'Gay gene found, predicts orientation with 70% success'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Scientists find 'gay gene' that can help predict your sexuality

"Scientists say they may have discovered how to predict whether someone is straight or gay.

They found nine parts of a person’s genetic code which may play a role in determining sexual orientation.

The US researchers uncovered the link after comparing the DNA of 47 pairs of male twins, including brothers with different sexual orientation.

By studying molecular data from the nine genome sites, the team was able to guess whether the men were heterosexual or homosexual with 70% accuracy.

Lead researcher Dr Tuck Ngun, of the University of California at Los Angeles, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers.”"

rest at link

Swell. Now in addition to drug testing...
Did they find a gene for psycho/sociopathy yet? Bestiality? Pedophilia? Inflatable plastic?

If they do, should these behaviors be accepted by all, and such acceptance enforced by law, since they will be of equal stature in the genetic code?

Just curious.
Did they find a gene for psycho/sociopathy yet? Bestiality? Pedophilia? Inflatable plastic?

If they do, should these behaviors be accepted by all, and such acceptance enforced by law, since they will be of equal stature in the genetic code?

Just curious.
What does that have to do with gay?
That gene gets passed down, right? So, if being gay is a biological issue & not a mental issue, if more & more "potential gays" become gay couples without children, there won't be any (figuratively speaking) gay eventually in the future? That was very interesting.
That gene gets passed down, right? So, if being gay is a biological issue & not a mental issue, if more & more "potential gays" become gay couples without children, there won't be any (figuratively speaking) gay eventually in the future? That was very interesting.
You fucking moron, it does not necessarily work that way. First of all, Delta is a fucked up fuckwit who doesn't know what in the hell he is talking about. Secondly, there are all sorts of genetic mutations and anomalies that recur, in addition to genetic traits that are recessive or dormant and, therefore, may or may not develop. For these reasons homosexuality is not doomed by natural selection.

Go take a fucking English class, moron, and quit wasting your time on subjects you are clearly too stupid to understand with any meaningful degree of clarity.
Did they find a gene for psycho/sociopathy yet? Bestiality? Pedophilia? Inflatable plastic?

If they do, should these behaviors be accepted by all, and such acceptance enforced by law, since they will be of equal stature in the genetic code?

Just curious.
What does that have to do with gay?
It's a spectrum of sexual deviancy which starts with gay and ends with farm animal snuff films.
Did they find a gene for psycho/sociopathy yet? Bestiality? Pedophilia? Inflatable plastic?

If they do, should these behaviors be accepted by all, and such acceptance enforced by law, since they will be of equal stature in the genetic code?

Just curious.
What does that have to do with gay?

Not a thing. Merely pointing out that not all behavior is acceptable simply because it occurs in nature.

"Not to walk on all fours. Are we not men?"
I've never had any trouble with my English nor my intelligence.

Also, if being gay is genetic, then there could be "less of them" as more & more gays leave no children, no? I said "figuratively speaking".
Well, I can see the day when unborn children are tested for the "gay" gene, and the parents will abort them for being gay.
Scientists find 'gay gene' that can help predict your sexuality

"Scientists say they may have discovered how to predict whether someone is straight or gay.

They found nine parts of a person’s genetic code which may play a role in determining sexual orientation.

The US researchers uncovered the link after comparing the DNA of 47 pairs of male twins, including brothers with different sexual orientation.

By studying molecular data from the nine genome sites, the team was able to guess whether the men were heterosexual or homosexual with 70% accuracy.

Lead researcher Dr Tuck Ngun, of the University of California at Los Angeles, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers.”"

rest at link

Swell. Now in addition to drug testing...
Scientists find 'gay gene' that can help predict your sexuality

"Scientists say they may have discovered how to predict whether someone is straight or gay.

They found nine parts of a person’s genetic code which may play a role in determining sexual orientation.

The US researchers uncovered the link after comparing the DNA of 47 pairs of male twins, including brothers with different sexual orientation.

By studying molecular data from the nine genome sites, the team was able to guess whether the men were heterosexual or homosexual with 70% accuracy.

Lead researcher Dr Tuck Ngun, of the University of California at Los Angeles, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers.”"

rest at link

Swell. Now in addition to drug testing...
Leftists are desperate to make homosexuality natural, a result of unforeseen genetic makeup. It's caused by initial sexual encounters, such as the abuse of a child. To acknowledge this is to admit it's an unplanned deviation from the normal course of development that would produce a heterosexual adult.
There is no fucking gay gene...give me a break. Is there a Bi sexual gene or are they just super horny?
There's No Such Thing as a 'Gay Gene,' Massive Study Concludes | Live Science

The new study, however, included a much larger number of participants, making the results more statistically reliable than those of the previous, smaller studies. In the largest genetic study of sexual orientation to date, scientists studied a group of about 470,000 volunteers in the United Kingdom and the United States who reported on whether they had ever engaged in same-sex sexual behavior. They relied on genetic data from the UK Biobank (a long-term health and genetics study running in the United Kingdom) and 23andMe, as well as responses to surveys asking questions about sexual identity, attraction, fantasies and behavior.

"To give you a sense of the scale of the data, this is approximately 100-times-fold bigger than previous studies on this topic," study lead author Andrea Ganna, a researcher at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Finland, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, told Live Science.

The researchers could not find any one gene linked with same-sex sexual behavior. Five genetic variants did appear significantly linked to sexual orientation, and thousands more also seemed involved to a lesser extent.

In the end, the scientists could not find any genetic patterns that could be used, in any way, to identify a person's sexual orientation. Instead, the predisposition to same-sex sexual behavior appeared influenced by a complex mix of genetic and environmental influences. That's also the case for many other human traits, such as height.

I am not sure if that is good news or bad news. I guess it depends on your agenda, as for me. On this issue, the agenda is apathy. I don’t care. As long as it is consenting adults, I don’t care what you do.
Scientists find 'gay gene' that can help predict your sexuality

"Scientists say they may have discovered how to predict whether someone is straight or gay.

They found nine parts of a person’s genetic code which may play a role in determining sexual orientation.

The US researchers uncovered the link after comparing the DNA of 47 pairs of male twins, including brothers with different sexual orientation.

By studying molecular data from the nine genome sites, the team was able to guess whether the men were heterosexual or homosexual with 70% accuracy.

Lead researcher Dr Tuck Ngun, of the University of California at Los Angeles, said: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers.”"

rest at link

Swell. Now in addition to drug testing...
Leftists are desperate to make homosexuality natural, a result of unforeseen genetic makeup.


Pretty soon the morons will be claiming " the science is settled "

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