Gay Jamaican surprised he couldn't get into Eagle Pass, TX (because of Governor Abbott)


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

I literally LOL when I first read about this... The guy was like: Wow, the guvno weally mean it! WAHH

I guess he's been watching CNN et al and figuring the situation at Shelby Park was all BS?

If so, that's what happens when you imbibe fake, lying, deceptive, hackery "news"

From site, where this "reporter" said this situation (illegal turned back)

"... would be considered a victory for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who returned to Eagle Pass on Sunday afternoon with more than a dozen other GOP governors who have cheered on his extraordinary showdown with President Joe Biden’s administration over immigration enforcement.

a victory?

It looks like a lib wrote this article. :rolleyes:
I don't get it. Just because his own country is opposed to the idea of men violating each other's buttholes, that qualifies him to come to Texas?

America has more than our share of booty bandits already.
America has more than our share of booty bandits already.
That's what I was thinking!

Also thought this:

Maybe he was the one chosen to be interviewed by the always liberal mainstream (lamestream) media BECAUSE of being a fag?

After all, what better way to get the admin behind (or more behind...) screwing up the border...

He's gay! OMG... the poor thing! We have to help him!

Compassion for fags..

OOPS! I mean: for Gays...

I did mean Gay, honestly! :eek:

We don't need no stinkin gay Jamaicans.

If he wants in do it legally
i'm not in favor of ANY



until this mess is straightened out... I'm wondering if Gov Abbott is of the same mind? All those in govt office should be
i'm not in favor of ANY



until this mess is straightened out... I'm wondering if Gov Abbott is of the same mind? All those in govt office should be

Well it's certainly an issue and I doubt democrats are aware

But there's always abortion to fall back on
Dems think abortion will win the day... while ignoring the border

If this doesn't prove liberals are retarded, what does?

All polls say that the Border crisis is #1 issue for voters this election

They must be planning to steal it again... hence the lack of concern?

If this doesn't prove liberals are retarded, what does?

All polls say that the Border crisis is #1 issue for voters this election

They must be planning to steal it again... hence the lack of concern?

In a normal election Biden would be trounced beyond belief. Worse than Reagan vs Carter.

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