Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
Every one of those Biden illegals signed a form giving consent to be transported to the Dimtard "Sanctuary" cities, Moron.

Dragonlady can you show us any post by you saying your Vegetable Messiah should be charged with human trafficking for doing the same thing to tens of thousands of his illegals? No? The STFU and fix your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property simply for disagreeing with your Cuck Dicktaster, er....Dictator.
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Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider 'kidnapping' charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state​

Max Thornberry
Thu, September 15, 2022 at 3:16 PM·2 min read

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard were illegal.

Texas Gov. Abbott says migrants given consent waiver, not being …
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that migrants bused out of state are given voluntary consent waivers and are not — as New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged — being forced …

Corrupt Far Left Idiot Gavin Newsom has stepped on a rake again.
The illegal aliens are not being kidnapped.
They are volunteering to be relocated.
Newsom is planning a presidential run in 2024.
He is trying to get some attention.
Gotta love how DeSantis responded to Gov Brylcreem

Every one of those Biden illegals signed a form giving consent to be transported to the Dimtard "Sanctuary" cities, Moron.

Dragonlady can you show us any post by you saying your Vegetable Messiah should be charged with human trafficking for doing the same thing to tens of thousands of his illeglas? No? The STFU and fix your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property simply for disagreeing with your Cuck Dicktaster, er....Dictator.

Do you have ANY evidence of Joe Biden taking people and just dropping them off in the middle of nowhere with no facilities for migrants??????

Do you have any evidence of the Biden Administration deceiving immigrants with promises of housing and jobs, and then providing them with nothing????

Unless you do, you're just blowing smoke out of your ass in saying that these people weren't deceived or "kidnapped by deception".

Gotta get back to work now FuckBoi. Christmas is coming and I need to finish stuff to sell. Do your own damn research you unemployed bum.
Do you have ANY evidence of Joe Biden taking people and just dropping them off in the middle of nowhere with no facilities for migrants??????

Do you have any evidence of the Biden Administration deceiving immigrants with promises of housing and jobs, and then providing them with nothing????

Unless you do, you're just blowing smoke out of your ass in saying that these people weren't deceived or "kidnapped by deception".

Gotta get back to work now FuckBoi. Christmas is coming and I need to finish stuff to sell. Do your own damn research you unemployed bum.
Your Vegetable Messiah did the same thing Abbott and DeSantis is doing.

Show us your posts calling for him to be prosecuted or STFU, you raving lunatic Canuck hack.
Well that was yet another pointless comment which says absolutely NOTHING about the OP. LOTS OF PEOPLE want DeSantis and Abbott investigated for kidnapping.
"Lots of people" are complete morons just like you, Halfwit.
Newsom is a Nazi pure and simple. He needs to be voted out, we tried to recall his ass but the Democrat cheat machine saved his stupid ass.
Yeah. You think there are national problems, California is ten times worse.
Well that was yet another pointless comment which says absolutely NOTHING about the OP. LOTS OF PEOPLE want DeSantis and Abbott investigated for kidnapping.
Lots of people? You and who else?

You must have been reading DU again.

You do know 2/3 of those posters are fake, right? Just like Twitter
Assholes? Don't you like their compassion? Does the north-east have enough lettuce pickers? Because when I take a stand against illegal immigration, the first thing liberals respond with is who is going to pick our lettuce; do the jobs that Americans won't do? It's a bit selfish to keep all those lettuce pickers down south, so out of compassion, they figured they'd send some up north.

This is the thanks they get?
Do you grow lettuce under snow melt? You can't really pick in the north.
They were lied to and taken someplace different from where they were told they were going. They were promised housing and jobs when they got they. This is kidnapping and as such, their kidnappers should be arrested.

These are not "illegal aliens". Every person who crossed the border is NOT an "illegal alien". These people have been accepted and processed by legal authorities which makes them IMMIGRANTS. This ongoing demonization of immigrants by the rabid idiot right needs to end.

These people are refugee claimants, and as such they have all of the same rights as YOU do, which includes the right not to be lied to and kidnapped under false circumstances. They were promised housing and jobs, and people to help them adapt to life in America.
Can you link to where they were promised all these things? Show where they were told they were going one place and taken to another.
Well that was yet another pointless comment which says absolutely NOTHING about the OP. LOTS OF PEOPLE want DeSantis and Abbott investigated for kidnapping.
And Quid Pro Joe will be standing right beside him when they all go on trial for the same thing. You do realize that, right?
Do you have ANY evidence of Joe Biden taking people and just dropping them off in the middle of nowhere with no facilities for migrants??????

Do you have any evidence of the Biden Administration deceiving immigrants with promises of housing and jobs, and then providing them with nothing????

Unless you do, you're just blowing smoke out of your ass in saying that these people weren't deceived or "kidnapped by deception".

Gotta get back to work now FuckBoi. Christmas is coming and I need to finish stuff to sell. Do your own damn research you unemployed bum.
Do you have any evidence that these people were promised anything? Unless you do, you're just blowing smoke.
I say let stop shipping al the illegals up North and just send them to Kalifornia where they can be embraced by Gavin and company…

Now if he screams “ You can’t do that “ then tell Biden, Pelosi and Schumer to do their fucking jobs for once!
I say let stop shipping al the illegals up North and just send them to Kalifornia where they can be embraced by Gavin and company…

Now if he screams “ You can’t do that “ then tell Biden, Pelosi and Schumer to do their fucking jobs for once!
You DO know that those that DeathSantis kidnapped and sent to Martha's Vineyard were legal refugees, right?

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