Gay marriage do you really care?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Deep down does anyone here really care about the gay marriage issue? I said on another thread if I made a list of my top 100 issues gay marriage would be number 101. If you really care about this either why?
Nobody really cares.

Most of the fags barely want it.

The rest of the Leftytards just rant to create Alinky-type enemies to fire up the base.
Deep down does anyone here really care about the gay marriage issue? I said on another thread if I made a list of my top 100 issues gay marriage would be number 101. If you really care about this either why?

I care whenever fellow humans are denied human rights(.)
Absolutely. Before a change like this is made, the government needs to address how it is going to pay out all the social benefits like Social Security widow(er) and orphan's benefits before they push it throughy. This is a HUGE economic catastrophe waiting to happen. The minute gays can marry then John Q Morman can have 10 wives and they and all his little rug rats will be on Social Security when he over exerts himself with wife number 4 and dies of a heart attacki!
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Personally, I could give a rat's patootie. But I do understand why the idea disturbs so many others. I also totally dislike the blatant disrespect offered by those who would force their views on everyone else, especially when there are viable legal alternatives that would afford the same protections under the law for "same-sex" partnerships. I'd bet that many of those who are demanding that gay and lesbian civil unions be referred to as "marriage" would also be the very first in line to demand that christians remove all vestiges of their religion from public places.
Deep down does anyone here really care about the gay marriage issue? I said on another thread if I made a list of my top 100 issues gay marriage would be number 101. If you really care about this either why?

I care whenever fellow humans are denied human rights(.)

You just want us to like you and condone your behavior, Peach.

That isn't going to happen.
I don't give two shits about any social issue other than to generally object to any policy that makes practically anything more restrictive rather than less.
Absolutely. Before a change like this is made, the government needs to address how it is going to pay out all the social benefits like Social Security widow(er) and orphan's benefits before they push it throughy. This is a HUGE economic catastrophe waiting to happen. The minute gays can marry then John Q Morman can have 10 wives and they and all his little rug rats will be on Social Security when he over exerts himself with wife number 4 and dies of a heart attacki!

i got those poodles lined up, EDIT :thup:
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I happen to care deeply when the language of a national converation refers to other humans as 'unnatural' 'not equal' and 'less than.' This tone does not reflect the freedoms we hold so dearly.
Gay sex is unnatural. If it was natural everybody would be asexual.
Deep down does anyone here really care about the gay marriage issue? I said on another thread if I made a list of my top 100 issues gay marriage would be number 101. If you really care about this either why?


It's a distraction, a sideshow for the Republocrats to pretend there's some earth shattering difference between them. There isn't.
Absolutely. Before a change like this is made, the government needs to address how it is going to pay out all the social benefits like Social Security widow(er) and orphan's benefits before they push it throughy. This is a HUGE economic catastrophe waiting to happen. The minute gays can marry then John Q Morman can have 10 wives and they and all his little rug rats will be on Social Security when he over exerts himself with wife number 4 and dies of a heart attacki!

i got those poodles lined up, cunny :thup:

Are they having gay doggie sex?
I don't care what they do to each other in the privacy of their own home but I don't want to be forced to support their relationship and I don't want my state representatives to tell me that I need to respect a union between two bearded former cell mates.
I don't care what they do to each other in the privacy of their own home but I don't want to be forced to support their relationship and I don't want my state representatives to tell me that I need to respect a union between two bearded former cell mates.

Bubba calling!

Personally, I could give a rat's patootie. But I do understand why the idea disturbs so many others. I also totally dislike the blatant disrespect offered by those who would force their views on everyone else, especially when there are viable legal alternatives that would afford the same protections under the law for "same-sex" partnerships. I'd bet that many of those who are demanding that gay and lesbian civil unions be referred to as "marriage" would also be the very first in line to demand that christians remove all vestiges of their religion from public places.

That is my concern with all this. I think they should be allowed to be legally joined together. Even those getting married in a church need a license and there are the legal as well as religious aspects. Just being allowed to legally be a couple with all the benefits that entails is all anyone should want.

But, this argument also seems to be about the language, which makes no sense. Have the rights, no matter what they are called.

Each state will decide and unless Obama is really going to back up his latest words with actions, which I doubt, then the battle continues.

As far as this issue being a top priority right now, no. People have lost their jobs, their homes and there is little hope on the horizon. That is number one.
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Absolutely. Before a change like this is made, the government needs to address how it is going to pay out all the social benefits like Social Security widow(er) and orphan's benefits before they push it throughy. This is a HUGE economic catastrophe waiting to happen. The minute gays can marry then John Q Morman can have 10 wives and they and all his little rug rats will be on Social Security when he over exerts himself with wife number 4 and dies of a heart attacki!

No, the surviving spouse IS MORE LIKELY to be working and contributing. Again, reference the end of anti miscegenation laws.

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