Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider 'kidnapping' charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state​

Max Thornberry
Thu, September 15, 2022 at 3:16 PM·2 min read

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard were illegal.

Texas Gov. Abbott says migrants given consent waiver, not being …
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that migrants bused out of state are given voluntary consent waivers and are not — as New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged — being forced …

Corrupt Far Left Idiot Gavin Newsom has stepped on a rake again.
The illegal aliens are not being kidnapped.
They are volunteering to be relocated.
Newsom is planning a presidential run in 2024.
He is trying to get some attention.
Usually when a person is kidnapped they are taken to some place they don’t want to be. I honestly believe that the illegals would be happier in sanctuary cities and states rather than non sanctuary states like Florida.

I’m sure the illegals will get far more free stuff in Massachusetts than they ever would in Florida.
Usually when a person is kidnapped they are taken to some place they don’t want to be. I honestly believe that the illegals would be happier in sanctuary cities and states rather than non sanctuary states like Florida.

I’m sure the illegals will get far more free stuff in Massachusetts than they ever would in Florida.
Correct. They’re just regurgitating Democrat talking point lies. The videos of happy migrants getting off buses kills their lies.
It's a crime to knowingly transport an undocumented person within the US.

They are offering free out of state rides with meals to the asylum seekers. Many of them have family waiting. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't notify the destination state, you never know.

So Brandon is also guilty? The DHS sent illegals on flights in the middle of the night to many areas of the US, including red states.
Usually when a person is kidnapped they are taken to some place they don’t want to be. I honestly believe that the illegals would be happier in sanctuary cities and states rather than non sanctuary states like Florida.

I’m sure the illegals will get far more free stuff in Massachusetts than they ever would in Florida.
What you gloss over is that they were tricked into going where they didn't want to go.
Doesn't make knowingly transport them in the USA any less of a crime.

I'm just pointing out how nice it is of the governors to help these asylum seekers on their journey into America's heartland for the duration of their up to 7 year wait for a judge to decide their case.

Getting the Rubes to believe (and drooling) it is the undocumented border crossers they rounded up, is brilliant, I must say.

If they are not undocumented border crossers, who the fuck are they? Canadian tourists?
Not when he sends them there without a credit card, or cash.

It's like helping a hungry homeless man, by dropping him off at the Waldorf Astoria with an unpaid reservation.
If the Waldorf Astoria was festooned with signs proclaiming they stood with the homeless and supported them, you'd expect them to welcome him.
As soon as they indict Brandon for negligent homicide in the deaths of over a thousand illegal aliens who were invited to cross the Rio Grande river, maybe we will consider the inconvenience that elitists in Martha's Vineyard are going through.
"Lock him up !"
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
I disagree.

These illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they want. They want to come here illegally and not have to worry about being deported. What better place to send them than a "sanctuary" city?
If the Waldorf Astoria was festooned with signs proclaiming they stood with the homeless and supported them, you'd expect them to welcome him.
How many people pay taxes, but don't support spending them on particular parts of the federal budget?

If you pay taxes you have to support war?
So Brandon is also guilty? The DHS sent illegals on flights in the middle of the night to many areas of the US, including red states.
  • The federal government transports adult detainees in its custody from one facility to another, or from one U.S. city to another during deportation proceedings.
  • The vast majority of people on the flights are unaccompanied minors who crossed the border, requested asylum under immigration law, and are being released from federal custody to a parent or sponsor.
  • Some of these flights happen at night, but they are not covert operations. The same types of flights were done by the Trump administration.
I disagree.

These illegal immigrants are getting exactly what they want. They want to come here illegally and not have to worry about being deported. What better place to send them than a "sanctuary" city?
Is that like sending them to DisneyLand?
What you gloss over is that they were tricked into going where they didn't want to go.

Bullshit. Hey gang, do you want to go to where our rich Americans hang out? No, we don't want to go there.

Hell, give me a trip to Martha's and I'll have my bags packed in a half-hour.

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