Gay marriage

Should gays be able to get marries?

  • Yes, gays can marry

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • No, gays cannot marry

    Votes: 28 62.2%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by musicman
For what it's worth, in my personal experience, I have never known a homosexual whom I would consider happy or well-adjusted. They are raging alcoholics, insanely jealous, neurotically manipulative, relentlessly self-absorbed, and suicidal (one lesbian acquaintence of mine recently took that route). All I've seen are miserable people and ruined lives.

I've known engineers, teachers, and social activists, all well adjusted people who contribut to society.

You do relize that they are people too, and people have problems sometimes, that do not have anything to do with their sexuality.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Well... sorry.... but it's a commonly known fact that the psychiatric community "CAVED" in the face of insurmountable and relentless preasure from the fag community to get them to say that. So, at this point, it doesn't matter what "they" say. It has lost it's clout. Fact is, fagness IS a MENTAL DISORDER.

Looks to me as you have more significant issues to deal with than any of gays or lesbians I am acquainted with. It's a well known fact that the most virulent homophobes are suffering from the worst cases of repressed homosexuality.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Looks to me as you have more significant issues to deal with than any of gays or lesbians I am acquainted with. It's a well known fact that the most virulent homophobes are suffering from the worst cases of repressed homosexuality.

PSYCHOBABBLE BULLSHIT! So what repressed feelings are Bushophobes dealing with?
Ok so since there seems to be some misunderstanding of the definition of words here is a list taken from my webster's dictionary that sits on my desk. Not as a paper weight but as an instrument of refrence.

1.Marriage - The state of being married;wedlock;the act of marrying or the ceremony entered into by a MAN and WOMAN so as to live together as husband and wife.

2. Mate - A spouse; something match-ed joined or paired with another.

3. Natural - produced or exsisting by nature; not artificial.

4. Purpose - a desired goal; an intention; the use for which something is intended.

5. Ethic - the system of moral values; the principal of right or good conduct.

6. Moral - of or pertaining to conduct or character from the point of right and wrong; teaching a conception of right behaviour.

7. Gay - merry; happy and carefree; brightly ornamental or colorful; homosexual.
Read it and weep fence boy...

I don't weep when/if I am proven wrong. is an interesting web site with much information. I have never seen such research before. I will examine it more closely with logic and reason. I will consider the source. I will also see if there is any information that may refute or discredit the information you provided. Anyway, unlike several people, I will readily admit to any and all specific errors and mistakes that I make no matter how insignificant the comments may be.
But, again - doesn't that [two men or two women, in and of themselves can't reproduce] tell you something?

Uh...Yeah...It tells me that "two men or two women, in and of themselves can't reproduce."

And, in a representative government, shouldn't the will of the majority count for SOMETHING?

Yes, My point was merely that a popular view is not necessarily a correct view.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Nothing repressed about them...He's a lying. chicken-hawk, AWOL, asshole.

Face it Bully, you are afraid of conservatives, we stand for everything upstanding and decent and you stand for every crackpot theory going around, got that bedpan boy?
Originally posted by OCA
Face it Bully, you are afraid of conservatives, we stand for everything upstanding and decent and you stand for every crackpot theory going around, got that bedpan boy?

What's to fear from a bunch of frightened, parochial, paranoid xenophobes?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
What's to fear from a bunch of frightened, parochial, paranoid xenophobes?

Oh I don't know, I guess i'm catching a little fear from you from the lies and propoganda you like to spread.

What are you gonna do with Bush's next term Bully? One could hope that you'd put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe, nah thats utopia :D
Originally posted by OCA
Oh I don't know, I guess i'm catching a little fear from you from the lies and propoganda you like to spread.

What are you gonna do with Bush's next term Bully? One could hope that you'd put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe, nah thats utopia :D

If he does, we're all screwed. That you'd actually wish that another human being would kill himself shows what a pig you really are.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
If he does, we're all screwed. That you'd actually wish that another human being would kill himself shows what a pig you really are.

