Gay cakes, 'one more nail in coffin of morality'

Man and woman were made to be together.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Homosexuality is a perversion of the purpose of mankind.
Man and woman were made to be together.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Homosexuality is a perversion of the purpose of mankind.

As always, you're more than free to believe that. So is he.

But you don't get to trash the US Constitution and force others to believe and/or do as you want.

How would you know the gender of a cake?

And why would you have sex with it?
Man and woman were made to be together.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Homosexuality is a perversion of the purpose of mankind.

As always, you're more than free to believe that. So is he.

But you don't get to trash the US Constitution and force others to believe and/or do as you want.

But your side is the one trashing the Constitution and forcing people to participate in an activity they don't believe in on religious grounds.

Why do you hate the Constitution and wish to see it abolished?
A business does not get to discriminate under PA laws except in very specialized situations.

The marriage equality is on the right side of the Constitution, the haters are not.
A business does not get to discriminate under PA laws except in very specialized situations.

The marriage equality is on the right side of the Constitution, the haters are not.
The Supreme Court of the United States will rule against you on this issue.

First Amendment religious liberty trumps people's "rights" to get a wedding cake at one particular business, when any other business would provide the same service.

Gays have turned from the oppressed, into the oppressors, and it took only a couple of years for that to happen.
Marriage equality will be the law of the land sometime in June.

I have saved your comment, Blackrock, and will start a thread on it when SCOTUS so opines.

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