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Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
Fuck you, that psychobabble leftist bullshit don't work on me. I'm not a gay basher but apparently tone of the only people on the board with a sense of decency left. You'll understand when you grow up. I'll outwork you on any given day or time of the year in the picking up women arena, thats a fact.

Sorry old son, but nycflasher is correct. In study after study, the most virulent homophobes have been show to be repressed homosexuals. It isn't "psychobabble leftist bullshit", it's been verified, repeatedly. Many of your statements reflect the pattern of such repressed individuals to a tee. And given the way Big D talks in the same vein, one can't help but wonder if he isn't a such an individual also.
Originally posted by OCA
I'll outwork you on any given day or time of the year in the picking up women arena, thats a fact.

OMG, lol.
Spoken like someone who really has something to prove. Is that why you're asking what people think about polygamy? You big stud...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Everytime..everytime you bring up those sick fucks. Pedophilia, as espoused by NAMBLA is gross sexual imposition on a minor...it is rape...it is not a consensual act between two adults...It has nothing to do with a loving relationship between two adults...It is a canard thrown up by you, and other sick assholes like you, to arouse the baseless fears of others.

Now, Dungboy...You are dismissed.
What I find most interesting is the fact that although homosexuals are a very small minority, they are the ONLY group of people in the history of the world that have EVER organized together to form a group who's only hope is to be able to change the laws so that they are able to legally have sex with children.

And you never hear about homosexuals fighting groups like NAMBLA.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Sorry old son, but nycflasher is correct. In study after study, the most virulent homophobes have been show to be repressed homosexuals. It isn't "psychobabble leftist bullshit", it's been verified, repeatedly. Many of your statements reflect the pattern of such repressed individuals to a tee. And given the way Big D talks in the same vein, one can't help but wonder if he isn't a such an individual also.

That's funny, I know a gay man who says the exact same thing :D Seriously.
"since no sane person will tell you that homosexuality is the right road to go down...".

I think that the only bit of proof that would satisfy you would be a medical records of a homosexual declaring that the patient is sane. But wait. You may then conclude that the doctor was insane in making such a determination. Okay. Technically, I don't have the proof that at least 1 sane person would tell you that, at least for him, homosexuality is the right road for him to go down. I doubt that anyone would allow me access to his medical records. Even if I did have some, you would simply dismiss their validity and discount the doctor. Yet, I am quite confident that, with the many people that exist, at least one same person holds such a view. Heck. I don't have proof that you are sane.

Ah...But wait. You originally made the claim. Therefore it is your responsibility to prove it. I doubt that you can unless you get medical assessments from each and every individual that makes the claim that "homosexuality is the right road to go down". Until you provide such a proof, you have not backed up all of your flames - something that you claim that you do. Surrender your medal.


The importance of issues is subjective but OCA was wrong when he said that I don't take stands and that I'm afraid of hurting people's feelings. I am against "hate crimes" legislation. I am against government subsidy. I am against bans on gay marriage. I support the repeal of laws against marijuana usage, prostitution, and other crimes - even if such positions hurt other people's feelings - Sorry Pat Robertson. OCA is blatantly wrong in his claim that I don't take a stand because I am supposedly afraid of hurting people's feelings. Did I hurt the feelings of anyone on this board? If so, I don't care.

Again, he should surrender his medal.
Originally posted by Big D
What I find most interesting is the fact that although homosexuals are a very small minority, they are the ONLY group of people in the history of the world that have EVER organized together to form a group who's only hope is to be able to change the laws so that they are able to legally have sex with children.

And you never hear about homosexuals fighting groups like NAMBLA.

I've yet to meet a gay man who anything but loathing for that bunch of sick fucks. You're dismissed Dungboy.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I've yet to meet a gay man who anything but loathing for that bunch of sick fucks. You're dismissed Dungboy.
Really? You mean homosexuals just don't come out and admit that they are child molesters and proud of it? I'm so shocked!

Pedophiles have made some headway in politics as well as the world of sexology. NAMBLA is a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association, which has called on members "to treat all sexual minorities with respect," including pedophiles. Though a great many lesbians and gays detest NAMBLA, the group has been allowed to march in gay parades in New York and San Francisco under its own banner.
Originally posted by Big D
What I find most interesting is the fact that although homosexuals are a very small minority, they are the ONLY group of people in the history of the world that have EVER organized together to form a group who's only hope is to be able to change the laws so that they are able to legally have sex with children.

And you never hear about homosexuals fighting groups like NAMBLA.

As a family organization, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. (PFLAG) strongly condemns the sexual exploitation of children by any individual, group, or organization, in any form and under any circumstance.

Although the majority of sexual abusers of children are heterosexual men, and the majority of victims are young girls, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile organization whose sole purpose is to facilitate sex between adult men and young boys. PFLAG, therefore, repudiates NAMBLA and its aims.

PFLAG opposes the inclusion of NAMBLA in any umbrella organization, coalition, event, or activity that is associated with the gay, lesbian, bisexual communities or their families and friends.


The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation deplores North American Man Boy Love Association's (NAMBLA) goals, which include advocacy for sex between adult men and boys and the removal of legal protections for children. These goals constitute a form of child abuse and are repugnant to GLAAD.

Stumbled onto this while exploring the PBS site. Thought you might find it of interest, OCA:

The extent to which the Greeks engaged in and tolerated homosexual relations is open to some debate. For a long time the subject was taboo and remains controversial even today. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that relationships we would call homosexual, especially between men and youths, played an important role in Ancient Greek society.

Traditionally these relationships involved an older man and a youth and lasted until the youth reached full adulthood. Thereafter this type of relationship was frowned upon because physical love was perceived as always involving one person in a position of submission, something that was unacceptable for a full Greek citizen.

