Gates Wide Open - The Invasion of Europe Video

~sigh~ fine. I have other things I'd /like/ to do, so I'm lodging protest that I have to do this for you...
In other words you cannot identify anything in the video to refute its authenticity.
On the chance that you might learn something, why not watch the video again and imagine that instead of Europe, this is happening in your own backyard! How would you feel?

Would you like to retract your accusation of me now son?
This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I gotta be honest with you. I don't know who the true "pied piper" is that our nations presidents respond to after taking office.

Coild it be the military bullying our presidents into waging wars that can't be won by any measure?

Does the problem have anything to do with filtering our nations Middle East foreign through Israel first?

Lots of suspects for sure, including the un.
I would not doubt at all if the Muslims planned a "peaceful" take-over, but you can't really bitch about that as a "bad thing" per say. So in the long run, I have to ask myself if I would convert to Islam, if I'd be willing to etc. I mean it's a very real possibility if they out-breed the native populations and take over the political majority - I made a post on it as it's a topic of discussion among my buddies. Including a number of those in the European countries that are not happy with the influx of refugees at all.

However, my personal beliefs/concerns/thoughts do not change the fact that this video is suspect which is all I'm saying. ~shrug~
This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I gotta be honest with you. I don't know who the true "pied piper" is that our nations presidents respond to after taking office.

Coild it be the military bullying our presidents into waging wars that can't be won by any measure?

Does the problem have anything to do with filtering our nations Middle East foreign through Israel first?

Lots of suspects for sure, including the un.

John, after watching the history of wars on the continent of Africa, the Middle East and throughout the world? There is absolutely no question in my mind that the UN is running both sides and there is only one organization that is powerful enough to resurrect the Roman Empire by these means. The UN. They have the same agenda the League of Nations had. To dominate and rule the world.
I dare you to watch this video Jeremiah ...... :cool:

I watched it. So you do not believe Rome is behind the UN and NWO even though Edward Bryce - the main player in the formation of the League of Nations was a Jesuit - hailed to be the most brilliant of minds by the Queen - and identified in Wikipedia as the main promoter of the League of Nations. Edward Bryce was an Ambassador to the US and along with Edward Mandell House - a Jesuit agent of Rome whose influence was tremendously powerful! Edward Bryce is the author of "The Holy Roman Empire". What was the goal of Hitler, Sunni man? To dominate the world and create a One World Order for the Roman Empire to be resurrected with - for the Roman Empire to rule. What was the goal of the League of Nations? Read why the nations pulled out of the League of Nations - why it fell apart. Then you will see who was behind the creation of the UN and why. It's the same agenda with the same ending. Yes, your video has some content that is useful - such as the NWO desires their headquarters to be in Jerusalem. But who shall that be? The Vatican. You need to read some Avro Manhattan books on the subject of how Rome has manipulated and used the Islamic world to fight one side of a war so that they could pretend to find another - all under the disguise of the UN!

Much of the incitement to violence that has happened to the Muslim people has been intentional. Rome had an agenda. Haven't they always? Listen to me. Look at history. Look at the Inquistion, the Crusades, World War I, II, and the one that is coming and behind that curtain is not a Wizard but a Jesuit Mastermind at work. Can we agree that history repeats itself? What part of history have the Jews always played? The victims. What part of history have the Romans always played? There is your answer.

Did you watch all of the videos or only part 9? I intend to watch every one of them,God willing. I'd like to see if there is a continuation of this theme (turning the viewers attention away from Rome) in this message. Do not be deceived about Rome. Their agenda is being rolled out before the world right this second. It is diabolical in nature and deadly in its will to take over the world and dominate it. Islamic refugees are the pawns of the UN, the knights are the Communists that have pretended an alliance with Islam until they are ready to sacrifice them on the Roman altar of Lucifer. The bishops and rooks are the Jesuits who work from behind the scenes on both ends. The Queen is the UN that protects the King (Jesuit Pope) and his interests from afar until they are ready to reveal the anti-Christ.

You are witnessing the rise of the anti-Christ.
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This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I don't deny there is a NWO, but who controls the UN?

