Gay on trial for not disclosing he was HIV positive, and not paying his victim

AIDS BRIGADE! AIDS BRIGADE! We need to tolerate such things!!!!!
Dunno how Canadian law works, but from an American perspective there are laws in some states that address this very thing. Though more broadly, it's kinda tricky. Many things besides HIV are transmittable. But where do you draw the legal line as to what must be disclosed or not? And on what grounds? Manners would suggest anything and everything potentially transmittable should be disclosed. But how do you write manners into a law? What about non-sexually transmittable things like flus? If you have a potentially life-threatening flu, are you legally obliged to refrain from all close interpersonal contact? That's the legal issue.
If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.
If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.
Thats not the way the homosexual brain works
If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.
Thats not the way the homosexual brain works

No, its the brain of a selfish person who doesn't care about the health of others. The majority of gay men are good people.
If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.
Thats not the way the homosexual brain works

Or the heterosexual brain works of a loser.

There are so many homo and hetero losers out there about not making full disclosure, and most of them are men. Shameful.
Dunno how Canadian law works, but from an American perspective there are laws in some states that address this very thing. Though more broadly, it's kinda tricky. Many things besides HIV are transmittable. But where do you draw the legal line as to what must be disclosed or not? And on what grounds? Manners would suggest anything and everything potentially transmittable should be disclosed. But how do you write manners into a law? What about non-sexually transmittable things like flus? If you have a potentially life-threatening flu, are you legally obliged to refrain from all close interpersonal contact? That's the legal issue.

A Flu is not nearly as Lethal as HIV, The Flu Viruses are airborne - HIV is not.

HIV requires an exchange of Body Fluids - a deliberate act , when knowingly perpetrated on an unknowing victim it is a criminal act
If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.
Thats not the way the homosexual brain works

No, its the brain of a selfish person who doesn't care about the health of others. The majority of gay men are good people.

Possibly they are Good Men, but they are also mentally deranged and sexually perverted.

In a large number of Gay Men "getting their Rocks Off" is the numero uno driving force behind their pathetic existence, as a matter of fact in some Gay Men they actually seek out the Virus in hopes of becoming infected - so they can "share the wealth" they are know as "Bug-Chasers" and "Gift-Givers"

Sick Little Bastards those Queers
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Thats not the way the homosexual brain works

No, its the brain of a selfish person who doesn't care about the health of others. The majority of gay men are good people.

Possibly they are Good Men, but they are also mentally deranged and sexually perverted.

In a large number of Gay Men "getting their Rocks Off" is the numero uno driving force behind their pathetic existence, as a matter of fact in some Gay Men they actually seek out the Virus in hopes of becoming infected - so they can "share the wealth" they are know as "Bug-Chasers" and "Gift-Givers"

Sick Little Bastards those Queers
GreenBean, venture out of the closet much?
No, its the brain of a selfish person who doesn't care about the health of others. The majority of gay men are good people.

Possibly they are Good Men, but they are also mentally deranged and sexually perverted.

In a large number of Gay Men "getting their Rocks Off" is the numero uno driving force behind their pathetic existence, as a matter of fact in some Gay Men they actually seek out the Virus in hopes of becoming infected - so they can "share the wealth" they are know as "Bug-Chasers" and "Gift-Givers"

Sick Little Bastards those Queers
GreenBean, venture out of the closet much?

Ah what have we here ? Looks like a Sick Little Bastard trying to revive a dead thread - what be you Bastard ? A bug Chaser or Just aTroll
Possibly they are Good Men, but they are also mentally deranged and sexually perverted.

In a large number of Gay Men "getting their Rocks Off" is the numero uno driving force behind their pathetic existence, as a matter of fact in some Gay Men they actually seek out the Virus in hopes of becoming infected - so they can "share the wealth" they are know as "Bug-Chasers" and "Gift-Givers"

Sick Little Bastards those Queers
GreenBean, venture out of the closet much?

Ah what have we here ? Looks like a Sick Little Bastard trying to revive a dead thread - what be you Bastard ? A bug Chaser or Just aTroll

Queers are way nicer people than a closeted homophobe like you.
No, its the brain of a selfish person who doesn't care about the health of others. The majority of gay men are good people.

Possibly they are Good Men, but they are also mentally deranged and sexually perverted.

In a large number of Gay Men "getting their Rocks Off" is the numero uno driving force behind their pathetic existence, as a matter of fact in some Gay Men they actually seek out the Virus in hopes of becoming infected - so they can "share the wealth" they are know as "Bug-Chasers" and "Gift-Givers"

Sick Little Bastards those Queers
GreenBean, venture out of the closet much?

Look what Gibson's been doing since he arrived on the 11th of February...

About 150 posts and they are all very directed...

And he seems to not really be a n00b...

Shocker. :rofl:

You haven't heard of Bug Chasers?... Someone @ RollingStone made the mistake of allowing an article to get Published about this Dirty Little Secret in the Gay Community...


AIDS Healthcare Foundation | Chasing the Bug Chasers

It's interesting...