In cities such as Sparta and Thebes, there appeared to be a particularly strong emphasis on relationships between men and youths, and it was considered an important part of their education. On the night of their wedding, Spartan wives were expected to lie in a dark room and dress as a man - presumably to help their husbands make the transition from homosexual to heterosexual love. While in Thebes, the general Epaminondas commanded a regiment composed of 150 pairs of lovers. This 'Band of Lovers' became a formidable fighting force, with lover defending lover until death.

And just what in the hell is the relavance between the alledged bean pack'n greeks and queers of today wanting to marry?

For as long as this thread has gone on, we have found out who is for queer marriage and who isn't. But largely, those who feel they should be allowed to marry's arguement has been weak and disoriented. On the other hand there is us who are against queer marriage, and our arguement has been one of facts and long time standing well established thought and reasoning that coincides with nature and God.

Those for gay marriage have lost this arguement here in a pathetic display of liberalism. Anyone wanting to get a feel for what the left is all about could do so reading all the liberal crap here in this thread.

If I was you liberals here ranting that queer marriage is wonderful and should be allowed, I'd give it up before you damage your integrity beyond the point of where no one is going to ever care what you say again, and you're very close to that now.
Originally posted by mattskramer
As a family organization, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. (PFLAG) strongly condemns the sexual exploitation of children by any individual, group, or organization, in any form and under any circumstance.

Although the majority of sexual abusers of children are heterosexual men, and the majority of victims are young girls, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile organization whose sole purpose is to facilitate sex between adult men and young boys. PFLAG, therefore, repudiates NAMBLA and its aims.

PFLAG opposes the inclusion of NAMBLA in any umbrella organization, coalition, event, or activity that is associated with the gay, lesbian, bisexual communities or their families and friends.


The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation deplores North American Man Boy Love Association's (NAMBLA) goals, which include advocacy for sex between adult men and boys and the removal of legal protections for children. These goals constitute a form of child abuse and are repugnant to GLAAD.


A Trojan Horse.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
And just what in the hell is the relavance between the alledged bean pack'n greeks and queers of today wanting to marry?

For as long as this thread has gone on, we have found out who is for queer marriage and who isn't. But largely, those who feel they should be allowed to marry's arguement has been weak and disoriented. On the other hand there is us who are against queer marriage, and our arguement has been one of facts and long time standing well established thought and reasoning that coincides with nature and God.

Those for gay marriage have lost this arguement here in a pathetic display of liberalism. Anyone wanting to get a feel for what the left is all about could do so reading all the liberal crap here in this thread.

If I was you liberals here ranting that queer marriage is wonderful and should be allowed, I'd give it up before you damage your integrity beyond the point of where no one is going to ever care what you say again, and you're very close to that now.

LMAO LMAO - You live in a fantasy world don't you?!? I have never read such a patently wrong post. Sheesh. It is even more ludicrous than OCA' s posts. How delusional can yo be? As I have pointed out time after time. There is no sound and logical reason to deny homosexual marriage. Every attempt at making an argument opposing gay marriage has been clearly refuted, primarily by me. Everything from "it is not natural it is abnormal" to "gays molest children" (both arguments being irrelevant) to All that is left is "I don't want it to be allowed".
I'm sorry matts, but this is all I can picture when I read your dribble. What you have to say about anything has lost all credibility with me.

Here's your picture........

Originally posted by Pale Rider
I'm sorry matts, but this is all I can picture when I read your dribble. What you have to say about anything has lost all credibility with me.

Here's your picture........


Oh now juvenile. Please don't reply with "I know you are but what am I".
I would like to invite all those that feel that homosexual marriage is an abomination to sign our petition at link is removed. i have. Together, we might be able to win this thing and get our country back. If you do sign it, make sure you e-mail it to all your friends/family too.
Originally posted by mattskramer
LMAO LMAO - You live in a fantasy world don't you?!? I have never read such a patently wrong post. Sheesh. It is even more ludicrous than OCA' s posts. How delusional can yo be? As I have pointed out time after time. There is no sound and logical reason to deny homosexual marriage. Every attempt at making an argument opposing gay marriage has been clearly refuted, primarily by me. Everything from "it is not natural it is abnormal" to "gays molest children" (both arguments being irrelevant) to All that is left is "I don't want it to be allowed".

You may call my argument against gay marriage one of semantics if you wish, but I'll bring it up again. For most christians the idea that a gay couple can be married is a real head scratcher. God says marriage is between man and woman. Marriage is a religously derived term, therefore HOW IS IT BIOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE FOR A GAY COUPLE TO BE MARRIED? Answer: it isn't.

Someone brought that marriage is defined by states. It may have been you, matt. I can't remeber. Here is where the gov't made a mistake. The gov't chose to use the word marriage to define a couple not for the sake of the institution, but more likely for tax purposes and record keeping. When you go to the court house you get a "marriage" license, simply because that is the word the gov't adopted to describe the union of a man and woman in legal terms. At the time that probably seemed okay because a hundred years ago, or whenever the gov't adopted the term, homosexuality wasn't a part of society(publickly anyway). Realy a hundred years ago who could imngine that a man could be romantic with another man much less get married to one?

the point is the gov't does not define marriage. They only recognize it as union between a couple. Marriage is a completely, religously derived term. Coming from a religion that opposes homosexuality.

My solution is simple. If you want to be married, get it done in a church. As far as the gov't goes, fill out a union license or whatever you want to call it, for gay and hetero couples.


the gov't recognize various configurations as legal for tax purposes and such. i.e. hetero, gay, polygamy, etc.
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