Gay-Boy Beaten After Kissing Boyfriend in Burger King

If two guys are kissing in a restaurant and you don't want to look, close your eyes. If they are kissing in your house, tell them to leave.

What a waste of time.
I'd rather be productive and beat the fucking snot out of them

We all know that Polock longs for the day when he could gather 5 or 6 brave buddies and go find a gay man out all by himself to bravely beat up.

"PC" to Polock means he might get arrested for gay bashing.
In his past account as Warbler, he bragged about doing that very thing.....he would brag about participating in throwing suspected gay shipmates off the fantail at night. So, I sent his posts to NCIS. It got real quiet after that.....maybe why he changed his nic.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
Why did he have to kiss a dude in front of normal people. Can't they do they in the privacy of their home? Kind of like you people wanting Christians to pray in the privacy of our home?
So if I see a Christian praying in public and whoop their ass, you'll defend me?

You are not whooping anyone's ass, you fat, deranged fuck
Run along little idiot
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like
Good advice. Everyone should carry guns for protection even though they are the cause for the trouble they find themselves in.

Nothing is as ugly as queer dudes slobbering on each other in front of the counter at Burger King.

The only thing more sickening is photos of a queer wedding posted on the Internet of two fugly bull dikes
And yet much better than you, I have no doubt.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
Why did he have to kiss a dude in front of normal people. Can't they do they in the privacy of their home? Kind of like you people wanting Christians to pray in the privacy of our home?
So if I see a Christian praying in public and whoop their ass, you'll defend me?

You are not whooping anyone's ass, you fat, deranged fuck
You're gonna cry, aren't you?
Just getting this in: As a conservative, I condemn the attacker. I see no provocation. If heterosexuals can kiss in public, so can homosexuals. I find heated kissing in public distasteful for both, but it is not illegal. A peck is not distasteful for either IMO.

The attacker should face jail time.
If two guys are kissing in a restaurant and you don't want to look, close your eyes. If they are kissing in your house, tell them to leave.

What a waste of time.
I'd rather be productive and beat the fucking snot out of them

We all know that Polock longs for the day when he could gather 5 or 6 brave buddies and go find a gay man out all by himself to bravely beat up.

"PC" to Polock means he might get arrested for gay bashing.
In his past account as Warbler, he bragged about doing that very thing.....he would brag about participating in throwing suspected gay shipmates off the fantail at night. So, I sent his posts to NCIS. It got real quiet after that.....maybe why he changed his nic.

That's awesome that you called the cops on a guy who might have assaulted gay people. It's wrong. about you guys protest the importing of a culture that burns gays and throws them off tall buildings? Or that forces women to cover themselves, to have 4 male witnesses to claim rape, who are stoned to death for having sex outside of marriage....and the list goes on and on.

Funny you gays and leftist women aren't more outspoken against the culture that is the most women and gays in the world.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.

Which ones?
The gay guy? Or the black guy who was beating him?
The black guy would have learned a lesson from a few bullet wounds.

It's okay to shoot a black guy who is attacking you?
If you didn't start it or escalate it absolutely.
Obviously you can't if you're a cop.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
Why did he have to kiss a dude in front of normal people. Can't they do they in the privacy of their home? Kind of like you people wanting Christians to pray in the privacy of our home?
So if I see a Christian praying in public and whoop their ass, you'll defend me?
Shit no! I'll help him whoop your sorry ass. Don't know if you realize it, but there are gay men who can whoop your ass and that of the guy who attacked the gay in the OP.
Wrong. This is bad. You do not use violence against others for any reason. It's wrong.
Violence begets violence. If you live by the sword you'll die by it.

The beauty of this whole thing - he was attacked by a Negro !!
You know how those people hold true to family values, etc.
Anybody can be a bigoted asshole. Looks like you have a lot in common with that bigoted negro.
That's so racist.
If two guys are kissing in a restaurant and you don't want to look, close your eyes. If they are kissing in your house, tell them to leave.

What a waste of time.
I'd rather be productive and beat the fucking snot out of them

We all know that Polock longs for the day when he could gather 5 or 6 brave buddies and go find a gay man out all by himself to bravely beat up.

"PC" to Polock means he might get arrested for gay bashing.
In his past account as Warbler, he bragged about doing that very thing.....he would brag about participating in throwing suspected gay shipmates off the fantail at night. So, I sent his posts to NCIS. It got real quiet after that.....maybe why he changed his nic.

That's awesome that you called the cops on a guy who might have assaulted gay people. It's wrong. about you guys protest the importing of a culture that burns gays and throws them off tall buildings? Or that forces women to cover themselves, to have 4 male witnesses to claim rape, who are stoned to death for having sex outside of marriage....and the list goes on and on.

Funny you gays and leftist women aren't more outspoken against the culture that is the most women and gays in the world.
They support them cause Obama does. They are sheep.
Of course a confederate sympathizing republican brings up lynching. No surprise there.

Don't know any.

BUT you wanted to shoot a black guy.. That's like lynching. Hey, you're a democratic - socialist, you have LONG history of lynching blacks. It's in your blood! :thup:
Shooting an attacker is like lynching? Well since you're a social conservative it's not surprising how favorably you view lynching.
Too bad you didn't have the same sympathy for Zimmerman.
Just getting this in: As a conservative, I condemn the attacker. I see no provocation. If heterosexuals can kiss in public, so can homosexuals. I find heated kissing in public distasteful for both, but it is not illegal. A peck is not distasteful for either IMO.

The attacker should face jail time.
He was provoked.
Just getting this in: As a conservative, I condemn the attacker. I see no provocation. If heterosexuals can kiss in public, so can homosexuals. I find heated kissing in public distasteful for both, but it is not illegal. A peck is not distasteful for either IMO.

The attacker should face jail time.
He was provoked.

Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
Why did he have to kiss a dude in front of normal people. Can't they do they in the privacy of their home? Kind of like you people wanting Christians to pray in the privacy of our home?
So if I see a Christian praying in public and whoop their ass, you'll defend me?
Shit no! I'll help him whoop your sorry ass. Don't know if you realize it, but there are gay men who can whoop your ass and that of the guy who attacked the gay in the OP.
Hmm. Not sure what point you're trying to make, but the way you compared Christian prayer to gay dudes kissing is enlightening.
Members of minority groups in this country need to start arming up.
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.

Tongue kisses in a restaurant are gross. Can I beat up those annoying hetero college kids for ruining my whopper? It wasn't even a "nice" restaurant. It was a burger King bar. How much etiquette can one reasonably expect there?
Just getting this in: As a conservative, I condemn the attacker. I see no provocation. If heterosexuals can kiss in public, so can homosexuals. I find heated kissing in public distasteful for both, but it is not illegal. A peck is not distasteful for either IMO.

The attacker should face jail time.
He was provoked.

It was a provocation. Dudes don't need to be kissing in public. One thing I wonder. This was South Beach. That place is full of gays I hear, so where was the gay men in that area watching out for their own?
I would love to know the psychology behind getting violent seeing two gay men kiss.

The most obvious possibility is that the perpetrator is less than secure with his own sexuality and wants to somehow write over the kiss from his memory before he becomes too enamored of it. He clearly perceives what he is seeing as a threat - to what, his own sexuality? The violence is some kind of exclamation point, perhaps.

Any other ideas?

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