brown 'diverting' 30 percent of new gas tax money?
"Governor Brown and his fellow Democrats are already diverting funding to their own pet projects," she said in the press release. "In this budget proposal, they are diverting 30 percent of funding from the gas tax to non-road related projects like building parks and job training for felons. That’s money from the very gas tax the Democrats promised would go solely to fixing our decrepit roads and providing relief for traffic congestion."

The gas tax increase is part of a larger transportation funding legislation signed by Brown in April 2017. In common speech, some politicians simply call this "the gas tax."
We are producing more oil here than ever before yet has priced rising.....we were told over and over again how the increased production would lower prices. Oh my you mean we were lied to? No way.
Six States Raise Gas Tax in 2017 to Fund Infrastructure
Since the federal government last raised the gasoline tax at the start of the Clinton administration to 18.4 cents per gallon, 39 states have hiked their at-the-pump ...
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
The difference is the gaas tax pays for your roads and Trump will give the money to oil companies by pulliung out of the deal. By the wway the Road fund is dry in three years while ouir civil engineer report on infrastructure is a D-. Exactly who do you think the swamp is? The oil companies and the banks are the swamp. You all chant drain the swamp to a swamp creature of a pres. Drain the Swamp by killing Dodd Frank and spiking oil and gas prices. Who benefits oil and banks all we need is a big win for big pharma and the swamp will have been fed perfectrly.
/----/ You're so cute when you reguritate the Liberla Lies: Is Jerry Brown 'diverting' 30 percent of new gas tax money?
"Governor Brown and his fellow Democrats are already diverting funding to their own pet projects," she said in the press release. "In this budget proposal, they are diverting 30 percent of funding from the gas tax to non-road related projects like building parks and job training for felons. That’s money from the very gas tax the Democrats promised would go solely to fixing our decrepit roads and providing relief for traffic congestion."

The gas tax increase is part of a larger transportation funding legislation signed by Brown in April 2017. In common speech, some politicians simply call this "the gas tax."
Federal funds can not be diverted from the highway fund. The answer to the article is Gov. Brown doing it is, not with federal funds he is not. He will go to jail if he does. Thank you for your partisen bullshit though. The thing was trump was supposed to drain the swamp not look at one person on the other side in one state not federaly doing some thing worse. He has not even done it. Fuck Gov. Brown he is in Cali I am not. The pres sais he gunna drain the swamp but his actions feed the swamp. Fuck him and Gov. Brown the highway fund is about gone they can both lose their fucking jobs do to stupidity. Fuck R or D in front of your name. Do what the fuck you are supposed to or lose your job. The difference between me and you is if I were in California and this guy was wanting to divert those funds I wil give him the pink slip regardless of party. If the guy I voted for president does not do what they told me they would, they do not get my vote again
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
The difference is the gaas tax pays for your roads and Trump will give the money to oil companies by pulliung out of the deal. By the wway the Road fund is dry in three years while ouir civil engineer report on infrastructure is a D-. Exactly who do you think the swamp is? The oil companies and the banks are the swamp. You all chant drain the swamp to a swamp creature of a pres. Drain the Swamp by killing Dodd Frank and spiking oil and gas prices. Who benefits oil and banks all we need is a big win for big pharma and the swamp will have been fed perfectrly.
/----/ You're so cute when you reguritate the Liberla Lies: Is Jerry Brown 'diverting' 30 percent of new gas tax money?
"Governor Brown and his fellow Democrats are already diverting funding to their own pet projects," she said in the press release. "In this budget proposal, they are diverting 30 percent of funding from the gas tax to non-road related projects like building parks and job training for felons. That’s money from the very gas tax the Democrats promised would go solely to fixing our decrepit roads and providing relief for traffic congestion."

