Gay-Boy Beaten After Kissing Boyfriend in Burger King

Just as you believe women who are raped bring it on themselves.....

Nope, I don't believe being a woman is an abhorrent behavior.

You sound just like those who excuse rapists because 'women' bring this on themselves'.

As with Polock- PC to you means the law now protects gays against assault just the same way it protects straights- and that pisses you off.

I've never heard of a "BK Whopper Bar". Apparently it's just an upscale BK that serves beer. They made it sound like it was a gay bar or something in the video. A fast food place that happens to serve beer shouldn't have to provide security.

The queers brought this on themselves. No one wants to see them kissing in public. Disgusting immoral actions have consequences, but faggots never want to accept that fact. believe anyone kissing in public deserves a beat down....interesting. And yes...of are a RWr.

Not anyone, just faggots. I don't think they necessarily deserve a beat down, but they shouldn't be surprised if they do when flaunting their abhorrent behavior in public.

Okay- I am glad to know that you are only bigoted towards f*ggots- not c*nts, or n*ggers, or k*kes....
You don't see it at all? If someone said, "I love fruit!" and I responded by saying, "I agree....apples and potatoes are delicious.", you wouldn't think I was mistakenly considering potatoes a fruit? The agreement and the subsequent examples are unrelated?
That is not an apt analogy. No wonder you are having trouble.

How is it not? You responded to a post that said minorities should arm themselves by saying you agree...gays and women need to buy guns. Put another way, you agree....a minority group and a non-minority group need to buy guns. In my analogy, someone says they like fruit, the response is that I agree.....I like a fruit and a non-fruit.

Seems quite apt to me. Care to explain why it is not?
I agree that gays and women need to buy and know how to use guns. Where in any of my posts have I claimed that women are a minority? Point out that post please.....or else invest in a reading comprehension course.

And nowhere in the analogy would I have claimed that potatoes are a fruit.....yet based on the context, it would sound as though I did. *sigh*

I'll repeat myself, yet again. Someone posted that minorities should arm themselves. You replied by saying, "I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns". That would seem to indicate that you agree that minorities should buy guns and that the following examples you provide are examples of such minorities. Otherwise, you responded to a post about minorities by talking about something else. Hence the funny. Hence my talking about context.

I'm not saying you believe women are a minority, I'm saying that your post (probably unintentionally) made it sound that way.

I honestly can't tell if you're screwing with me on this. :dunno:
I see that you have invested a great deal of effort trying to pretend I said something I never said. Now.....why is that? :eusa_think:

Actually I have spent a little bit of effort trying to show you that what you said conveyed a somewhat different meaning than you probably intended. You seem unable to see the difference. Now....why is that? ;)
I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns, get their open or concealed carry. That would solve a few problems with the closeted bullies like the OP.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
No one was beaten for being homo. They were assaulted for rude behavior.
Stop being rude and apply a little intellect.
What was the rude behavior? You seem to think that just being gay is to be rude. That's quite a neaderthal stance to take.
Forcing someone to do something against their will, because if your choice is rude.



I've never heard of a "BK Whopper Bar". Apparently it's just an upscale BK that serves beer. They made it sound like it was a gay bar or something in the video. A fast food place that happens to serve beer shouldn't have to provide security.

The queers brought this on themselves. No one wants to see them kissing in public. Disgusting immoral actions have consequences, but faggots never want to accept that fact. believe anyone kissing in public deserves a beat down....interesting. And yes...of are a RWr.

Not anyone, just faggots. I don't think they necessarily deserve a beat down, but they shouldn't be surprised if they do when flaunting their abhorrent behavior in public.

Okay- I am glad to know that you are only bigoted towards f*ggots- not c*nts, or n*ggers, or k*kes....

Yup. I judge people by their actions, not for what they were born as.
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone

Just as you believe women who are raped bring it on themselves.....

Nope, I don't believe being a woman is an abhorrent behavior.

You sound just like those who excuse rapists because 'women' bring this on themselves'.

As with Polock- PC to you means the law now protects gays against assault just the same way it protects straights- and that pisses you off.

I'm not pissed off at all.
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone

When it comes to any decision, a liberal will always choose wrong. As in this case, they side with a man who did a disgusting act that most all humans are repulsed by.
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone
It's an even harder thread for conservatives. Scary black man commits a violent crime against a white person, but the white person was an even scarier gay person! What's a conservative to do?

I've never heard of a "BK Whopper Bar". Apparently it's just an upscale BK that serves beer. They made it sound like it was a gay bar or something in the video. A fast food place that happens to serve beer shouldn't have to provide security.

