New gay school board chair sworn in on stack of banned porno books

The problem isn’t that he is gay, it’s that he chose to swear in on a stack of books about oral sex between men. That is DISGUSTING for a School Board member who has influence over our children’s curriculum.

Shows where his priorities lie.

Between men and children.
Between men and children.
It would be wrong if it were between two consenting adults of the opposite sex. Books on oral sex should not be the focus of our children’s education.

We are going to have 10-year-olds practicing their oral sex skills who don’t even know how to do basic subtraction, know what century the Civil War took place, or find Mexico (or their own state) on a map.
it’s that he chose to swear in on a stack of books about oral sex between men.
Between men and children.
It would be wrong if it were between two consenting adults of the opposite sex. Books on oral sex should not be the focus of our children’s education.
We are going to have 10-year-olds practicing their oral sex skills who don’t even know how to do basic subtraction, know what century the Civil War took place, or find Mexico (or their own state) on a map.

It's certainly wrong to provide such sexually-explicit materials to children, in any event.

Much more so that these are materials specifically aimed at that audience, and specifically crafted to teach children that it is normal and acceptable for them to engage in sexual behavior between themselves and with adults.
Between men and children.
The image you guys have your panties in a twist about involves two adult men, not children.

The novel 1984, which you are so fond of, has several sexually explicit scenes, one of them involving an elderly prostitute. Yet every year, English teachers inflict it on high schoolers for a semester. (Even the Catholic HS I went to.)
We are going to have 10-year-olds practicing their oral sex skills who don’t even know how to do basic subtraction, know what century the Civil War took place, or find Mexico (or their own state) on a map.
This would be a conversation of how in the old days things were much more in the closet than they are today. Kids have actually been sexually curious for many generations. I remember my parents and grandparents telling me stories. What you state has actually been happening for decades and generations after generations. I think I was like in 1st- 2nd grade age 7-8 when I first had what you would say was a sexual experience with a female neighbor of mine. I also had another what you would call another sexual experience in my basement in 2nd grade when I invited several female neighbors into my house to play games in the basement. Little kids left unsupervised can get carried away with show and tell games between themselves, before they even know what sex is. I am honest, but I know many will deny that this never happened many years ago and they are liars... it has been happening probably since the beginning of time between kids. If you think this is something new to society then maybe you don't understand that much of this stuff has been happening for many generations it's just people shut up about it and never tell anyone. Things are kept in the closet. The fact is this isn't anything new, don't blame it on the liberals or democrats, this has been happening probably among kids since the beginning of time.... it always was just kept hush hush like it never happened.
This would be a conversation of how in the old days things were much more in the closet than they are today. Kids have actually been sexually curious for many generations. I remember my parents and grandparents telling me stories. What you state has actually been happening for decades and generations after generations. I think I was like in 1st- 2nd grade age 7-8 when I first had what you would say was a sexual experience with a female neighbor of mine. I also had another what you would call another sexual experience in my basement in 2nd grade when I invited several female neighbors into my house to play games in the basement. Little kids left unsupervised can get carried away with show and tell games between themselves, before they even know what sex is. I am honest, but I know many will deny that this never happened many years ago and they are liars... it has been happening probably since the beginning of time between kids. If you think this is something new to society then maybe you don't understand that much of this stuff has been happening for many generations it's just people shut up about it and never tell a sole. Things are kept in the closet. The fact is this isn't anything new, don't blame it on the liberals or democrats, this has been happening probably among kids since the beginning of time.... it always was just kept hush hush like it never happened.
That doesn’t mean the schools need to encourage it. That book on oral sex has no place in the schools, especially when you consider how poorly educated our kids are.

Kids can figure it out on their own, like they’ve been doing for hundreds of thousands of years. in the meantime, they need to focus on math, history, and English books.
The image you guys have your panties in a twist about involves two adult men, not children.

No, it does not.

The image that was shared in this post is clearly of two minors. The same book also contains images of a minor engaged in similar activity with an adult. I'm not aware that the book contains any images of only admit engaging in such activity.

Putting aside the issues that this book is clearly targeted at an audience of minors, and is clearly intended to lead minors to believe that such behavior between minors, and between a minor and an adult are acceptable; the very fact that it explicitly depicts sexual activity involving minors makes it child pornography. On that basis alone, the legality of possessing or distributing that material is dubious, at best, even if it is only adults possessing, distributing, or viewing it.

That it is meant to be provided to minors, and given the very clear intent to groom minors into easier prey for childfuckers, that providing this material to minors does not constitute serious criminal behavior, of a sort that only pedophiles should engage in or defend.
That doesn’t mean the schools need to encourage it. That book on oral sex has no place in the schools, especially when you consider how poorly educated our kids are.

Kids can figure it out on their own, like they’ve been doing for hundreds of thousands of years. in the meantime, they need to focus on math, history, and English books.

The problem is you think the oral sex is the point of the story, which is isn't. The point was the relationship between these two young people discovering themselves.

Something kids of that age can relate to, gay or straight.

No, it does not.

The image that was shared in this post is clearly of two minors. The same book also contains images of a minor engaged in similar activity with an adult. I'm not aware that the book contains any images of only admit engaging in such activity.

Did you actually READ the text? The two young men are texting and talking about being at work. These sound very much like adult activities.

Putting aside the issues that this book is clearly targeted at an audience of minors, and is clearly intended to lead minors to believe that such behavior between minors, and between a minor and an adult are acceptable; the very fact that it explicitly depicts sexual activity involving minors makes it child pornography. On that basis alone, the legality of possessing or distributing that material is dubious, at best, even if it is only adults possessing, distributing, or viewing it.

If you were talking about actual images of people, and not cartoons, you might have a point.

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