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Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
Couldn't be farther from the truth if you had set out to do that. That is a typical response from the left, didn't figure you for a lib but i've been known to be wrong a time or two.

Is this the "attack the messanger tactic" that you hate so much?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Is this the "attack the messanger tactic" that you hate so much?

Yep, usually I attack the messenger after i've ripped apart what he's said with fact and backup. Apparently you subscribe to the liberal view of that tactic. You gotta fucking problem with that?
You got anything substantial to add to this discussion?
Originally posted by OCA
Its a disorder same with homosexuality, treatable and controllable. If you are a manic depressive and you commit a crime in your manic state are you not exhibiting wrong behavior? We treat those people why not treat homosexuals for their exhibition of wrong behavior? Listen nobody screwed with gays until they decided to push a political agenda, thats all the opposition is, opposition to their political agenda based on their personal choices and behavior.

Practically everyone has a political agenda based on behavior they want to do or based on behavior they don't want allowed. Women wanted the right to vote. They had a political agenda. Blacks had an agenda. They wanted to be seen as fully human in the eyes of the law. Pro-gun groups have an agenda. They want less restrictive gun laws. Practically everyone interested in government policy and behavior has an agenda.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Well homosexual sex is still wrong and denotes a mental disorder

Not according to the APA. Only according to you and a set of discriminatory and repressive individuals who think with their hearts instead of with their heads.

I'm opposed to the political agenda of homosexuals based upon their behavior.

I'm opposed to your political agenda based on your opposition to homosexual marriage. I'm opposed to the political agenda of those who wish to severely limit the individual freedoms of others (including the freedom to marry whatever consenting adult they wish to marry regardless of the person's gender).

Oh yeah, somewhere else in this thread is some info concerning extreme political pressure upon the APA by the homosexual leadership concerning their declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder and their shouting down of anybody who dares challenge that.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Is this the "attack the messanger tactic" that you hate so much?

You will often find Ad Hominem attacks. I find that he often falls to logical fallacies, but he might be improving.
Logical fallacies? Uh no. Concise an accurate truths and portrayals? Uh yes.

I use both that and attacks with equal success. Your attempts to discredit me have been tried many times in the past and have fallen to an untimely death upon pointy and sharp rocks. If you would like to get into that sort of battle with me, just let me know but i've never been defeated yet and i'm sizing you up as not even cracking the top 10. Its your decision on which way you want to go, civilized or flamefest.
Originally posted by OCA
Oh yeah, somewhere else in this thread is some info concerning extreme political pressure upon the APA by the homosexual leadership concerning their declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder and their shouting down of anybody who dares challenge that.

There is also pressure by anti-gay groups calling on the APA to classify homosexuality as a severe disorder in need of treatment. Assuming that they are being "shouted down", if their points were sound and legit, it stands to reason that more people would support their position. Then they would be in a position to "shout down" the opposition. Even 1 voice can he heard in a noisy room if one of the listeners is close enough and if the speaker's point is sound.
Originally posted by OCA
Logical fallacies? Uh no. Concise an accurate truths and portrayals? Uh yes.

I use both that and attacks with equal success. Your attempts to discredit me have been tried many times in the past and have fallen to an untimely death upon pointy and sharp rocks. If you would like to get into that sort of battle with me, just let me know but i've never been defeated yet and i'm sizing you up as not even cracking the top 10. Its your decision on which way you want to go, civilized or flamefest.


You have been soundly defeated by me time and time again. You just keep dreaming. I'm sizing you up as net even cracking the top 5 when it comes to logical debate but you keep on with your delusion of debate grandeur. LOL.


This should shut you up with your delusional "never defeated". Do you remember when you said ".. since no sane person will tell you that homosexuality is the right road to go down...".

It is obvious that at least 1 sane person would tell you that, at least for him, homosexuality is the right road for him to go down.

<<<<<-------- Look at it. Open your eyes and look at it.
Originally posted by mattskramer

You have been soundly defeated my me time and time again. You just keep dreaming. I'm sizing you up as net even cracking the top 5 when it comes to logical debate but you keep on with your delusion of debate grandeur. LOL.

Lets see Matts you have the distinct honor of being in a select group of people who have been booted off in their very first night, you then cried about it and were reinstated after being told how pompous, arrogant and condescending you are and then you now continue on with the same behavior in the face of all evidence and reality.

Your claim of soundly defeating me time and time again reveals a serious inability to deal with or recognize reality. You can't defeat me on this issue, you can only undermine America a little more, is that victory to you? You are also a supporter of polygamy as if having 5 wives is conducive to a stable family, and we are supposed to take you seriously and not regard you as an absolute joke when you post such ridiculous stuff?

