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Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by mattskramer
LMAO LMAO - You live in a fantasy world don't you?!? I have never read such a patently wrong post. Sheesh. It is even more ludicrous than OCA' s posts. How delusional can yo be? As I have pointed out time after time. There is no sound and logical reason to deny homosexual marriage. Every attempt at making an argument opposing gay marriage has been clearly refuted, primarily by me. Everything from "it is not natural it is abnormal" to "gays molest children" (both arguments being irrelevant) to All that is left is "I don't want it to be allowed".

You have it backwards. there is no logical reason we should accept homosexual marriage any more than we should accept a circular square, a feathered mammal or any other oxymorons. You cant put two words together that contradict and logically expect to find it acceptible to people.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Stumbled onto this while exploring the PBS site. Thought you might find it of interest, OCA:

The extent to which the Greeks engaged in and tolerated homosexual relations is open to some debate. For a long time the subject was taboo and remains controversial even today. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that relationships we would call homosexual, especially between men and youths, played an important role in Ancient Greek society.

Traditionally these relationships involved an older man and a youth and lasted until the youth reached full adulthood. Thereafter this type of relationship was frowned upon because physical love was perceived as always involving one person in a position of submission, something that was unacceptable for a full Greek citizen.

In cities such as Sparta and Thebes, there appeared to be a particularly strong emphasis on relationships between men and youths, and it was considered an important part of their education. On the night of their wedding, Spartan wives were expected to lie in a dark room and dress as a man - presumably to help their husbands make the transition from homosexual to heterosexual love. While in Thebes, the general Epaminondas commanded a regiment composed of 150 pairs of lovers. This 'Band of Lovers' became a formidable fighting force, with lover defending lover until death.


Before Christ, before a sense of right and wrong, before logic and before science proved our biologic sense to mate with the opposite sex. Back then it was any port in a storm. Nice try.
Originally posted by OCA
Before Christ, before a sense of right and wrong, before logic and before science proved our biologic sense to mate with the opposite sex. Back then it was any port in a storm. Nice try.

Today, Christ is ignored, right and wrong are a matter of "interpretation", logic is a matter of what you "feel", and science is something the government dictates.

It is AGAIN any port in a storm.

This hypes me up, because ladies and gentelmen:

Justice is about to be served.

Guys, guys just let the sicko leftists on this board make their innane arguments for perversion because people will come on this board and read their arguments and to be honest they are doing more for our side then we ever could. Its a simple matter of right vs wrong. Homosexuality is wrong, there is no evidence available to defeat that premise so let them go they will eventually hang theirselves with their own rope.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Today, Christ is ignored, right and wrong are a matter of "interpretation", logic is a matter of what you "feel", and science is something the government dictates.

It is AGAIN any port in a storm.

This hypes me up, because ladies and gentelmen:

Justice is about to be served.


Yep we've really come full circle, haven't we? I'm thinking Soddom(sp?) and Gommorah, whadda ya think brother?
Originally posted by OCA
Guys, guys just let the sicko leftists on this board make their innane arguments for perversion because people will come on this board and read their arguments and to be honest they are doing more for our side then we ever could. Its a simple matter of right vs wrong. Homosexuality is wrong, there is no evidence available to defeat that premise so let them go they will eventually hang theirselves with their own rope.

Actually, your mindless bigotry scares away votes of those who otherwise might vote for bush. I understand your position. I don't agree with it. But you have some points. I can see your reasoning which says since homosexuality is a fruitless union (reproductively speaking) that it fundamentally cannot be a family; that has a certain old timey sense to it. I just feel the party would be served better politically if we chose our battles more wisely.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Guess that means the end of those who judge and damn thier fellow man. Bummer

Dildo when you have something intelligent to add to any thread you let the rest of know, ok?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Actually, your mindless bigotry scares away votes of those who otherwise might vote for bush. I understand your position. I don't agree with it. But you have some points. I can see your reasoning which says since homosexuality is a fruitless union (reproductively speaking) that it fundamentally cannot be a family; that has a certain old timey sense to it. I just feel the party would be served better politically if we chose our battles more wisely.

And I think this is the most important social issue facing this election season. It is a wisely chosen battle. Would you like us to just let the left run ramshod on this issue because you know this is just the tip of their iceberg.
Originally posted by OCA
And I think this is the most important social issue facing this election season. It is a wisely chosen battle. Would you like us to just let the left run ramshod on this issue because you know this is just the tip of their iceberg.

I don't want them to be able to institute their agenda of "socially normalizing" gayness by teaching our children to "really consider the fact that they may be gay" in sex ed at school. I know that. What do you think will be after gay marriage? Gay bowling? That would enable the terrorist to win fer sure!:)
Gay bowling lol! No too many rednecks in the bowling alley, been to one lately?

Nah it will be an overt infiltration of the educational system. Homosexual studies, and believe me there will be nothing negative about homos taught, will become as common as algebra.
Sex ed is getting all debased anyway. When they start teaching about technique of sexual acts it's gone too far. Maybe there shouldn't be sex ed in schools at all. Whay say you guys?
Originally posted by dilloduck
What do you suggest we do about homosexuality OCA?

Amend each state constitution immediately to reflect the fact that homosexuality is officially recognized as a perverse lifestyle and that marriage is solely defined as being between 1 woman and 1 man. If the states refuse that amend the constitution and institute a federal ban. No more tax dollars spent on homosexual activities also such as use of public venues ie streets for their parades and what not.
Originally posted by OCA
Gay bowling lol! No too many rednecks in the bowling alley, been to one lately?

Nah it will be an overt infiltration of the educational system. Homosexual studies, and believe me there will be nothing negative about homos taught, will become as common as algebra.

See, I'm just worried that the gays will side with the jews, against the white man. Then we'll be screwed!:D
Originally posted by dilloduck
What should be done about homosexuals in America OCA? Surely you have an answer for this.

Theres your answer just above fuckwad. Lol you are an absolute joke on this board, you are aware of that right?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Taking away thier rights-----slippery slope, dude

Rethink that and then reread every gay thread on this board. They have every right that you and I are born with, this is unarguable. You are taking nothing away from them. They can have all the gay sex they want, no marriage.
Why can't they be happy with a civil union which carries the same rights under law? Why? Why? All this over a godblessed word?
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