The gas tax increase is part of a larger transportation funding legislation signed by Brown in April 2017. In common speech, some politicians simply call this "the gas tax."
Federal funds can not be diverted from the highway fund. The answer to the article is Gov. Brown doing it is, not with federal funds he is not. He will go to jail if he does. Thank you for your partisen bullshit though. The thing was trump was supposed to drain the swamp not look at one person on the other side in one state not federaly doing some thing worse. He has not even done it. Fuck Gov. Brown he is in Cali I am not. The pres sais he gunna drain the swamp but his actions feed the swamp. Fuck him and Gov. Brown the highway fund is about gone they can both lose their fucking jobs do to stupidity. Fuck R or D in front of your name. Do what the fuck you are supposed to or lose your job. The difference between me and you is if I were in California and this guy was wanting to divert those funds I wil give him the pink slip regardless of party. If the guy I voted for president does not do what they told me they would, they do not get my vote again
/----/ I'm responding to the claim that the gas tax is used for repairs to the infrastructure. Clearly it is not always used for that. At no time did the OP mention Federal gas tax. She was whining about the rising cost of gas - part of which is state imposed taxes none of which is Trump's fault.
We are producing more oil here than ever before yet has priced rising.....we were told over and over again how the increased production would lower prices. Oh my you mean we were lied to? No way.
The deep state is at fault
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
The difference is the gaas tax pays for your roads and Trump will give the money to oil companies by pulliung out of the deal. By the wway the Road fund is dry in three years while ouir civil engineer report on infrastructure is a D-. Exactly who do you think the swamp is? The oil companies and the banks are the swamp. You all chant drain the swamp to a swamp creature of a pres. Drain the Swamp by killing Dodd Frank and spiking oil and gas prices. Who benefits oil and banks all we need is a big win for big pharma and the swamp will have been fed perfectrly.
/----/ You're so cute when you reguritate the Liberla Lies: Is Jerry Brown 'diverting' 30 percent of new gas tax money?
"Governor Brown and his fellow Democrats are already diverting funding to their own pet projects," she said in the press release. "In this budget proposal, they are diverting 30 percent of funding from the gas tax to non-road related projects like building parks and job training for felons. That’s money from the very gas tax the Democrats promised would go solely to fixing our decrepit roads and providing relief for traffic congestion."

The gas tax increase is part of a larger transportation funding legislation signed by Brown in April 2017. In common speech, some politicians simply call this "the gas tax."
Federal funds can not be diverted from the highway fund. The answer to the article is Gov. Brown doing it is, not with federal funds he is not. He will go to jail if he does. Thank you for your partisen bullshit though. The thing was trump was supposed to drain the swamp not look at one person on the other side in one state not federaly doing some thing worse. He has not even done it. Fuck Gov. Brown he is in Cali I am not. The pres sais he gunna drain the swamp but his actions feed the swamp. Fuck him and Gov. Brown the highway fund is about gone they can both lose their fucking jobs do to stupidity. Fuck R or D in front of your name. Do what the fuck you are supposed to or lose your job. The difference between me and you is if I were in California and this guy was wanting to divert those funds I wil give him the pink slip regardless of party. If the guy I voted for president does not do what they told me they would, they do not get my vote again
/----/ I'm responding to the claim that the gas tax is used for repairs to the infrastructure. Clearly it is not always used for that. At no time did the OP mention Federal gas tax. She was whining about the rising cost of gas - part of which is state imposed taxes none of which is Trump's fault.
Roads and bridges is how I make my living it is near and dear to me. I would punch god in the nose if he told me I did not have the funds to fix my bridge. Think I care about R or D when it comes to roads. Fuck me out of my funding not only will I vote against you I will campagn against you no matter who you are. I know a good percentage of the people who drive across my bridges and like them. They need to m ake it to the other side or it is on me! It will not be on me because I will fight for what needs done!
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.

They think invading Iran is the same as invading Iraq. Not so. Also Russia is stronger, China is strong than in 2003.

If these idiots invade Iran....Russia and China will not sit on their hands like they did in Iraq.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.

They think invading Iran is the same as invading Iraq. Not so. Also Russia is stronger, China is strong than in 2003.

If these idiots invade Iran....Russia and China will not sit on their hands like they did in Iraq.
It is a powder keg for sure! I still do not get why russia prefers going with china over us these days. You would think they would have more in common with us.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
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View attachment 192946

As compared to last year:

View attachment 192947

Gas prices have gone up over half a buck under Trump on the average.....

Hell they've gone up 10 cents this week where I live.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
/ And Blue States want to jack up gas tax for whatever BS reason they think people will buy into.
View attachment 193004
View attachment 192946

As compared to last year:

View attachment 192947

Gas prices have gone up over half a buck under Trump on the average.....

Hell they've gone up 10 cents this week where I live.
Suprising stats. I did not expect Pennsyvania to top the list. I figured it would be themost populated states topping the list due to the large cost of buying right away and more traffic equals more ware and tear. I do not know state by state wehter or not gas taxes can be diverted. Federal funds can not be diverted and in Ohio they can not be diverted by law. I wonder if Pennsylvania is able to divert them and that is why they pay more. I will look into that or do they just have a better plan in terms of maitenance. If this was the case you would think that Pennsylvania would recieve a btter condition report than other areas. Interesting!
How much oil do we actually get from Iran?

Very little.
In fact we are poised to be the biggest exporter of oil in the world.
U.S. Will Be the World’s Largest Oil Producer by 2023, Says IEA

That won't stop gas prices from spiking....


But it'll bring huge amounts of cash into our tax base.

My cash....great

Since when have dems wanted lower taxes?

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