Listen Matts you are an admitted moral relativist, a fence sitter, a moderate in other words a spineless jellyfish. You are unable or afraid to make a stand on anything out of fear you may hurt someones feelings despite all this crap about individual rights and civil liberties, you just don't have the intestinal fortitude.

One day Matts you will get to my level, it will just take time. Remember this, I was nice to you in this post, consider yourself lucky as you in no way can win a flame war with me, ask around. At this point i'm going to be nice and refrain from slamming you, you owe me.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Is this the "attack the messanger" tactic that you hate so much?

Maybe I'm no the only one who has OCA pegged as a liberal-bashing bigot...
Oh please. You really are grasping. I got booting for breaking the rules.

There have been families with multiple partners. They have been as stable as any dual-partner family.

As I said before, I have specific positions on specific issues. To that extent, I am not a fence sitter. Nor am I a spineless jellyfish.

You are unable or afraid to make a stand on anything out of fear you may hurt someones feelings...

I have taken a stand. I oppose theft. I oppose rape. I also oppose bans on gay marriage. I am not afraid of offending people or hurting their feelings. Have I offended you yet? Have I hurt your feelings? I don't care. I probably hurt the feelings of many people opposed to homosexual marriage BANG As I so often defeat many of your statements, I just defeated your above claim about my fear of hurting people's feelings.

This is too easy. I await your next blunder.
Originally posted by OCA
Remember you have to have credibility for stuff to stick:rolleyes:

And I'll let others decide for themselves how much credibility I have.

Okay, you can get back to bashing homosexuals now since THEY are still after you...

OCA, run! Hide! The homos are coming!!!!!!!!
Well hard to defeat the reality challenged, you have defeated nor contradicted nothing. If you are an all star answer this and just so you know, I don't know is not a valid answer either you can or you can't and if you can't then conventional wisdom will be assumed to be correct.

Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexual is a genetic, biologic etc. etc. condition determined at birth and is not a choice.

Notice I left out the normal and natural part as we all know you have the most ridiculous and innane arguments for that.

Until you can answer this question definitively my position and conventional wisdom on lifestyle choice undeserving of special rights because it is not a minority equal to race etc. will be assumed to be correct.

Also name one polygamist family that was stable, wait how about David Koresh? LMAO! The very nature of polygamy is unstable.

This ought to be good for a laugh or two.
Originally posted by nycflasher
And I'll let others decide for themselves how much credibility I have.

Okay, you can get back to bashing homosexuals now since THEY are still after you...

OCA, run! Hide! The homos are coming!!!!!!!!

Yep, exactly. Not even sure why i'm responding to you. You are insignificant. You love gays, you are going to vote for socialism. what else do we need to know? Oh yes the split .....................
Originally posted by OCA
Yep, usually I attack the messenger after i've ripped apart what he's said with fact and backup. Apparently you subscribe to the liberal view of that tactic. You gotta fucking problem with that?
You got anything substantial to add to this discussion?

you flatter yourself ! A hypocrite is hardly worth the challenge. You expect others to listen to you and YOU don't even listen to you! You've been offficially SMOKED. Please bring on the insults--It's funny when you have to resort to that.
Originally posted by dilloduck
you flatter yourself ! A hypocrite is hardly worth the challenge. You expect others to listen to you and YOU don't even listen to you! You've been offficially SMOKED. Please bring on the insults--It's funny when you have to resort to that.

I love it when people who had no bearing on the discussion intelligently or otherwise jump in and especially on the losing side. Dillo do you suck dicks down there in the lone star state? Also why do you have an avatar of somebody who was nothing more than a washed up junkie?

"you expect others to listen to you and YOU don't even listen to you" Uh yeah ok........ um you have been reading this thread, right? I'm right the rest of you are wrong now move on and deal with it.
In case the rest of you want to try and discredit me as simply being a flamer, go right ahead and give it a whirl. No doubt I do some flaming and man i'm fucking good at it and its fun but I invite anyone to review my 2200 some odd posts and you will find I back every single fucking flame up. I think the mods and admin., well not think I know for a fact they would back that statement. Anymore newbies wanna challenge me?
Originally posted by OCA
Yep, exactly. Not even sure why i'm responding to you. You are insignificant. You love gays, you are going to vote for socialism. what else do we need to know? Oh yes the split .....................

I love people, OCA. Unlike you, I don't think I am better than anyone else.

Socialism? There you go pulling more poopy out of your ass...:D
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