Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.

Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.

You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.

What? And make the Governors pay back the $5,000 per head those illegals had to pay to get on the bus? Are you kidding?
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They also have wonderful breakfast tacos in Martha's Vinyard. That alone would be worth getting on the bus. :laughing0301:

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Maybe I should go to MV? Although they probably wouldn't allow Deplorables or Semi-Fascists to get off the plane there, even if I was just there to look at the bridge at Chappaquiddick which plays such a big part in US History?
DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, which is exactly what they're doing. They act like this immigrants aren't people and have no rights.
Decent Americans are ashamed and appalled. The rest of the world is utterly disgusted by this. Who the fuck do you people think you are to treat others like this.
You're certainly not Christians no matter what you call yourselves.
This country, our laws, our electoral system, our governmental system... Those who set this up made certain assumptions about fundamental things like temperament, decency, decorum and good faith. The rules we have in place make certain assumptions about behavior which simply don't address what we are now seeing from people at the highest level of our power structure, so there really is no legal recourse. In other words, we just don't know what to do. It's like we're in a zombie movie.
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All those yelling for DeSantis and Abbot to be charged with kidnapping and human trafficking had better be willing to yell for Quid Pro to stand right beside them in court.
AMEN brother, step right up
This country, our laws, our electoral system, our governmental system... Those who set this up made certain assumptions about fundamental things like temperament, decency, decorum and good faith. The rules we have in place make certain assumptions about behavior simply don't address what we are now seeing from people at the highest level of our power structure, so there really is no recourse. In other words, we just don't know what to do. It's like we're in a zombie movie.
and we had a civil war anyway.

History isn't your friend.
Maybe I should go to MV? Although they probably wouldn't allow Deplorables or Semi-Fascists to get off the plane there, even if I was just there to look at the bridge at Chappaquiddick which plays such a big part in US History?

Don't try it. You'd probably be shot if you came anywhere within a mile of Martha's Vinyard. Unless your name was Jose, in which case they'd force you to pick grapes.
This country, our laws, our electoral system, our governmental system... Those who set this up made certain assumptions about fundamental things like temperament, decency, decorum and good faith. The rules we have in place make certain assumptions about behavior simply don't address what we are now seeing from people at the highest level of our power structure, so there really is no recourse. In other words, we just don't know what to do. It's like we're in a zombie movie.
Temperament, decency, good faith, etc has utterly zero to do with how criminals are to be responded to and Zero to do with founders intent. You are trying to finesse arbitrary, emotive issues.
1. Would you be so kind as to tell us just when illegal immigrants and asylum seekers gained the right to dictate where they would be held until their court date?
2. Are you aware that the Quid Pro regime has been shipping these people all over the US in the dead of night for months now? If DeSantis and Abbott should be charged with Human Trafficking, guess who else should be right beside them in the trial?
dude, she's in canada and knows nothing about our country.

Here's how her fellow canadians feel about her government

They are offered rides to cities that have proclaimed they welcome all, including illegal immigrants.
It's a crime to knowingly transport an undocumented person within the US.

They are offering free out of state rides with meals to the asylum seekers. Many of them have family waiting. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't notify the destination state, you never know.
It's a crime to knowingly transport an undocumented person within the US.

They are offering free out of state rides with meals to the asylum seekers. Many of them have family waiting. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't notify the destination state, you never know.
First things first
It’s a crime to be here
First things first
It’s a crime to be here
don't you know that when the border police arrest them that's now kidnapping. the amount of stupid that flows from a demofk continues to increase where I never thought it would go. But...................................
It's a crime to knowingly transport an undocumented person within the US.

They are offering free out of state rides with meals to the asylum seekers. Many of them have family waiting. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't notify the destination state, you never know.
If it's a crime, why haven't people in the Quid Pro administration been charged with it? Were you outraged when it came out that the federal gov't was doing the same thing?

Gavin Newsom asks DOJ to consider 'kidnapping' charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of state​

Max Thornberry
Thu, September 15, 2022 at 3:16 PM·2 min read

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the Department of Justice to look into whether sending migrants to other parts of the country constituted kidnapping or other federal crimes.
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Newsom asked whether actions by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending illegal immigrants from their respective states to destinations such as New York City, Washington, D.C. Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard were illegal.

Texas Gov. Abbott says migrants given consent waiver, not being …
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that migrants bused out of state are given voluntary consent waivers and are not — as New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged — being forced …

Corrupt Far Left Idiot Gavin Newsom has stepped on a rake again.
The illegal aliens are not being kidnapped.
They are volunteering to be relocated.
Newsom is planning a presidential run in 2024.
He is trying to get some attention.

Newsom must already think that he occupies the WH.
The schlub only visited.
Someone remind him quick, please!
here you go

I can't wait to see Xiden marched out of the white house.
I'm sure Pedo Joe's NAMBLA friends are loving little boys and girls to rape...
It's a crime to knowingly transport an undocumented person within the US.

Another BS libtard "crime"?

These assholes are throwing Molotovs and they want to prosecute someone for getting on a bus?

What a clown show.

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