Gay man shot in killed in Greenwich village after being approached and accosted with

What are they going to do? attack hispanics? You think that's okay? I'm not scared because 1, I'm not hispanic, 2, I'm not in NYC.

3, you're into trannies

Grow up boy. i bet youre the type that walks around calling everything GAY like a 16 year old. Go back to playing with your video games and popping zits jr.

You're either not familiar with TrannieSteve's obsession with trannies/homosexuals, or you're too ignorant to realize the irony of your post.

Go pound sand, boy.
3, you're into trannies

Grow up boy. i bet youre the type that walks around calling everything GAY like a 16 year old. Go back to playing with your video games and popping zits jr.

You're either not familiar with TrannieSteve's obsession with trannies/homosexuals, or you're too ignorant to realize the irony of your post.

Go pound sand, boy.

Why are you trying to change the topic from a gay man b eing shot and killed to making it be about me? Is there something about this story you wish to hide?
3, you're into trannies

Grow up boy. i bet youre the type that walks around calling everything GAY like a 16 year old. Go back to playing with your video games and popping zits jr.

You're either not familiar with TrannieSteve's obsession with trannies/homosexuals, or you're too ignorant to realize the irony of your post.

Go pound sand, boy.

Gay man shot in killed... 05-20-2013 05:23 PM J.E.D Pop this, gramps 8===D

Here we have JED getting all upset about Steve attacking gays and now I understand why. You are a homo yourself.

What type of man tells another to suck his dick? Surely not a straight man.

So JED thanks for outing yourself. I was wondering why you are one of the first to condemn Steves posts and now we all know why. Words always hurt the worse when they are true huh JEDhomo

Why can't you ge agequeer? Age is less certain than sex. You only know your age because of what others have told you. Nobody can remember the day they were born. You rely on the word of others unlike sex where all you have to do is look down between your legs

An 18 year old molesting a 14 year old should be illegal in anyone's book.

Howey the paedophile likes 16 month olds!!
He can't see anything wrong with it!
I agree with you though.
This is a clear case of paedophilia.
I hope she learns a lesson in prison.

She will no doubt learn MANY lessons in prison. All of them welcome.

You hope she is jailed for a long ti,e and have her life ruined for a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old? For a 3 yr difference in age?

They do it to men who do that. That's the price of equality. Or do you want special privileges for women and especially lesibians?

You hope she is jailed for a long ti,e and have her life ruined for a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old? For a 3 yr difference in age?

The statute violated prohibited sex with a child under 14. The girl was 14, not 15. A complaint was filed by the girl's parents. Yes prosecute the woman to the full extent of the law. She is a child molester.

You hope she is jailed for a long ti,e and have her life ruined for a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old? For a 3 yr difference in age?

Yes, she is a vile paedophile child rapist, just like howey.
Parole after 30 years would work. Should teach the pervert a little something!!

So, if you had a son -- an 18 yr old son -- and he had a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old girl, you think the appropriate action would be for him to be sentenced to 30 yrs in prison?
Yes, she is a vile paedophile child rapist, just like howey.
Parole after 30 years would work. Should teach the pervert a little something!!

So, if you had a son -- an 18 yr old son -- and he had a consensual relationship with a 15 yr old girl, you think the appropriate action would be for him to be sentenced to 30 yrs in prison?
Yes, the law is the same for all.
I have a 23 year old son, he understood the law and therefore is not a sex offender.

30 years is excessive for what is a minor crime.

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