Gay couple demand name change for homophobic road


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart

Easy fix:

Instead of Bangays Way make it Frank B's Way.

Although I could see the merit of seeing it as non-homophobic and actually pro-gay in that it's a cul-de-sac, or 'dead end' in other words.

'Banning gays is a dead end.'
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart

They do have a point -- it's missing the apostrophe that would make it possessive. Why would they write it that way?

Especially with the rampant misuse of apostrophe's where non'e are neede'd?

Correctly it would be Bangay's. Bangays means more than one Bangay.
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart
People ask for road name changes all the time. We had a concerted effort here to change a road from Diablo because it means "Devil".....but I guess it's only a big deal to you because it's gays, right? And yet it's people like YOU complaining about gays being in the news all the time and "shoving it down our throats"? :lol:
What! They should be demanding that the entire family change their name. Just the road isn't good enough.
Why? Because the hypocrites of the far right are losing. They have never been able to accept graciously what they dish out.
It's the guys last name, and there is absolutely no intent to be offensive.

It is however offensive of these individuals to make attempts to keep this man from being honored.
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart
People ask for road name changes all the time. We had a concerted effort here to change a road from Diablo because it means "Devil".....but I guess it's only a big deal to you because it's gays, right? And yet it's people like YOU complaining about gays being in the news all the time and "shoving it down our throats"? :lol:

Wull yabut, that's probably the fundies just trying to save us or some such shit as that.
Calling it Frank Bangay Way seems like a better option for his family and the community

Also makes it more likely people would want to live there
What! They should be demanding that the entire family change their name. Just the road isn't good enough.

They should tell the snowflakes to pound sand
Why does posters like Sassy keep trying to shove homosexual "news" down our throats?

Or Breitbart.

They're going all the way to the UK to be offended by people being offended.

It's the guys last name, and there is absolutely no intent to be offensive.

It is however offensive of these individuals to make attempts to keep this man from being honored.

No, that's not his last name.

His name was Frank Bangay.

The sign -

Reminds me of a story from a few years back where a developer was proposing street names like Lexus Court and Mercedes Way

The board was going to rubber stamp the proposal when one of the members asked who these women were in the back of the room wearing heels and shitloads of makeup. Turns out they were dancers from the local titty bar and the roads were being named after strippers not luxury automobiles

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