Gay man shot in killed in Greenwich village after being approached and accosted with

It's happening in every country where a liberal government intends to impose a new normal on an unwilling public.

In England they're being burned alive.

It's called direct action.
Libs are hoping and praying it's a NASCAR watching white guy with a confederate flag on his pickup truck... but it's NYC... NYPOst doesn't leave out the detail of who the attackers were. Huffpost does leave it out.
Like clockwork:


Political Pundit · 3,982 Fans · “Every human longs for peace and love.

Again our arcane gun laws and our failure to secure an expanded background check brings forth yet another reason this legislation is needed. We need to get guns out of the hands of the irresponsible.
Reply Fave Share 2 minutes ago Flag
threatening violence:


3 Fans
With GAY PRIODE WEEK, coming up...this city better be on standby for a huge retaliation by the GLBT community ...if these perpetrators are not locked down! This city will blow, like when Milk was murdered...only mores this time.
And the G:BT community needs to get serious, banners and signs are not going to intimidate anyone...get with the reality of life.
Reply Fave Share 24 minutes ago Flag
The liberal sissies are actually blaming the NRA for this. How can you be such a fucking retard? Does liberalism kill brain cells or something? How is it possible to be such a fucking moron?
Super User · 394 Fans
A true, ewd-blooded American used his gun to defend American traditions. My congratulations to the NRA.
Reply Fave Share 2 minutes ago Flag
Wow, I thought 'the village' was more progressive than that! Of course there was a gay guy here found in his car with his throat slit after he gave another gay guy AIDS. His folks, prominent business people in town, shut down the business, packed up and disappeared into a big city. You just never really know the whole story.
The more liberal darling groups there are in a small area, the more likely they will come into conflict with each other. Hate to break the news to you libs, but blacks, hipanics and muslims HATE. I mean REALLY FUCKING HATE homosexuals.
The more liberal darling groups there are in a small area, the more likely they will come into conflict with each other. Hate to break the news to you libs, but blacks, hipanics and muslims HATE. I mean REALLY FUCKING HATE homosexuals.

No, they don't.
Wow, I thought 'the village' was more progressive than that! Of course there was a gay guy here found in his car with his throat slit after he gave another gay guy AIDS. His folks, prominent business people in town, shut down the business, packed up and disappeared into a big city. You just never really know the whole story.

Being progressive does not stop people coming in from the outside to cause trouble.
homophobic slurs.

Gay man shot dead in Greenwich Village after gunman shouted homophobic slurs: authorities -

Of course since the perps are also a darling group, this will be about gun control right?

I would have thought you'd be dancing around celebrating. One more gay dead, Steve - I thought you hated gays?

Things are different when he can use the story to support his own cause. He seems to be a repressed homosexual who hates himself because of it, so he strikes out.
Do you guys have anything other than using an allegation of homosexuality as an insult? Seem sthe only people here that hate gays ARE YOU/. Because you think it's an insult.
Wow, I thought 'the village' was more progressive than that! Of course there was a gay guy here found in his car with his throat slit after he gave another gay guy AIDS. His folks, prominent business people in town, shut down the business, packed up and disappeared into a big city. You just never really know the whole story.

Being progressive does not stop people coming in from the outside to cause trouble.
Yes, a city of 8 million couldn't possibly have any homophobes and thus they must be teabaggers imported from somewhere else. Now, that he wasn't teabagger, wasn't even white, and is a NYC city resident, do you feel like the fucking moron you actually are?

Or are you going to live in your fantasy world that the killer was some white guy from texas who was just in NYC to watch Nascar on a bar TV set?

Enjoy your fantasy world of denial. You liberals are really good at it.

Your darling groups FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER.
Can any of you liberal, realityh denying mutants provide me an example of an anti gay hate crime in a major US city recently committed by some white tourist from the south? When gays get beat up in DC, Baltimore, NYC, Chicago, it is ALWAYS by another liberal darling group member. ALWAYS.

When gays get shot by BB g uns in San Francisco, it aint white rednecks from South Carolina. It is muslims. Sorry. But you can pretend it didn't happen if you want. You'll still be a fucking moron.

3 held in alleged anti-gay BB shooting in S.F. - SFGate

Facts hurt, eh libs? Is that why you deny reality so much? aww, look at the darling groups killing each other.
I do hope this isn't a surprise. People can only be pushed so far before they take direct action. Unfortunately, they are pushed by an overbearing government and take direct action against individuals.
It's a tragedy whenever anybody dies from a mindless assault like that.

But, it could have been worse - in some Islamic countries the government itself hang gays from a crane or a light pole, or beheads them.

And I'm not sure those 'slurs' were 'homophobic' so much as they were 'homo-hating'...

Phobic implies fear...

Hating implies despising or revulsion, and wishing ill fortune upon the object of the emotion...

In this case, 'homo-hating' or 'gay-hating' seems more accurate than 'homophobic'...

Just a thought...
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I do hope this isn't a surprise. People can only be pushed so far before they take direct action. Unfortunately, they are pushed by an overbearing government and take direct action against individuals.

This dude is fucking nuts. He went off on a bartender earlier. Too bad ny doesn't have the death penalty.

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