Gas was high throughout trump admin.

Keystone was FAR from being operational. When Biden revoked the permit to continue building it, it was only 8 percent complete. Would have taken at least another 5 years (3 years from now) for it to become operational. Wouldn't have done anything to mitigate the price hikes that have been affecting us for the past 6 months. By the way, since your buddy Trump was such a great president, why in the hell didn't he get anything done with it?
- it was 8% complete
- Trump didn't do anything with it

Pick 1

Learn how stocks work and future investments. We were energy independent and could have moved oil safely through the pipeline. Much safer and enviro friendly than using trains or trucks. Biden day 1 shut down much of what Trump did to get us energy independent he said he'd do so on the campaign trail so this is squarely on Biden and you idiots that voted for him. So the way I see it you fags owe me gas money pay up or stfu
Crimea had a free election 94% voted to join Russia, Ukraine had a free election and in 2014 we ousted their democratically elected government to install a NATO friendly ally

Don't believe me here's Victoria Nuland to explain it

So I guess you think Biden shutting down Keystone and Bootyjudge going on 3 months maternity leave while supply chain crumbled had nothing to do with it huh.

Please say more and keep proving how retarded you are

Maybe you were asleep. Russia has continued to invade all the way to the capital. You are fking retarded. Now you’re talking about keystone. Dah. You’re not a climate change advocate are you ? The solution is to move more quickly to alternate fuels including Nat gas a transitional fuel.

you’re an idiot. The referendum was not recognized by other countries as neither was Russian fake elections. It was taken after the invasion. Its why you Trump holes are fascist. You’re buying into Putinism .
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Oh wow and it was under 3$ nationwide under Trump so your proof is doodoo just like your brains
Yup, and Trump spread covid throughout the country with his ignorance, had a recession and a market meltdown. Sure, he’s your guy.
Maybe you were asleep. Russia has continued to invade all the way to the capital. You are fking retarded. Now you’re talking about keystone. Dah. You’re not a climate change advocate are you ? The solution is to move more quickly to alternate fuels including Nat gas a transitional fuel.

you’re an idiot. The referendum was not recognized by other countries as neither was Russian fake elections. It was taken after the invasion. Its why you Trump holes are fascist. You’re buying into Putinism .
And why did they invade dipshit? NATO and Biden. Biden also gave Russia the Nord pipeline that Trump told Merkel and Germany would be disastrous for them. Trump was right again

I suggest you go watch Ukraine on Fire or read any articles from 2014 and learn what happened in that region before you come in here and expose yourself further as a fucking moron

No I'm not a climate change advocate because it's a scam and will tax the poor and middle class while the rich will still fly on private planes and sail on yachts like your hero Greta Thunberg. I'm sure you believe all that hysteria though cause you're an NPC
Yup, and Trump spread covid throughout the country with his ignorance, had a recession and a market meltdown. Sure, he’s your guy.
Fauci released Covid and that's been proven but keep your head wedged up your ass so you can't see a damn thing
Fauci released Covid and that's been proven but keep your head wedged up your ass so you can't see a damn thing
How did that happen ? Everyone of the Humpers were drinking industrial cleaner and glowin* uv rays from down under their a- holes. None of you had a thing to worry about, right ? You never believed Fauci over Trump who said it would be gone by spring, of three, two years ago.

Gee, are you sayin* that didn’t work ?
It just started going up after war in Ukraine, Iran and Saudi are pro Russia, and Saudi won't put out many barrels and they use to under tramp.
Another lie! It started right after BRANDON announced he was going to end fossil fuel and stopped the Keystone pipeline his first day in office
So you mean to tell me... that $2.97 is HIGH?

Bro, I think you're high...

I passed a gas station on the way home from work today, and saw the price at $5.09. I rolled the window down and yelled "Fuck Joe Biden" and I got a cheer while at the stoplight.

