Gay-Boy Beaten After Kissing Boyfriend in Burger King

Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.

Wait....women are a 'minority group'? :p
I did not say that, did I?

You strongly implied it when, responding to a post about minorities needing to arm themselves, you say you agree and bring up gays and women. ;)

Also, if the smiley didn't make it clear, I was being silly. :p
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.

Wait....women are a 'minority group'? :p
I did not say that, did I?

You strongly implied it when, responding to a post about minorities needing to arm themselves, you say you agree and bring up gays and women. ;)

Also, if the smiley didn't make it clear, I was being silly. :p
Ah..."strongly implied"? No. I did not. I simply repeated what I've been saying for over a year. You are free to search my posts for that.

"Strongly implied".....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Of course a confederate sympathizing republican brings up lynching. No surprise there.

Don't know any.

BUT you wanted to shoot a black guy.. That's like lynching. Hey, you're a democratic - socialist, you have LONG history of lynching blacks. It's in your blood! :thup:
Shooting an attacker is like lynching? Well since you're a social conservative it's not surprising how favorably you view lynching.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.

Which ones?
The gay guy? Or the black guy who was beating him?
The black guy would have learned a lesson from a few bullet wounds.

It's okay to shoot a black guy who is attacking you?

And Ferguson. Violent black thugs getting shot all over the place.
Shooting an attacker is like lynching? Well since you're a social conservative it's not surprising how favorably you view lynching.

If I viewed lynching (or blatantly lying) favorably, I would be agreeing with you. You're the one who want's to kill the black guy.

Lying about it now doesn't change anything.
You compared self defense to lynching. That's disturbing, but expected from a social conservative who doesn't think lynching a black person is that big of a deal.

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