Gay-Boy Beaten After Kissing Boyfriend in Burger King

Wait....women are a 'minority group'? :p
I did not say that, did I?

You strongly implied it when, responding to a post about minorities needing to arm themselves, you say you agree and bring up gays and women. ;)

Also, if the smiley didn't make it clear, I was being silly. :p
Ah..."strongly implied"? No. I did not. I simply repeated what I've been saying for over a year. You are free to search my posts for that.

"Strongly implied".....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Wow, really?

OK. Someone says minority groups should arm themselves. You reply to that with, "I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry.". You don't see how that appears to be calling women (and gays) minority groups? Really?

You could just say, "Oops, yeah, didn't mean to include women as a minority group, poor word choice.". Or even just, "Oops! :)" Is it so bad to see your post looked a little silly in context?

Way to suck the life out of what was supposed to be just a tongue in cheek comment. :(
Nope...I don't see it at all. If I had said....minorities SUCH AS gays and'd have a point.

But I didn't, did I?

You said, "both gays and women need to buy guns".
I did not say that, did I?

You strongly implied it when, responding to a post about minorities needing to arm themselves, you say you agree and bring up gays and women. ;)

Also, if the smiley didn't make it clear, I was being silly. :p
Ah..."strongly implied"? No. I did not. I simply repeated what I've been saying for over a year. You are free to search my posts for that.

"Strongly implied".....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Wow, really?

OK. Someone says minority groups should arm themselves. You reply to that with, "I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry.". You don't see how that appears to be calling women (and gays) minority groups? Really?

You could just say, "Oops, yeah, didn't mean to include women as a minority group, poor word choice.". Or even just, "Oops! :)" Is it so bad to see your post looked a little silly in context?

Way to suck the life out of what was supposed to be just a tongue in cheek comment. :(
Nope...I don't see it at all. If I had said....minorities SUCH AS gays and'd have a point.

But I didn't, did I?

You don't see it at all? If someone said, "I love fruit!" and I responded by saying, "I agree....apples and potatoes are delicious.", you wouldn't think I was mistakenly considering potatoes a fruit? The agreement and the subsequent examples are unrelated?
That is not an apt analogy. No wonder you are having trouble.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
I did not say that, did I?

You strongly implied it when, responding to a post about minorities needing to arm themselves, you say you agree and bring up gays and women. ;)

Also, if the smiley didn't make it clear, I was being silly. :p
Ah..."strongly implied"? No. I did not. I simply repeated what I've been saying for over a year. You are free to search my posts for that.

"Strongly implied".....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Wow, really?

OK. Someone says minority groups should arm themselves. You reply to that with, "I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry.". You don't see how that appears to be calling women (and gays) minority groups? Really?

You could just say, "Oops, yeah, didn't mean to include women as a minority group, poor word choice.". Or even just, "Oops! :)" Is it so bad to see your post looked a little silly in context?

Way to suck the life out of what was supposed to be just a tongue in cheek comment. :(
Nope...I don't see it at all. If I had said....minorities SUCH AS gays and'd have a point.

But I didn't, did I?

You said, "both gays and women need to buy guns".
Yes I did. me where I said the word "minorities such as".
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Being obese is not a specific rude behavior. You're rationalizing.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
I'm not defending the assault. I'm explaining the avoidable poor choice that precipitated it.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Being obese is not a specific rude behavior. You're rationalizing.
Being gay is not a specific rude behavior neither. You're irrational.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
No one was beaten for being homo. They were assaulted for rude behavior.
Stop being rude and apply a little intellect.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Being obese is not a specific rude behavior. You're rationalizing.
Being gay is not a specific rude behavior neither. You're irrational.
No one said it was. Acting on homo-ness in public is rude.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
No one was beaten for being homo. They were assaulted for rude behavior.
Stop being rude and apply a little intellect.
What was the rude behavior? You seem to think that just being gay is to be rude. That's quite a neaderthal stance to take.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Being obese is not a specific rude behavior. You're rationalizing.
Being gay is not a specific rude behavior neither. You're irrational.
No one said it was. Acting on homo-ness in public is rude.
Why? Do you think acting on hetero-ness in public is rude and should be answered with a beating?
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
No one was beaten for being homo. They were assaulted for rude behavior.
Stop being rude and apply a little intellect.
What was the rude behavior? You seem to think that just being gay is to be rude. That's quite a neaderthal stance to take.
Doing the homosex thing is public is rude. Being homo was not attacked. Acting on it in public was. Stop endorsing rudeness.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
So does obese people....even more so. When are you planning on restricted their civil rights based on the religious condemnation of gluttony?
Being obese is not a specific rude behavior. You're rationalizing.
Being gay is not a specific rude behavior neither. You're irrational.
No one said it was. Acting on homo-ness in public is rude.
Why? Do you think acting on hetero-ness in public is rude and should be answered with a beating?
Hetero affection in public is rude, too. But it doesn't cause the innate reaction of nausea that homo affection does. This is about nature that you homo bigots refuse to acknowledge and once again pretend to be above.

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