Fuck. Joe. Biden.
Notice SHERI says NOTHING about inflation, ineffective supply Chain, what it costs now to use energy to cool your home, the price of groceries, etc?
Really hard to respect people like John Kerry telling me I need to ride a fucking golf cart to work when he flies around on a fuel guzzling private jet.

Same with Nancy Pissloser.
huh ? Show a jet that does not use fossil fuels. Are you actually riding a golf cart cross country ? What a dumb post.
huh ? Show a jet that does not use fossil fuels. Are you actually riding a golf cart cross country ? What a dumb post.

Why does he need a fucking jet? That pollutes more than 1000 fucking cars do? Why is he so god damned important? Why can't he fly fucking commercial like everyone else? So I'm supposed to listen to someone so worried about the fucking climate that flies around polluting thousands of times more than the average fucking citizen does?

What a dumb mother fucker you are.
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How did that happen ? Everyone of the Humpers were drinking industrial cleaner and glowin* uv rays from down under their a- holes. None of you had a thing to worry about, right ? You never believed Fauci over Trump who said it would be gone by spring, of three, two years ago.

Gee, are you sayin* that didn’t work ?
Never had the vaxx, never wore the mask, never had covid. I went about business as usual covid has never been a concern to me. The real concern is rampant authoritarianism disguised as science which you support

I'm betting you wear a mask alone driving in your car and have 3 jabs and a booster though huh vaxxfag
Never had the vaxx, never wore the mask, never had covid. I went about business as usual covid has never been a concern to me. The real concern is rampant authoritarianism disguised as science which you support

I'm betting you wear a mask alone driving in your car and have 3 jabs and a booster though huh vaxxfag
I’m betting your FOS.
Why does he need a fucking jet? That pollutes more than 1000 fucking cars do? Why is he so god damned important? Why can't he fly fucking commercial like everyone else? So I'm supposed to listen to someone so worried about the fucking climate that flies around polluting thousands of times more than the average fucking citizen does?

What a dumb mother fucker you are.
Are you shitting me dufus ? Why do the LA lakers need a private jet to play away games ? Imbecile, do you have another way to travel cross country ?

You guys are really idiotic with this one.
That pollutes more than 1000 fucking cars do?
That’s bogus. Jets are much more efficient then cars per passenger mile. Before you make stupid statements, check out the science. You don’t believe in it, so you’re ALWAYS wrong dumbo. Make sure are ears aren’t flapping over.
Are you shitting me dufus ? Why do the LA lakers need a private jet to play away games ? Imbecile, do you have another way to travel cross country ?

You guys are really idiotic with this one.
So climate change doesn't matter if the Lakers and LeBron have to the Knicks in New York. LOL way to prove airplanemechanic right.

You've gotta be without a doubt the dumbest fucker on here and that says something
That’s bogus. Jets are much more efficient then cars per passenger mile. Before you make stupid statements, check out the science. You don’t believe in it, so you’re ALWAYS wrong dumbo. Make sure are ears aren’t flapping over.
And electric cars are best blah blah blah

Go look up how batteries for electric are made. How they are mined and come back and tell me how eco friendly that is you dumb faggot
- it was 8% complete
- Trump didn't do anything with it

Pick 1

Learn how stocks work and future investments. We were energy independent and could have moved oil safely through the pipeline. Much safer and enviro friendly than using trains or trucks. Biden day 1 shut down much of what Trump did to get us energy independent he said he'd do so on the campaign trail so this is squarely on Biden and you idiots that voted for him. So the way I see it you fags owe me gas money pay up or stfu
Ha ha. The keystone pipeline was years from becoming operational and was going directly to the refineries to be shipped overseas. It makes no difference in the calc. now.
BTW, check the record heat around the world. We aren’t doing enough and beating Russia is a big step towards energy independence. Russia wants to to destroy the earth as we know it to open up the tundra to more oil exploration so they can become the leaders of what’s left of the earth.

The GOP are Russian supporters.

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