Gay man shot in killed in Greenwich village after being approached and accosted with

So the victim was black. Does that make the shooter now white hispanic?
The liberal sissies are actually blaming the NRA for this. How can you be such a fucking retard? Does liberalism kill brain cells or something? How is it possible to be such a fucking moron?

Seems like I remember NY having some really stringent gun regulations. Aren't guns outlawed in NY City? Goes to show you that all the gun laws in the world won't protect anyone. Gun laws just disarm the law-abiding citizen.
So the victim was black. Does that make the shooter now white hispanic?

Where I come from, there is a lot of black on black crime. There are a lot of blacks, who don't like gays. Since Huffpo didn't mention the race of the perpetrator, then the shooter probably wasn't an angry white man.
So the victim was black. Does that make the shooter now white hispanic?

Where I come from, there is a lot of black on black crime. There are a lot of blacks, who don't like gays. Since Huffpo didn't mention the race of the perpetrator, then the shooter probably wasn't an angry white man.
The shooter is a hispanic guy named Elliot Morales.
Story has been out for over a day now and huffpo liberals are still praying that a redneck teabagger did it desptie them even knowing the NAME of the shooter. Elliot Morales. How pathetic are liberals?
Unlike you, TrannieSteve, we don't get alerts on our smart phones everytime a gay person is in the news.
Unlike you, TrannieSteve, we don't get alerts on our smart phones everytime a gay person is in the news.

Why did the link to a story that mentions the name of the shooter yet neglect to mention it? Do you wibbies still want to desperately believe some white southern NRA member did the shooting? You can still pwetend you are in fantasy land where you darling group members don't hate and kill each other. Only white guys are bigots and have guns and kill people illegally! on whites!

As liberal ICON Chris Matthews says, racism is when one race, the white race, thinks it should rule all others.

What is it like to be fucking liberal retard? What's it like to live in a fantasy world? Where you avhe to pretend even your darling groups don't fucking hate each other?

Go prance around you fucking sissy. Go prance around until unicorns fart rainbows you liberal mutant retard.
Wow, I thought 'the village' was more progressive than that! Of course there was a gay guy here found in his car with his throat slit after he gave another gay guy AIDS. His folks, prominent business people in town, shut down the business, packed up and disappeared into a big city. You just never really know the whole story.

Being progressive does not stop people coming in from the outside to cause trouble.
Yes, a city of 8 million couldn't possibly have any homophobes and thus they must be teabaggers imported from somewhere else. Now, that he wasn't teabagger, wasn't even white, and is a NYC city resident, do you feel like the fucking moron you actually are?

Or are you going to live in your fantasy world that the killer was some white guy from texas who was just in NYC to watch Nascar on a bar TV set?

Enjoy your fantasy world of denial. You liberals are really good at it.

Your darling groups FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER.

Or maybe the drug deal just went bad.
threatening violence:


3 Fans
With GAY PRIODE WEEK, coming up...this city better be on standby for a huge retaliation by the GLBT community ...if these perpetrators are not locked down! This city will blow, like when Milk was murdered...only mores this time.
And the G:BT community needs to get serious, banners and signs are not going to intimidate anyone...get with the reality of life.
Reply Fave Share 24 minutes ago Flag

You sound scared.
threatening violence:


3 Fans
With GAY PRIODE WEEK, coming up...this city better be on standby for a huge retaliation by the GLBT community ...if these perpetrators are not locked down! This city will blow, like when Milk was murdered...only mores this time.
And the G:BT community needs to get serious, banners and signs are not going to intimidate anyone...get with the reality of life.
Reply Fave Share 24 minutes ago Flag

You sound scared.

What are they going to do? attack hispanics? You think that's okay? I'm not scared because 1, I'm not hispanic, 2, I'm not in NYC.
threatening violence:


3 Fans
With GAY PRIODE WEEK, coming up...this city better be on standby for a huge retaliation by the GLBT community ...if these perpetrators are not locked down! This city will blow, like when Milk was murdered...only mores this time.
And the G:BT community needs to get serious, banners and signs are not going to intimidate anyone...get with the reality of life.
Reply Fave Share 24 minutes ago Flag

You sound scared.

What are they going to do? attack hispanics? You think that's okay? I'm not scared because 1, I'm not hispanic, 2, I'm not in NYC.

3, you're into trannies
Nova, out of your last 20 threads, 7 were homosexual themed and 6 were racially themed.

I'm seeing a pattern here.
Nova, out of your last 20 threads, 7 were homosexual themed and 6 were racially themed.

I'm seeing a pattern here.

I see a pattern also, of the liberal media trying to shove their homo and racial beliefs off on the rest of us thus making it a main stream issue. Even the cartoons have a homo with a rainbow wand running around changing straight people into gays.

So if you dont want to read these threads stay the fuck out of them and save your comments for someone who gives a ratass. Also whine about the liberal media reporting everytime a gay person gets into a argument out to be a hate crime because the lefty loonies are the ones crying and whining about gay rights yet have no problem denying yours to get theirs.
I don't read these threads. I doubt many who post in them do. However I very much enjoy reminding Nova that his obsession with all things homosexual is duly noted:)
Amy: why are you a homophobe? You call people gay like you mean it as an insult

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