Gay Christian

Sky Dancer

Jan 21, 2009
Some congregations accept gays and lesbians with open arms into their spiritual communities.

Others welcome them if they agree to be celibate.

Still others condemn gays and lesbians to eternal hell and shun them from their communities.

Some Christians even organize to oppose gays and lesbians in writing laws to criminalize homosexuality and to strike down efforts for tolerance of gays and lesbians.

I thought I'd invite people to comment on where you are in the spectrum. I also thought I'd list some gay friendly resources.

Here's one:

The Gay Christian Network
Jesus came to save sinners, which all of us are. Here's the rub. When you come to Jesus he says "You are forgiven, go and sin no more".

Homosexuality is sin. There is no way around that.
Adultery is the sin. None of the ten commandments mention homosexuality.
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Adultery is the sin. None of the ten commandments mention homosexuality.

There is a lot of sin the 10 commandments don't mention. There was the law and then Paul wrote that it was wrong in Romans 1 and First Corinthians 6.
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