Hehe you're gonna have to be a little tougher than that Bully, that shit about human being and death don't phase me 1 bit. Certainly after all the vile shit you've said towards the President, and I bet if I did some research I could find where you wished death, you'd think you'd grow thick skin, but I guess you truely are the little pacifist pussy I really think you are. Dismissed.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
If he does, we're all screwed. That you'd actually wish that another human being would kill himself shows what a pig you really are.

Well you just take a moment and pray to God for OCA then. We are all aware of your deep faith in God.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Well you just take a moment and pray to God for OCA then. We are all aware of your deep faith in God.

What the fuck is he gonna do? Light some incense, bang a gong and howl at the moon? That shit is only good for the incense maker and the guy who sold them the gong. Fucking Buddhists! Next thing you know when Bully tires of this religion he'll become a fucking dot head and put one of those cows in his backyard and howl at the moon.
Originally posted by mattskramer
But, again - doesn't that [two men or two women, in and of themselves can't reproduce] tell you something?

Uh...Yeah...It tells me that "two men or two women, in and of themselves can't reproduce."

And, in a representative government, shouldn't the will of the majority count for SOMETHING?

Yes, My point was merely that a popular view is not necessarily a correct view.

As to the first part of your post, I think you're being deliberately opaque. I was referring, as you well know, to your use (and non-use) of the term "mate". Marriage pertains to mating - always has. Since "two men or two women, in and of themselves, can't reproduce", to confer marriage status on whatever it is homosexuals do is a perversion.

As for the second part, my point is that neither is the popular view necessarily the WRONG one, requiring the circumvention of majority will by our moral and intellectual "betters" in the legislature and judiciary.
As to the first part of your post, I think you're being deliberately opaque. I was referring, as you well know, to your use (and non-use) of the term "mate". Marriage pertains to mating - always has. Since "two men or two women, in and of themselves, can't reproduce", to confer marriage status on whatever it is homosexuals do is a perversion.

What of heterosexual couples who are infertile/sterile or who choose not to have children. Outlaw marriage for them? What of heterosexual couples who enjoy oral or anal sex more than they enjoy vaginal sex? Are we to deny marriage to them? As I explained before, the fact that homosexual couples can't produce children (without help from a sperm bank or surrogate mother) is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they should be allowed marriage.
Originally posted by mattskramer
As to the first part of your post, I think you're being deliberately opaque. I was referring, as you well know, to your use (and non-use) of the term "mate". Marriage pertains to mating - always has. Since "two men or two women, in and of themselves, can't reproduce", to confer marriage status on whatever it is homosexuals do is a perversion.

What of heterosexual couples who are infertile/sterile or who choose not to have children. Outlaw marriage for them? What of heterosexual couples who enjoy oral or anal sex more than they enjoy vaginal sex? Are we to deny marriage to them? As I explained before, the fact that homosexual couples can't produce children (without help from a sperm bank or surrogate mother) is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they should be allowed marriage.

You're missing my point......still. Marriage has always pertained to mating, regardless of the preferences or limitations of the parties involved. The appropriate equipment is essential, or it's not marriage.
Originally posted by OCA
What the fuck is he gonna do? Light some incense, bang a gong and howl at the moon? That shit is only good for the incense maker and the guy who sold them the gong. Fucking Buddhists! Next thing you know when Bully tires of this religion he'll become a fucking dot head and put one of those cows in his backyard and howl at the moon.

But you see OCA, he HAS to be a CHRISTIAN. Only Christians believe in God, and therefore also the devil. He has a picture of President Bush with 666 on his forehead. If he's NOT a Christian, then the picture, one would think, has absolutely NO MEANING to him. But he has it. That can only mean one thing, he's a closet Christian, and chooses to continue hiding the fact.
Marriage has always pertained to mating, regardless of the preferences or limitations of the parties involved. The appropriate equipment is essential, or it's not marriage.

No, it has not. At least not for everybody. The appropriate equipment is essential? What would that equipment be - functioning sex organs? What if they don't work - is it a marriage then? How about love and commitment as essential equipment?
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