The queers brought this on themselves. No one wants to see them kissing in public. Disgusting immoral actions have consequences, but faggots never want to accept that fact. believe anyone kissing in public deserves a beat down....interesting. And yes...of are a RWr.

Not anyone, just faggots. I don't think they necessarily deserve a beat down, but they shouldn't be surprised if they do when flaunting their abhorrent behavior in public.

Okay- I am glad to know that you are only bigoted towards f*ggots- not c*nts, or n*ggers, or k*kes....

Yup. I judge people by their actions, not for what they were born as.

Yep- just as you would judge that K*ke wearing that yarmulke in public......
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone

When it comes to any decision, a liberal will always choose wrong. As in this case, they side with a man who did a disgusting act that most all humans are repulsed by.

When it comes to a bigot like you- you will always judge a person by who you perceive them to be- rather than by what they actually do.
If someone pukes in a restaurant it causes an innate reaction of disgust and harms the appetites of normal people there to eat. If someone intentionally pukes in a restaurant and causes that innate reaction of disgust they should be reprimanded for being so rude.
Homosexual behavior elicits the same innate reaction of nausea in many if not most normal people.
So before you homofascists go on your homo so-called rights tirade again, go read a primer on common courtesy first.
Assaulting someone in public for no reason is not "common courtesy"
It seems to be for RWrs and Drumpfettes.
No one was beaten for being homo. They were assaulted for rude behavior.
Stop being rude and apply a little intellect.
What was the rude behavior? You seem to think that just being gay is to be rude. That's quite a neaderthal stance to take.
Forcing someone to do something against their will, because if your choice is rude.

Who was being forced to do anything other than the man who had a fist forced into his mouth?
This is horrible! Just like that spider, black widow! Really disturbing! Also, if they were at Burger King there would have been enough food!

Just sick!

Edit: Sorry, only read the title before posting. "beaten", not "eaten". My bad.
I watched the video and it was horrible.....Ironic as hell and a little funny but horrible.
That is not an apt analogy. No wonder you are having trouble.

How is it not? You responded to a post that said minorities should arm themselves by saying you agree...gays and women need to buy guns. Put another way, you agree....a minority group and a non-minority group need to buy guns. In my analogy, someone says they like fruit, the response is that I agree.....I like a fruit and a non-fruit.

Seems quite apt to me. Care to explain why it is not?
I agree that gays and women need to buy and know how to use guns. Where in any of my posts have I claimed that women are a minority? Point out that post please.....or else invest in a reading comprehension course.

And nowhere in the analogy would I have claimed that potatoes are a fruit.....yet based on the context, it would sound as though I did. *sigh*

I'll repeat myself, yet again. Someone posted that minorities should arm themselves. You replied by saying, "I agree....both gays and women need to buy guns". That would seem to indicate that you agree that minorities should buy guns and that the following examples you provide are examples of such minorities. Otherwise, you responded to a post about minorities by talking about something else. Hence the funny. Hence my talking about context.

I'm not saying you believe women are a minority, I'm saying that your post (probably unintentionally) made it sound that way.

I honestly can't tell if you're screwing with me on this. :dunno:
I see that you have invested a great deal of effort trying to pretend I said something I never said. Now.....why is that? :eusa_think:

Actually I have spent a little bit of effort trying to show you that what you said conveyed a somewhat different meaning than you probably intended. You seem unable to see the difference. Now....why is that? ;)
You definitely are working hard to try to prove I said something I did not say. more where I said that women are a minority. I know you can do it if it's there. Go for it.
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone

When it comes to any decision, a liberal will always choose wrong. As in this case, they side with a man who did a disgusting act that most all humans are repulsed by.

When it comes to a bigot like you- you will always judge a person by who you perceive them to be- rather than by what they actually do.

are you man ?
if i have two choice when im eat burger
1= watch pig shit on dead body
2= watch gay kiss (boy)

i will choose #1

im not religious . im not anti-gay. and i havnt any problem with ...............
its very hard thread for liberal. . black or gay . very difficult choice for defend someone

When it comes to any decision, a liberal will always choose wrong. As in this case, they side with a man who did a disgusting act that most all humans are repulsed by.

When it comes to a bigot like you- you will always judge a person by who you perceive them to be- rather than by what they actually do.

are you man ?
if i have two choice when im eat burger
1= watch pig shit on dead body
2= watch gay kiss (boy)

i will choose #1

im not religious . im not anti-gay. and i havnt any problem with ...............

Apparently you are a nutjob that enjoys watching pigs shit on dead bodies while you eat burgers.

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