Who do you think controls the UN?
This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I gotta be honest with you. I don't know who the true "pied piper" is that our nations presidents respond to after taking office.

Coild it be the military bullying our presidents into waging wars that can't be won by any measure?

Does the problem have anything to do with filtering our nations Middle East foreign through Israel first?

Lots of suspects for sure, including the un.

John, after watching the history of wars on the continent of Africa, the Middle East and throughout the world? There is absolutely no question in my mind that the UN is running both sides and there is only one organization that is powerful enough to resurrect the Roman Empire by these means. The UN. They have the same agenda the League of Nations had. To dominate and rule the world.

You have good reason to believe the un is responsible for all the wars. An organization FDR gave birth to during WWII for the express purpose of waging world wars. And we've been a nation at war ever since its creation.

But I still think there's more to it then that. For example, your Hollywood driven news media constantly banging on the war drums whipping up the population into nothing more than a foaming at the mouth angry mob looking to kill people in large numbers. Without that, the un is useless.
I would not doubt at all if the Muslims planned a "peaceful" take-over, but you can't really bitch about that as a "bad thing" per say. So in the long run, I have to ask myself if I would convert to Islam, if I'd be willing to etc. I mean it's a very real possibility if they out-breed the native populations and take over the political majority - I made a post on it as it's a topic of discussion among my buddies. Including a number of those in the European countries that are not happy with the influx of refugees at all.

However, my personal beliefs/concerns/thoughts do not change the fact that this video is suspect which is all I'm saying. ~shrug~
And my suspicion that you are searching for reasons
~sigh~ fine. I have other things I'd /like/ to do, so I'm lodging protest that I have to do this for you...
In other words you cannot identify anything in the video to refute its authenticity.
On the chance that you might learn something, why not watch the video again and imagine that instead of Europe, this is happening in your own backyard! How would you feel?

Would you like to retract your accusation of me now son?

What you have presented does not refute the authenticity of this documentary. I would urge you to view the video again and note that this invasion of Europe is real and if it happens in America, it will effect you. I didn't make an accusation against you. It was an observation and as you have proven by your response - an astute one.
They used non-refugee related material to prove their point that refugees are a danger to Europe. If the point was valid there is no reason to embellish it, yet they did. Why? I question such things because I am not a blindly obedient lapdog for anyone else's opinions. I've now watched the video 3 times, I remain unconvinced by their particular propaganda, sorry. Watching it again is not going to brainwash me into believing them.
This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I gotta be honest with you. I don't know who the true "pied piper" is that our nations presidents respond to after taking office.

Coild it be the military bullying our presidents into waging wars that can't be won by any measure?

Does the problem have anything to do with filtering our nations Middle East foreign through Israel first?

Lots of suspects for sure, including the un.

John, after watching the history of wars on the continent of Africa, the Middle East and throughout the world? There is absolutely no question in my mind that the UN is running both sides and there is only one organization that is powerful enough to resurrect the Roman Empire by these means. The UN. They have the same agenda the League of Nations had. To dominate and rule the world.

You have good reason to believe the un is responsible for all the wars. An organization FDR gave birth to during WWII for the express purpose of waging world wars. And we've been a nation at war ever since its creation.

But I still think there's more to it then that. For example, your Hollywood driven news media constantly banging on the war drums whipping up the population into nothing more than a foaming at the mouth angry mob looking to kill people in large numbers. Without that, the un is useless.

No, it goes further back to the League of Nations and Wilson. He was under the influence of Edward Mandell House ( a Jesuit agent of Rome). You make many good points, John. Including Hollywood. I would add that the end of the League of Nations (the first UN - main promoter Edward Bryce - Ambassador to the US) coincided with nations deciding to get out due to fear of sanctions, etc. They could see clearly that the agenda was to control them and they opted out. After WWII? The Jesuit agents of Rome once again went to work - this time in influencing the creation of the UN, the US signed on and the rest is history. The Roman Empire is being resurrected (before our very eyes).
They used non-refugee related material to prove their point that refugees are a danger to Europe. If the point was valid there is no reason to embellish it, yet they did. Why? I question such things because I am not a blindly obedient lapdog for anyone else's opinions. I've now watched the video 3 times, I remain unconvinced by their particular propaganda, sorry. Watching it again is not going to brainwash me into believing them.