"Cabaj estimated that at least 25% of all newly infected gay men fall into a category that includes bug chasers and those who do nothing to prevent infection. Freeman then extrapolated that 10,000 new infections each year are attributable to bug chasing, as there are 40,000 new infections in the United States annually. What he failed to report, however, was that gay men only make up about 42% of those 40,000, making erroneous the estimate of 10,000 bug chasers."

That 42% number is not correct according to the CDC.

Homosexuals still Dominate the New HIV Cases in the US... Dominate. Followed by Homosexual/IV Drug Users... Followed by IV Drug Users...

The CDC Qualifies most Non-MSM HIV Trasnmissions, specifically the Women, as having Contracted it from Men who also have Sex with Men or are MSM/IV or IV users.

"c "Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection."

32,000 of the 39,000 HIV Infections in 2011 were Directly MSM Related... 30,000 of them were without question, 100% MSM Related.

We are talking about, at best, 5% of the Population that is Spreading 82% of a Fatal Disease in this Country 30 years after Knowing how not to.

Why does the Pro-Gay Left, even Established Organizations, contiue to Lie about the Facts surrounding HIV?


AIDS Healthcare Foundation | Chasing the Bug Chasers

It's interesting...

"Cabaj estimated that at least 25% of all newly infected gay men fall into a category that includes bug chasers and those who do nothing to prevent infection. Freeman then extrapolated that 10,000 new infections each year are attributable to bug chasing, as there are 40,000 new infections in the United States annually. What he failed to report, however, was that gay men only make up about 42% of those 40,000, making erroneous the estimate of 10,000 bug chasers."

That 42% number is not correct according to the CDC.

Homosexuals still Dominate the New HIV Cases in the US... Dominate. Followed by Homosexual/IV Drug Users... Followed by IV Drug Users...

The CDC Qualifies most Non-MSM HIV Trasnmissions, specifically the Women, as having Contracted it from Men who also have Sex with Men or are MSM/IV or IV users.

"c "Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection."

32,000 of the 39,000 HIV Infections in 2011 were Directly MSM Related... 30,000 of them were without question, 100% MSM Related.

We are talking about, at best, 5% of the Population that is Spreading 82% of a Fatal Disease in this Country 30 years after Knowing how not to.

Why does the Pro-Gay Left, even Established Organizations, contiue to Lie about the Facts surrounding HIV?



So like, doesn't it make you happy that so many gays are dying? :dunno:
AIDS Healthcare Foundation | Chasing the Bug Chasers

It's interesting...

"Cabaj estimated that at least 25% of all newly infected gay men fall into a category that includes bug chasers and those who do nothing to prevent infection. Freeman then extrapolated that 10,000 new infections each year are attributable to bug chasing, as there are 40,000 new infections in the United States annually. What he failed to report, however, was that gay men only make up about 42% of those 40,000, making erroneous the estimate of 10,000 bug chasers."

That 42% number is not correct according to the CDC.

Homosexuals still Dominate the New HIV Cases in the US... Dominate. Followed by Homosexual/IV Drug Users... Followed by IV Drug Users...

The CDC Qualifies most Non-MSM HIV Trasnmissions, specifically the Women, as having Contracted it from Men who also have Sex with Men or are MSM/IV or IV users.

"c "Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection."

32,000 of the 39,000 HIV Infections in 2011 were Directly MSM Related... 30,000 of them were without question, 100% MSM Related.

We are talking about, at best, 5% of the Population that is Spreading 82% of a Fatal Disease in this Country 30 years after Knowing how not to.

Why does the Pro-Gay Left, even Established Organizations, contiue to Lie about the Facts surrounding HIV?



So like, doesn't it make you happy that so many gays are dying? :dunno:

Nope... I think it's Tragic that after 30 years and as educated and well off as they are statistically that they can't seem to get how to not get it and stop spreading it.

Their new HIV Rates are Staggering considering how long the First World has known how to not get HIV.

In some Cities the Rate is 50%...

In San Fran it's something like 1 in 4.

It only lends weight to the Concept that there is something Wrong with them Mentally.

What was the Conclusion of the APA when they removed them from the Mental Disorder list in the 70's again?...

Nobody can seem to find that.


If you have HIV, you should disclose this to your sexual partners. If you have ANY kind of STI, disclose it. Or don't have sex.

I'll reach out and agree with Noomi on this. People who know they have AIDs/HIV should make it known to people who are at risk of getting it, too. This means sexual partners, blood donation stuff, and whatever other routes that could practically apply.

If you give someone the virus, it's a death sentence to that person. Basically you've effectively killed them. I'd be pretty upset if someone put HIV-infected blood in my food/drinking water, because now my life's going to end very early.

And no, this shouldn't be about insulting or attacking homosexuals. In my personal opinion homosexuality/homosexual sex is disgusting... BUT, it's not right to be attacking or insulting people over it. You have the right to mock/insult them, but I find it distasteful, much like when it comes to mocking and insulting the religious, unreligious, or any other conceivable group out there.

...except Furries. I have no problem mocking those freaks. :tongue:

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