I would have to believe that a 3 second clip (if that) misquoted, does not have the ability to dismiss the power of what is on that video. The fact that you do, EverCurious, tells me that you would strain a gnat in order to swallow a camel.
A three second clip that is purported to have happened in EU as per a "report" posted next to it? A bit more than "oops we mixed in 3 seconds of unrelated video"

(UGH what is with the board this am, it's doing that super slow typing crap again)

When you claim that rape in Norway is going up, and use a video from the US to support that - I see a problem.

And yes, when it comes to political points and political tactics, I do look at it very critically for the /truth/ because it matters. It's not just a "game" for me.
This is the video the US Government doesn't want you to see. It has been edited of any bad language and is video tape footage of the actual mass immigration in transit on foot - the riots - weeping citizens in fear for their lives as they cry, They are coming into our homes! They are fighting each other! Please help us! As you will see in this video footage of 100's of thousands of Syrian Muslims, an overwhelming majority are men. It appears the 72% military age males was an accurate report on the news. If this video does not shock you? Nothing will. This is what America is going to be faced with. It is time to wake up, America.

Warning: This video is politically incorrect.

This is what the United Nations wants to do to America.

Brought to you courtesy of the Obama administration.
Obamas war in lybia and Syria destroyed the lives of countless millions of Arab Muslims. What did he think was gonna happen?

Obama was ordered by the UN to go to war with Libya, Syria and Egypt. He didn't come up with that idea on his own. Everything he has done has been in compliance with the "International Order" (UN). The UN is starting these wars and then demanding that the West take in the millions of refugees they are driving out. What you are witnessing is the New World Order of the UN on a fast track. Once the people are in crisis to the extent you see in this video, the UN will offer the West peace in exchange for surrender of our weapons, our sovereignty, our rights, our freedom. What is the motive of the UN? To establish global government, erase borders, sovereignty and rule the world. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if millions die to accomplish a One World Order. The end justifies the means. Terrible, isn't it?

I don't deny there is a NWO, but who controls the UN?

Who do you believe controls the UN, Penelope?

Well there is no doubt who controls our Congress, and who control the most powerful country on earth, so were told we are, pretty much controls all , wouldn't you agree,

Created in bas relief of white Vermont marble by seven different sculptors, the plaques each measure 28 inches in diameter. The 11 profiles in the eastern half of the chamber face left and the eleven in the western half face right, so that all look towards the full-face relief of Moses in the center of the north wall.


About Relief Portrait Plaques of Lawgivers

Is Jesus there??. Moses is in the center, and when the congress leaves and looks up, its a reminder of who is in control. It was done when Israel declared itself a state, about the same time, Judeo was added to Christian, to make it Judeo Christian.
I've never seen that before, Penelope. I didn't even know it existed. Interesting. That is the same laurel used under UN insignia on each of those plaques.
On Saturday, November 6, a crowd of thousands, estimated to be between 7,000 and 10,000 strong, converged in Berlin to attend a rally organized by the Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany, AfD) party.

The columns of marchers deliberately passed the offices of the Federal Press Association, where several German and foreign media are based, and burst into the well-known refrain of “lugendpresse” (“lying press”) which has become common in Germany to describe the deceptions practised by the controlled media.
Europe Rallies Against 3rd World Invasion - The New Observer
I've never seen that before, Penelope. I didn't even know it existed. Interesting. That is the same laurel used under UN insignia on each of those plaques.

This is a story about the Europeans who are protesting the mass immigration plan underway. I didn't know about it until I found this story:

Europe Rallies Against 3rd World Invasion - The New Observer


On Saturday, November 6, a crowd of thousands, estimated to be between 7,000 and 10,000 strong, converged in Berlin to attend a rally organized by the Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany, AfD) party.

The columns of marchers deliberately passed the offices of the Federal Press Association, where several German and foreign media are based, and burst into the well-known refrain of “lugendpresse” (“lying press”) which has become common in Germany to describe the deceptions practised by the controlled media.
Europe Rallies Against 3rd World Invasion - The New Observer

How do you feel about that?

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